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National Diet Library
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- Toc / Article...Markov Model 3 Construction of Hidden Markov Representati...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....rystallography and discrete surfa......nal principle, and it can reprodu......nded by Kotani and Sunada is explained by using ...
- Contents...gical Crystals and Their Standard Realizations 3.2 Construction of Standard Realization......bon Structures and Standard Realization......e Surfaces 4.2 Constructions of Negatively......ructures via Standard Realization......crete Surfaces and Their Curvatures 5.3 Construction of Trivalent M......ldberg-Coxeter Constructions 6.2 Subdivisi......ial Properties and Discrete Geome...... Graph Spectra and Electronic Pro......aces 7.5 Graph Algorithms and Miscellaneous ......ds 7.5.1 Graph Algorithms 7.5.2 Numerical Methods for M...
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- Related Material...ial inclusions and applications F......imation theory and their applications N......tional errors Handbook of optimiz......ision modeling and behavior in complex and uncertain envi......ation : theory and applications : modeling and optimization w......ems Estimation and control proble......alued mappings and enlargements o......ctor functions and continuous management Handbook of functio......of mathematics and informatics in science and engineering Optimization and logistics chal...... equations in random normed space......on : structure and applications N......sors : theory, algorithms, and applications Handbook of...
- Alternative TitleSOIA Springer series in optimization and its applications Optimization and its applications
- Alternative TitleSOIA Springer series in optimization and its applications Optimization and its applications
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- Alternative TitleConstruction of Co-evolutionary Algorithms and Evaluation of Their Effectiveness
- Alternative TitleConstruction of Co-evolutionary Algorithms and Evaluation of Their Effectiveness
- Author HeadingHanda, Hisashi
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- Related Material...ience Wavelets and multiscale analysis : theory and applications M...... : mathematics and applications F......tions, spaces, and expansions : m......ols in physics and engineering Ex......unction theory and the Heisenberg......aging Harmonic and applied analys......s in classical and modern analysi......urier analysis and convexity Meth......urier analysis and approximation ......ry Convergence and summability of......ier transforms and Hardy spaces I......Distributional and fractal calcul......ral transforms and wavelets Excur......alytic methods and modern applica......presentations Landscapes of time-frequency analy...
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- Related MaterialSupersymmetry and noncommutative......troduction to random matrices : theory and practice Linea......ner evolution, and the Dyson mode......sor categories and endomorphisms ......y, divergence, and majorization in classical and quantum thermo......ti-commutators and applications t......ure for knots Random matrix theor......ty KP solitons and the grassmanni...... combinatorics and geometry of tw......ement measures and their properties in ......oblems in PDEs and particle syste......verse spectral and scattering the...... ∞-categories, and topological fi...... wall-crossing and refined statistical and stochastic systems Hochschild...
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Contents...) 35 Nest sets and relativized cl......nked alphabets and generalized pa......esis languages and minimalization of their parenthesis pa...... to the design and construction of bypassed LR(k)parsers(Take...
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- Note (General)...inger" in 2004 and the new company name became "...
- Related MaterialLocation, scheduling, design, and integer progra...... : foundations and extensions Com......ains : models, algorithms and applications O......rch : pioneers and innovators The theory and practice of re......ue management Handbook of semidef......ming : theory, algorithms, and applications H......wer economics Handbook on modelli...... optimization Handbook of metaheu......recasting : a handbook for researchers and practitioners ......ecision making and performance ev...... optimization, and control theory......eing networks, and manufacturing ......tural dynamics and resilience in management Handbook of quantitative supply ch...
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- Related Material...urfolds Direct and inverse scatte......oric manifolds and singular Bohr-...... distributions and discrete spect......tial operators and related topics...... on semigroups and on their compactificati......ves on graphs, their homological invariants, and a proof of with trees and creatures Rati......ogy operations and rings with div......i limit spaces and applications F......holm operators and Einstein metri......res with tubes and the sewing ope......topical models and uniqueness Global and local on weighted and unweighted eigenvalues and principles, and the homogeneous model theorem...
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- Related MaterialLocal compactness and simple extensi......iform algebras and scattered spac......ctionals for grand canonical ense...... n Application and construction of rigid space......unction spaces and their tensor products Sobre la no e...
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- Related Material...ntial analysis and higher level W......rimitive forms and related topics......s, Q-curvature and holography Ele......braic geometry and number theory ......ertex algebras and relative verte......rator algebras and their representation...... local systems and singularities ......l, 2007 Adeles and algebraic grou......ative geometry and classical alge......isenberg Group and the sub-Rieman......em Classgroups and Hermitian modu......gebraic groups and quantum groups......ds in geometry and representation......epresentations and their applications U...... of Kaehlerian and Sasakian manif......ptic Laplacian and Bott-Chern cohomology : a the...
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- Note (General)...ic Development and Research, and the Institute's name remained...
- Related Material...nes : monetary and exchange rate ......tries : issues and practices Special and differential t......ity, politics, and poverty reduci......of both tenant and landlord : a Philip......l institutions and nonfinancial c......ultural credit and policy analysi......solving linear and convex quadrat......onics industry and local supplier...... externalities and the theory of ......onetary policy and economic preferences and housing prices......ism in Bulacan and Davao del Nort......l expectations and the household demand for money On h......nk performance and rate of performance and agricultural growth : a Phili...
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- Related Material...ition Results Landscape in Japane......ung architects and their works = 若手の建築家......ペースのアイデア Tadao Ando Small = 小さいこと......ture in the expanded field = 木の建築......川紀章 Contextual algorithms : 建築と都市のアルゴリズム......プレイベント = Nara, and Triennale, Nar......OZAKI = 磯崎 新 : Construction Site Yasushi Horibe = 堀部安嗣 SP...
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- Related MaterialIndustrial mathematics and complex system......odels, methods and algorithms Functional analysis and applications C......for scientists and engineers Construction of Wavelets Th......equence spaces and applications in topology and their interdisciplin......ines : theory, algorithms and applications foundations and real-world app......, inequalities and approximation : theory and applications M......bioinformatics Construction of wavelets through Walsh fun...
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- Note (General)...04: Monographs and textbooks in pure and applied mathematics Publisher...
- Related Material...olic geometry, and non-expansive ......ional measures and applications A...... theory Theory and applications o......ra Polynomials and linear control......ystems Measure and integral : an ......tions : theory and applications Matrix theory and its foundations and multiplicative......metry Volterra and integral equat......tion to curves and surfaces The d......rgence theorem and sets of finite......s to mechanics and physics Functi......onal equations and modelling in science and engineering Re......heory Problems and examples in di......ence equations and inequalities :......eory, methods, and applications Introduction to ...
- Alternative TitlePure and applied mathem...... of monographs and textbooks Pure and applied mathem......hs, textbooks, and lecture notes
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- Related Material...zation methods and applications I......n optimization and approximation ...... applications, and numerical resu......n : scientific and engineering ca......ation : theory and applications R......e optimization and its Applicatio......onal chemistry and molecular biology : local and global Variational and non-variationa......inear analysis and boundary value......level systems Handbook of test pr......blems in local and global optimiz......lving discrete and continuous non......onvex analysis and global optimiz......onvexification and global optimiz...... in continuous and mixed-integer ......ming : theory, algorithms, software, and applications A...