Search results 6
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Bibliometric study by means of research papers revealed the followings; (1) Nuclear Safety Research (NSR) performed in Japan is the 2nd highest in the world foll......USA. The share of JAERI for safety paper publicat...... is about 25\% in Japan (2) During past 25 years, JAERI is predominant at 39 safety fields out of 97, that is, 4......rom comparison of published number of research papers with those of other organizations. (3) JAERI is recently changing its stress point from reactor-......he down stream of nuclear fuel cycling. There existed impact of TMI-2 accident on NSR-JAERI, especially in the field of thermal hydrauli...
- Note (General)...evere accident and risk analysis. 研究論文を用いた計量書誌学的研究により以下の...
- Alternative TitleAn Outcome of nuclear safety research in JAERI; Predominance of research
Other Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.An outcome of nuclear safety research done by JAERI was case studi......For LOCA (loss-of-coolant accident) a domestic share of JAERI in monoclinic research paper was 63\%...... share between JAERI and PS (public se...... past (20) but increased to 4\% ......t the present. Research cooperation is......kyo University and JAERI or between JAERI and Nagoya Univer......) Project-type research is to have a l......monopolization in papers and that of basic-type research is to have a l......3)For reprocessing, PS had a mon......domestic share of 71\% and a share of JAERI was about 20\%. (4) LOCA and RIA outputs born by NSR-JAERI coincided partly to those of ...
- Note (General)...artly to those of the Safety Licensing Guidelines but a share of contribution done by JAERI was difficult to obtain due to the lack of necessary information. 原研で実......3)再処理(Reprocessing)研究では、公的研究機関の国内シェアが71\%を占め原研の...
- Alternative TitleAn Outcome of nuclear safety research in JAERI; Case study fo......P, criticality and reprocessing