ジャスティン・コーマン, ロン・フォンテス 著, Akko 訳・監修小学館1999.4<KS162-G164>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
ジョージ・ミラー, ジュディ・モリス, マーク・ランプレル 脚本, ジョージ・ミラー 監督, マグダ・ズバンスキー [ほか出演]NBCユニバーサル・エンターテイメント2012.4<YL321-L19455>
National Diet Library
- Alternative TitleBabe pig in the city
- Alternative TitleBabe pig in the city
Adapted from the novelization by JUSTINE KORMAN, and RON FONTES, Based on the motion picture screenplay written by GEORGE MILLER, JUDY MORRIS, MARK LAMPRELL, based on characters by DICK KING-SMITH, Retold by John Escott, Series Editors:Andy Hopkins, and Jocelyn PotterPearson Education2008
Other Libraries in Japan
adapted from the novelization by Justine Korman and Ron Fontes ; based on the motion picture screenplay written by George Miller, Judy Morris, Mark Lamprell ; based on characters by Dick King-Smith ; retold by John EscottPearson Education2008, c1999
Other Libraries in Japan
adapted from the novelization by Justine Korman and Ron Fontes ; based on the motion picture screenplay written by George Miller, Judy Morris, Mark Lamprell ; based on characters by Dick King-Smith ; retold by John EscottPearson Education2008, c1999
Other Libraries in Japan
novelizationbyJastineKorman ; novelizationbyRonFontes ; basedonthemotionpicturescreenplaywrittenbyGeorgeMiller ; basedonthemotionpicturescreenplaywrittenbyJudyMorris ; basedonthemotionpicturescreenplaywrittenbyMarkLamprell ; retoldbyJohnEscottPenguin readers,2001.
Other Libraries in Japan
adapted from the novelization by Justine Korman and Ron Fontes ; based on the motion picture screenplay written by George Miller, Judy Morris, Mark Lamprell ; based on characters by Dick King-Smith ; retold by John EscottPearson Educationc1999
Other Libraries in Japan
Universal Studioc1999
Other Libraries in Japan
adapted by Justine Korman and Ron Fontes ; based on the motion picture screenplay written by George Miller, Judy Morris, Mark Lamprell ; based on characters created by Dick King-SmithPuffin Books1998
Other Libraries in Japan
Justine Korman/著, Ron Fonties/著Pearson Education2008
Other Libraries in Japan
ジョージ・ミラー監督 ; ジョージ・ミラー, ジュディ・モリス, マーク・ランプレル脚本ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズ・ジャパン (発売)c2004
Other Libraries in Japan
ジョージ・ミラー監督 ; ジョージ・ミラー, ダグ・ミッチェル, ビル・ミラー製作ソニー・ピクチャーズエンタテインメント (販売)c1999
Other Libraries in Japan