Search results 45
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingLabor economics. Trabalho E Trabalhadores.
- Author HeadingMarshall, F. Ray Perlman, Richard.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingLabor economics -- Addresses, essays, lecture...
- Subject Heading (ID)Labor economics -- Addresses, essays, lecture...
- Author HeadingMarshall, F. Ray Perlman, Richard
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...selected works of Geoff Pilling Economics and interdisciplinary exchange Evolution of the market process : Austrian and Swedish economics Classical economics and modern long-period analysis New essa...... : textbooks, manuals and the dissemination of the economic s......the nineteenth and early twentie......nturies Historians of economics and economic thou......e construction of disciplinary m......t in communist and post-communis......he foundations of happiness in economics : reinterpreti......l economy Asia and the history of the internatio......says in memory of Peter Mathias Marx's concept of money : the god of commoditie...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Sino-American alliance : Nationalist China and American Cold War strategy in Asia Japanese women write......9 : challenges and change at the turn of the century Mo......rtrayals Ideas and art in Asian civilizations ...... India, China, and Japan Certain victory : images of World War II in the Japanese media The Chinese human rights reader : documents and commentary 19......The challenges of the U.S.-Japan military arrangement : competing security transitions in a changing internatio......environment ASEAN and the diplomacy of accommodation ......egendary women of Japan Gentlemen's pr......lives : a thousand years of biographies of Chin...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Place of publication varies
- Related literacy and culture Corpo......n Fundamentals of vibrations Design of integrated cir......ting after Sarbanes-Oxley : Marketing management Intercu......obal workplace Economics Internet busin...... models : text and cases Introduction to managerial accounting Human resource management : an experiential approach Survey of accounting Wes......urces, images, and interpretations Marketing management : a str......l disorders Financial statement analysis Human relations in organizations : applications and skill buildin......aining for men and women International economics Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness : d...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialTale type- and motif-indexes : an annotated bibliog......ous adventures of Major Gahagan A concordance to Herman Melville's The confidence-man, his masquerad......he Regency companion Archaeology of prehistoric native America : an encyclopedia The new Arthurian encyclopedia T......ce guide American women short st......: a collection of critical essay......estion" in German-speaking count......aphy The lives of Jesus : a history and bibliography Richard II : an annotated bibliography Folklore and literature of the British Isles : an annotated photographs and slides of paintings in t...... research Snow of fire : symbolic meaning in Th...
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library in the humanities
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library in the humanities
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAmerica and World War I : a selected annotated bibliography of English-language sources S......a bibliography of Soviet, Western, and Yugoslav comment and analysis Teacher ......m evaluation : an annotated bibliography and guide to rese......ound : a study of the American camp meeting Crimes of style : urban graffiti and the politics of criminality Women of color : a filmography of minority and Third World the sources and resources The winds of injustice : American Indians and the U.S. Gove......ior Hospices : an annotated bibliography of journal articl......iography Women and technology : an annotated bibliography Grief ...
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library of the social sciences Garland reference library of social science......erence library of social science
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library of the social sciences Garland reference library of social science......erence library of social science
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe framework of a lasting peace Builders of peace : being ......years' history of the Union of Democratic Con......The psychology and strategy of Gandhi's nonviolent resistance Fighting for......ce : the story of the war resistance movement Cha......d" : the story of a the letters of Harold Studley......old Conscience and the state : legal and administrative problems of conscientious ......tious objector and the law The w...... : the letters and journals of Elihu Burritt . and, A congress of nations The United States and the World Cou...... legal process and international......foreign policy of a free democracy and The fall...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...administration and the United St......tes Department of Agriculture Migrant families Farmers on relief and rehabilitation The Wallaces of Iowa Seven lean years Morgenth......dent Roosevelt and Pope Pius XII : with an introduction & explanatory notes Men...... move Social changes during depression and recovery : social changes in 1934 Con...... : development and administration of the war progra...... Public men in and out of office The administration of Federal work r......elected papers of Homer Cummings......torney General of the United Sta......people The UAW and Walter Reuthe......n the creation of a foreign policy The economic...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAnatomy of an African kingdom : a history of Bunyoro-Kitara......, the Odyssey, and the epic tradition An introduction to haiku : an anthology of poems and poets from Ba...... Shiki Troilus and Criseyde The ......pers Six plays of Plautus The Puritan Revolution : a......achers' rights and community con......The philosophy of history in our time Agrarian problems and peasant movements in Latin America An approach to modern physics An Elizabethan song book : lu......ngs, madrigals and rounds Victorian science : a se......tial addresses of the British As......ion for the Advancement of Science The idea of social structure Man in Afric...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe adventures of Doctor Dolittl...... every New Zealander's guide to the Treaty of Waitangi Public finance : selected r......ution in American foreign policy : its global range Invisible man 'You'll never' : the life and death of bushranger Ben Hall The story of football A guide to San Francisco and the Bay Regio......ook for adults and children The experience of economic growt......bout climate change? Written wor......n For the love of horses : the W......o save New Zealand's wild horses...... for survivors of childhood sexu......sources, uses, and policy issues......e study Pakeha and the treaty : why it's our tr...
- Alternative TitleA Random House book
- Alternative TitleA Random House book
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialCommunist councilman from Harlem : ......ook The crisis of U.S. capitalism and the fight-bac......1st convention of the Communist .......S.A. Composer and nation : the ......ison notebooks of Antonio Gramsci Dictionary of Afro-American slang Economic and philosophic manuscripts of 1844 The unfol......ental problems and essential tas......udies in American Negro history Workingclass giant : the life of William Z. Fos......918-1920 American neo-colonialis......he Philippines and Asia U.S. neo......lism in Africa Economics of racism U.S.A. : roots of black inequality The process of capitalist pro......tters to Americans, 1848-1895 : a selection Cit...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...rnment Liberty and the great libertarians : an anthology on liberty, a hand-book of freedom Organization of debt into currency, and other papers Left and right : selec...... the biography of an American liberal, 1827-1905 George Logan of Philadelphia W...... The discovery of freedom : man's struggle aga......ic foundations of modern industr......ociety Instead of a book : by a man too busy to wr......ary exposition of philosophical anarchism Let's government Banking and the business ......ycle : a study of the great depr......orld Scientism and values Recent changes in American constitutional...... Individualist anarchist pamphlets As we go mar...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialJapanese women in Republican China : a sour......tives The Arabian seas : the Indian Ocean world of the seventeent...... century The transformation of rural China Professionalizing r......form Institute and policy making......e distribution and economic transition Peasants without the ......ressed : American censorship in occupied Japan Challenging the mandate of Heaven : social protest and state power i......e exploitation of labor in a globalizi......economy Understanding the political culture of Hong Kong : the paradox of activism and depoliticizat...... : citizenship and memory in Japan, Germany, and the United Stat...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Gulf Stream : a physical and dynamical description The managed casualty : the Japanese-American family in Worl......1784-1848 Bows and arrows The masks of Othello : the ......r the identity of Othello, Iago, and Desdemona by ......hree centuries of actors and critics Obser......on the feeling of the beautiful and sublime The s...... The direction of time Philosophic foundations of quantum mechanics The politics of cultural despa......dy in the rise of the Germanic ideology Scholarship and partisanship : essays o......r The politics of prejudice : the anti-Japanese movement in California, and the struggle for Japanese ex...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...itics : theory and practice Teacher Tragedy and comedy The rule of law D.H. Lawre......jor English romantic poets : an anthology The troubled American John Donne and the metaphysi......e The hedgehog and the fox : an essay on Tolstoy's view of history Black and white : a study of U. S. racial a......m not a Christian, and other essays on religion and related subje......37-1952 The organization man Existence : a ...... in psychiatry and psychology Re......ys on ideology and development Labor and the American community The story of the English language Towards a...... lives, times, and ideas of the great economic thinkers T...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialManifest destiny D......racy, liberty, and property : conventions of the 1820's The forging of American socialism : origins of the modern mov......he great American frontier : a story of western Lester Ward and the welfare s......-century American liberalism : r......itical thought of Abraham Lincol......major opinions and other writing......he Declaration of Independence t......on : the roots of American constitutional......itical thought of Woodrow Wilson The antifederalists The culture of the twenties H......ilton, Madison and Jay on the co......e experience : an American documentary Papers on public ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... insurrection manual for underde...... countries War and the Soviet Un......uclear weapons and the revolutio......oviet military and political thinking Russian political inst...... Legal sources and bibliography of czechoslovakia Legal sources and bibliography of Hungary China on the eve of Communist takeover China and the world : an analysis of Communist Chin......ts : the agony of an art The Soviet......s in Stalinism and post-Stalin change Stalin and the Soviet co......the technology of power The northern sea route and the economy of the Soviet nor...... Legal sources and bibliography of Yugoslavia The revolt of the ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialRacial exclusionism and the city : the urban support of the National F......conomic policy of Frederick the Great Marxist analyses and social anthropology The evolution of the nursery-infant school : a history of infant and nursery, 1800-1970 Banking in an unregulated en......8-1905 Crisis management in the ......wer industry : an inside story R......ple, resources and power Plato to-day Ancient Rome at work : an economic history of Rome from the the empire Language, schools, and classrooms In......onal business handbook Social po......, collectivism and the origins of the welfare state Japanese participation in British i...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...les training : an analysis of field sales te......iques The rise and fall of corporate new divisions Changing auditors and the effect on......ors' opinions, and stock prices Successful management informa......communications and the systems designer An empirical evaluation of FASB 33 : financial reporting and changing prices Marketing channels in Japan Foreign exchange risk and direct foreig......nal investment and technology transfer Foreign in......tion practices of U.S. multinati......orations The changing labor content of American foreign trade, 1970-1975 Managing the demand for fashion i......ems Strategies of the major oil companies Accou...