Search results 2,784
National Diet Library
- Note (General)Papers. Index term: mixed mode crack behavior ; ASTM. BL shelfmark: 1747.090 [no] ...
- Alternative Titlemixed mode crack behavior ; ASTM
- Alternative Titlemixed mode crack behavior ; ASTM
National Diet Library
- Note (General)Papers. Index term: acoustic emission ; ASTM. BL shelfmark: 1747.090 STP 1...
- Alternative Titleacoustic emission ; ASTM
- Alternative Titleacoustic emission ; ASTM
National Diet Library
- Note (General)...anufacturing ; ASTM. BL shelfmark: 1747.090 [no] ...
- Alternative TitleHeld in conjunction with the Standard development meeting wear processes ; manufacturing ; ASTM
- Alternative TitleHeld in conjunction with the Standard development meeting wear processes ; manufacturing ; ASTM
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Selected papers. Index term: radiation ; ASTM ; materials. BL shelfmark: 17...
- Alternative Titleradiation ; ASTM ; materials
- Alternative Titleradiation ; ASTM ; materials
National Diet Library
- Note (General) ; ASTM. BL shelfmark: 1747.090 [no] ...
- Alternative Titlehot mix asphalt construction ; asphalt construction ; ASTM
- Alternative Titlehot mix asphalt construction ; asphalt construction ; ASTM
National Diet Library
- Note (General)... development ; ASTM. BL shelfmark: 1747.090 [vol]...
- Alternative Titleroofing research ; roofing standards development ; ASTM
- Alternative Titleroofing research ; roofing standards development ; ASTM
National Diet Library
- Note (General)Papers. Index term: water leakage ; building facades ; ASTM.
- Alternative Titlewater leakage ; building facades ; ASTM
- Alternative Titlewater leakage ; building facades ; ASTM
National Diet Library
- Note (General)...kiing trauma ; ASTM ; ISSS ; skiing safety. BL sh...
- Alternative TitleHeld at Chateau Whistler Resort, Whistler Blackcomb skiing trauma ; ASTM ; ISSS ; skiing safety
- Alternative TitleHeld at Chateau Whistler Resort, Whistler Blackcomb skiing trauma ; ASTM ; ISSS ; skiing safety
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General) mechanics ; ASTM. BL shelfmark: 1747.090 [no] ...
- Alternative Titlefatigue ; fracture mechanics ; ASTM
- Alternative Titlefatigue ; fracture mechanics ; ASTM
National Diet Library
- Note (General)...lant testing ; ASTM ; engine coolants. BL shelfma...
- Alternative Titleengine coolant testing ; ASTM ; engine coolants
- Alternative Titleengine coolant testing ; ASTM ; engine coolants
National Diet Library
- Note (General)...k properties ; ASTM ; nondestructive testing. BL ...
- Alternative Titlesoil properties ; rock properties ; ASTM ; nondestructive testing
- Alternative Titlesoil properties ; rock properties ; ASTM ; nondestructive testing
National Diet Library
- Note (General)Papers. Index term: very large scale fires ; ASTM ; fires. BL shelfmark: 1747.0...
- Alternative Titlevery large scale fires ; ASTM ; fires
- Alternative Titlevery large scale fires ; ASTM ; fires
National Diet Library
- Note (General)Papers. Index term: small specimen test techniques ; ASTM. BL shelfmark: 1747.090 STP 1...
- Alternative Titlesmall specimen test techniques ; ASTM
- Alternative Titlesmall specimen test techniques ; ASTM
National Diet Library
- Note (General)...habilitation ; ASTM. BL shelfmark: 1747.090 [vol]...
- Alternative Title...habilitation ; ASTM
- Alternative Title...habilitation ; ASTM
National Diet Library
- Note (General)...terior walls ; ASTM. BL shelfmark: 1747.090 [vol]...
- Alternative Titlewater problems ; building exterior walls ; ASTM
- Alternative Titlewater problems ; building exterior walls ; ASTM
National Diet Library
- Note (General)Papers. Index term: orthopedic implants ; ASTM ; modularity. BL shelfmark: 1...
- Alternative Titleorthopedic implants ; ASTM ; modularity
- Alternative Titleorthopedic implants ; ASTM ; modularity
National Diet Library
- Note (General)... cleanliness ; ASTM. BL shelfmark: 1747.090 [no] ...
- Alternative Titlesteel ; improved internal cleanliness ; ASTM
- Alternative Titlesteel ; improved internal cleanliness ; ASTM
National Diet Library
- Note (General)Papers. Index term: tribology ; hydraulic pump testing ; ASTM.
- Alternative Titletribology ; hydraulic pump testing ; ASTM
- Alternative Titletribology ; hydraulic pump testing ; ASTM
National Diet Library
- Note (General)... replacement ; ASTM. BL shelfmark: 1747.090 [no] ...
- Alternative Titlealternative bearing surfaces ; total joint replacement ; joint replacement ; ASTM
- Alternative Titlealternative bearing surfaces ; total joint replacement ; joint replacement ; ASTM
National Diet Library
- Note (General)Papers. Index term: baseball ; softball ; safety ; ASTM. BL shelfmark: 1747.090 STP 1...
- Alternative Titlebaseball ; softball ; safety ; ASTM
- Alternative Titlebaseball ; softball ; safety ; ASTM