Search results 173
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... as it affects air transport. It ...... applicable to air transport. The...... of the State, airlines, airports and public both collecti...
- ContentsPrelude to disaster History The coronavirus and air transport : Continuing air transport post......e Training the airport manager in......rtificates for air travel : some issues
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...zard, risk and disaster Current views ...... Dimensions of disaster 3. Complexity,......Complexity and disasters An example : ......ainability and disasters Vulnerability......nerability and disaster 4. Risk assess......the impacts of disaster Scoping the ta......e Mitigation : disaster aid Mitigation......nmental change Air pollution and ......sical paths to disaster Climate change and environmen...
- Subject HeadingNatural disasters. Environmental disasters. Environmental risk assessme...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ensive natural disaster preparedness p......handle natural disasters. Different na......ons have faced disasters of varying in...... 2012, Natural Disaster and Reconstruc...... viewpoints on disasters from scholars......oader scope of disasters, such as poli...... manage future disasters and their economic and cultu...
- Contents...e evolution of disaster volunteering to natural disasters : from Hurric......e reactions to disasters in Japan : bursting in air : state and ci...... in Philippine disaster management system / Benigno B...
- Subject HeadingDisaster relief--Asia--......esses. Natural disasters--Economic asp......esses. Natural disasters--Social aspects--Asia--Congr...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...n the European Airline Industry /...... Crisis and EU Air Passenger Rights / Nick Berna...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Toc / Article...t Responses to Air Pollution of trees to air pollutants at ......ondition under air pollution impa......Combination of Air Pollution and ......Lee Effects of air pollution and ...... Importance of air movement for p......nji Omasa VII. Air Pollution and ......ical levels of air pollutants for......and blown-sand disaster in China/ 261 Pei-Jun Shi||Hi...
- ContentsPlant responses to air pollution of trees to air pollutants at ......ondition under air pollution impa......combination of air pollution and ...... al Effects of air pollution and ...... Importance of air movement for p......a, Kenji Omasa Air pollution and ......ical levels of air pollutants for......and blown-sand disaster in China by Pei-Jun Shi et al...
- Note (General)...t Responses to Air Pollution and Global Change h...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Alternative TitleDisaster Response Opera...... An Integrated Air-Land Transportation Model
- Alternative TitleDisaster Response Opera...... An Integrated Air-Land Transportation Model
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...long flame" -- Aircraft down on 4......of nonstandard air traffic control services" -- ...
National Diet Library
- Alternative TitleReducing uncertainty of disaster prediction due......n of theory on air-sea boundary processes
- Alternative TitleReducing uncertainty of disaster prediction due......n of theory on air-sea boundary processes
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)...東北地区部会 Natural Disaster Research Council Disaster Prevention Research Institute...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingAircraft accidents...... Investigation Aircraft accidents -- Human facto...
- Subject Heading (ID)Aircraft accidents...... Investigation Aircraft accidents -- Human facto...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingRisk perception Risk Accidents Disasters Hazard mitigation
- Subject Heading (ID)Risk perception Risk Accidents Disasters Hazard mitigation
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Available onlineNational Diet Library
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- Subject Heading...- Case studies Disaster relief -- Neth......- Case studies Disaster relief -- Netherlands -- Amst...
- Subject Heading (ID)...- Case studies Disaster relief -- Neth......- Case studies Disaster relief -- Netherlands -- Amst...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingAircraft accidents -- History
- Subject Heading (ID)Aircraft accidents -- History