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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....n, considering the increasing soc......ustainability, the authors newly ......aterial design of rubber vulcani......with outlining the reaction mechanism. Novel charact......e updated, and the unique feature of rubber tires f...... is described. The contents of this book are of interest even ......provides an up-to-date text on r......s is placed on the most modern scientific approaches to rubber science......departing from the usual detailed descriptions of trial-and-error results of traditional ru......d introduction to modern rubber ......s for updating their way of thinking in handling of technological problems
- ContentsIntro Preface to the Second Edition Preface to the First Edition ......1 Introduction to Rubber Science......Rubber and Elastomer 1.1.1 and Matter, Together with Informat......haracteristics of Natural Rubber 1.2.3 Synthetic Natural Rub......Rubber and Elastomer as Amorphou......perature 1.3.3 The Age of Soft Materials and Soft Technology Re...... Basic Science of Rubber 2.1 Che......merization: Synthetic Rubbers 2.1......l Modification of Rubber and Elastomer 2.1.3 In Si......mical Reaction of Rubber 2.2 Che......nd Development of Vulcanization 2.2.2 Organic Accelerator System for Vu...... Cross-Linking Reactions by Peroxides and Others 2.3 P...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This resource covers the entire spectrum of psychology, in......otable people, theories and terms......; applications of psychology in advertising, me...
- Contents...erican Academy of Child and Adol......ied psychology Approach versus avoidan...... Archetype Art therapy Attribution theory Authoritari......sorder (ASD) Autoeroticism Autonomic nervous system Autonomous sensory ...... Bayley scales of infant and toddler developme......ation Behavior therapy Behavioris......lateral cingulotomy Bilingualism......r depth cues Biofeedback Bipolar......nwashing Brazelton, T. Berry Bre......lkins, Mary Whiton Catharsis Cathexis Cattell, Ja......, Kenneth Bancroft Clark, Mamie ......lient-centered therapy Clinical p......ive behavioral therapy Cognitive development Cog...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This book overviews the underlying chemistry behind the most common an......cutting-edge inorganic materials in current use, or approaching use, in vivo
- Contents...on 1.2 General Approach to Metallic Impla.......2.1 Selection of Metals Properties of Major Types of Metallic Impla...... 1.4 Corrosion of Metals In Vitr...... as a Promoter of Corrosion 1.4....... and Formation of Protective Oxi......s 1.4.7 Effect of Temperature an...... Vitro Studies of Implant Degrad.......5.2 Stability of Artificial Bod......y Fluids 1.5.3 The Chemical Feedb......s 1.5.5 Effect of Therapies on the In Vivo Corrosion of Implants 1.5.6 Role of Microorganisms......otein-mediated Mechanisms of Material Degra......l Implications of Corrosion and ......s 1.6.2 Effect of Metallic Wear Debris on Tissu...
- Subject HeadingBiomedical materials Biomedical materials. Chemistry, Inorganic.
National Diet Library
- ContentsWhat is life? A brief historical overview / A. Lazcano Reactions of the HCN-tetramer w......moser On a hypothetical generatio......d constituents of the reductive citr...... C. de Duve On the chemistry and evolution of the pioneer organi......onstraints for the formation and selection of first biopolymers: towards the consensus paradigm of the abiogenic origin of life / A.Y. Mu......emical aspects of synthetic biology / P......inio Evolution of optimal accura......zyme catalysis of metabolism in the RNA world / X.......i, A. D. Ellington RNAs in extre......ironments / C. Torchet, M.-C. Ma......e mixtures and the origin of life / A.W. Schwart...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Authority(Subject Heading/altLabel)Organic compounds--Synthesis
- Note (General)原タイトル: Chemistry of the carbonyl group:a programmed approach to organic reaction mechanisms
- Additional TitleChemistry of the carbonyl group:a programmed approach to organic reaction mechanisms
National Diet Library
- fabrication of hollow nanostr......ter simulation of diffusion and ...... Controlled synthesis of gold nanorods ...... seeded growth approach / Teoh Poay Li......ak Calculation of surface Zaderenko Inorganic-organic hybrid nanopar......port processes of nanoparticles ......materials from theory to application / ......pour Mechanics of cellulose nanocrystals and their polymer comp......a Pakzad Shift of lines in phase......oes Simulation of thermal and electr......tic properties of Co/Cu nanocomp......rez-Martín On the continuum mechanics approach in modeling na...... Altenbach, Victor A. Eremeyev.
National Diet Library
- Contents...ion 2.2. Basic Thermodynamics 2.2......nctions 2.2.2. Thermodynamic Prop......ifferentiation of Fundamental Eq.......2. Evaluation of Residual Funct......Composition as the Independent Va......Composition as the Independent Va......fficients 2.9. The Phase Rule 2.1...... Stability and the Critical State ch. 3 The Virial Equation of State / J. P. ......ure Dependence of the Virial Coeffic......ion Dependence of the Virial Coeffic......3. Convergence of the Virial Series 3.1.4. The Pressure Series 3.2. Theoretical Backgr......l Coefficients of Hard-Core-Squa......Molecules 3.3. Thermodynamic Properties of Gases...
- Subject HeadingFluids -- Thermal properties.
- Note (General)...national Union of Pure and Association of Chemical Thermodynamics."
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingCarbonyl compounds Organic reaction mechanisms
- Subject Heading (ID)Carbonyl compounds Organic reaction mechanisms
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...tions and laws of -- Programmed instruction
- Subject Heading (ID)...tions and laws of -- Programmed instruction
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This book describes the state-of-the-art of informatics to develop drugs and to optimize the functionality,......ty and quality of the compounds for an overview of the four applied i......ics fields and their applications...... wide spectrum of readers from learners to professional scient...... It focuses on the basic research stage of drug developme......rom experts at the forefront of these fields. The authors hope t......s book will be of assistance to explore new opportunities for...
- ContentsThe AI Trends in C......n Ligand-based Approaches Electronic-S......for Developing Organic Synthesis Routes for ...... and Discovery of New Molecules and Reactions Toxicity Predicti......ances Based on Toxicity Expression Mechanisms - AI-SHIPS Da......a Assimilation to Integrate High-speed Atomic Force Micro......aracterization of Drug Target Fu......ions Potential of High-Spatiotem......lopment Design of Biomaterials U......nformatics Monitoring and Controlling in Contin...
- Author Heading佐藤, 寛子 船津, 公人, 1955- Yamamoto, Hiroshi [山本博志]
National Diet Library
- Contents...y minimization of organic crystals using......azantsev [and others] An introduction to coarse-graining approaches : linking atomistic and meso......namsetty [and others] Hierarchical modeling of polymeric syst......hodologies for the prediction of thermodynamic prop......aioannou [and others] Optimization-based approaches to computational ....... Eslick [and others] Molecular modeling of formulated con......P. Murch [and others] Recent adva......hodologies for the controlled formation of self-assembled......Solis, P.I. Barton and G. Stepha......hodologies for the design of reaction solve......trübing [and others].
- Subject HeadingChemical processes--Mathematical models. Chemical proce...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...ntents Contributors Preface Sect......wide detection of dihydrouridine......on 1.2 Methods to detect dihydro......s 4.1 Trimming of adapter sequen......end position gathering 4.6 D-site.......1 Preparation of RNA samples 2.......2.4 RNA 3′-adaptor ligation 2.5 RNA 5′-adaptor ligation 2.6 .......2 Preparation of RNA sample 3.3......3.5 RNA 3′-adaptor ligation 3.6 RNA 5′ adaptor ligation 3.7 ...... in tRNA and mitochondrial polyc......2.5 RNA 3′-adaptor ligation 2.6 .......7 cDNA 3′-adaptor ligation 2.8 ......s 3.1 Overview of DAMM-seq 3.3 R......3.6 RNA 3′-adaptor ligation 3.7 ......ative genomics approachDiscovering RNA modification e...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....diation brings together experts in relevant fields to describe the successful application of microbes and their derivatives ......bioremediation of potentially toxic and relativ......all categories of pollutants and their applications...... in danger due to the release of continuously e......have been made to eradicate and remediate these noxious elem...... day thousands of xenobiotics of relatively new......thus worsening the situation. Pri......ghly adaptable to toxic environment......and can reduce the load of toxic elements by their successful transformation a...
- Contents...n: a potential tool for restoration of contaminated effects and mechanism of toxicity / Suraji......hakraborty Nanotoxicity: aspects......ri Application of molecular techniques for the assessment of microbial comm......icrobial indicators for monitoring pollution ......bioremediation of toxic metals / Ja...... Surajit Das Biofilm-mediated bioremediation of polycyclic aro......xtremophiles / Tonya L. Peeples Role of actinobacteria......tress response of Streptomyces and strat......bioremediation of toxic metals / An......oeiro, A.C. Bastos and N. Magan ......bioremediation of industrial eff......ith generation of value-added products / Lowell...
National Diet Library
- ContentsAnatomy and physiology of the gene Genomic approaches to the study of hematologic science Protein synthesis, processing......: relationship of form and function Regulation of cellular response Control of cell division ......nomics and hematologic diseases ......tmentalization of the immune system ......ogy Regulation of activation of B and T lympho......and chemokines Tolerance and autoimmunity Overview of stem cell biol......llular biology of hematopoiesis Transcription factors in normal an...... malignant hematopoiesis Nonhematopoietic stem ce......inating within the bone marrow In......ns between hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells ...
- Subject HeadingHematology. Blood -- Diseases. Hematologic Diseases ......Phenomena. Hematologic Diseases -- therapy.
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //
National Diet Library
- Contents...n Introduction to Molecular Biol......ecular Biology Tools for Nucleic......ferences ch. 2 The Central Dogma .......4. Regulation of Gene Expressio......5. Limitations of the Central Dogma ......ngle Cells and their Complexity Unicellular to Multicellular ......1. Development of the Cerebral Corte......alistic Models of Neurons Requir......Information at the Single-cell Le......roduction 5.2. The Importance of Precise Neuron...... 6 Application to Cancerogenesis: Towards Targeted Cancer Therapies? / Christoph A. Klein 6.1......lignant Origin of Disseminated C......enomic Studies of Single Disseminated Cancer Ce...
- Subject HeadingMicrobial genomics. Microfluidic devices.
- Author HeadingBontoux, Nathalie. Dauphinot, Luce....
National Diet Library
- Contents...g Edge welding of nickel based a......tings by Masahito Katto et al Micro-machining of silver-sodium ......tanabe Effects of Si and Mg on bondability of dissimilar joining of Al alloys to steel for ligh......Kondo et al Femtosecond laser quenching of the high-pressure phase in the single crystal iron by Tomokazu Sano et ...... a combination of laser beam and thermal spray tech......kazu Tahara Synthesis and characterization of (Ti,Al) N film......eposition by Hitoshi Uchida, Masato Yamashita, Satoshi Hanaki properties of hydroxyapatite......ation behavior of plasma sprayed ZrO2/Al2O3 thermal barrier coatings by gas t...
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)N. Abe M. Tsukamoto
National Diet Library
- Contents...y and Electron Tomography 1.2.1........2.2. Electron Tomography 1.3. D......rse Structures of Ordered Mesopo......nd Intergrowth of Different Meso......ction 2.2. "Bottom-Up" Design Scheme 2.3. Organic Inorganic Interfaces 2.4......2.4.2. Effects of Scaling 2.4.3.......emes in Short- to Long-Range Org......Bone 2.5.4. Diatoms 2.5.5. Butte......dgments 3. Use of Magnetic Nanoparticles for the Preparation of Micro- and Nan......2. Preparation of Superparamagne......oids 3.2.1. Synthesis of Magnetic Nanoc......tals 3.2.2. Synthesis of Polymer-Magnet...... Self-Assembly of Magnetic Nanop......uction 4.2. Synthetic Methods for 1-D Hollow Met...
- Author HeadingZhang, Qiang (Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering) Wei, Fe...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ncements widen the scope of applications f......icrosystems) , the field continues to have an impact......n many aspects of life science o......opment require the input of experts who us......anding only if they possess a ski......g that enables them to work at the interface of engineering an...... and expedites the involved in the development of biomicrosystems. Divided into nine chapters,......d introduction of biological, en......zation aspects of the field. With a ......s on molecules of biological interest, the book explores the building blocks of cells and viru......ules that form the self-assembled monolayers (SA...
- Contents.... Introduction to BioMEMS 1.2. A....... Intersection of Science and En......1.4. Evolution of Systems Based ......opolymers 2.7. Organic Molecules (Fun......s) Involved in the Formation of Self-Assembled......atty Acids and Their Esters 3.3.2......lature. 3.6.2. Mechanism of the Enzymatic Cata....... Applications of Enzymes in Bio......or Systems for the Detection of Pathogenic Mic...... and Bacterial Toxins 4.1. Intro...... and Detection of Biomolecules b......s 4.6.4. Study of Antigen-Antibo....... 4.6.5. Array of Gold for Binding of Single Biomole.......8. Attachment of Proteins to Surfaces 4.9. Sur...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)編集:講談社サイエンティフィク 原書名:Chemistry of the Carbonyl group:a programmed approach to organic reaction mechanism,c1974
- Alternative TitleChemistry of the Carbonyl group:a programmed approach to organic reaction mechanism,c1974