Edward L. Ayers ... [et al.]Holt, Rinehart and Winstonc2007
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- Alternative TitleHolt American anthem
- Alternative TitleHolt American anthem
Stacy C. Hollander and Brooke Davis Anderson, exhibition cocurators ; foreword and entries by Gerard C. Wertkin ; with contributions by Lee Kogan, Cheryl Rivers, Elizabeth V. Warren ; principal photography by John Parnell and Gavin AshworthAmerican Folk Art Museum in association with H.N. Abramsc2001
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J.C.Suares 写真 ; E.L.Doctorw 文Stewart,Tabori & Cha1982
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- Title HeadingAmerican anthem
pictures, J.C. Suarès ; words, E.L. DoctorowStewart, Tabori & Changc1982
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