Search results 20
National Diet Library
- Alternative TitleThe warden.
- Alternative TitleThe warden.
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- Subject HeadingTrollope, Anthony, 1815-1882. Barchester Towers Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882. Warden
- Subject Heading (ID)Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882. Barchester Towers Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882. Warden
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingTrollope, Anthony, 1815-1882. Barchester Towers Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882. Warden
- Subject Heading (ID)Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882. Barchester Towers Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882. Warden
- Related MaterialThe modern library
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingTrollope, Anthony, 1815-1882. Barchester Towers Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882. Warden
- Subject Heading (ID)Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882. Barchester Towers Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882. Warden
- Related MaterialModern Library college editions The modern library of the world's best books
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingTrollope, Anthony, 1815-1882. Barchester Towers Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882. Warden
- Subject Heading (ID)Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882. Barchester Towers Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882. Warden
- Related MaterialThe modern library of the world's best books
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...nleaf Whittier The posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club The Decameron Pride and prejudice The castles of Athlin and Dunbayne The entail, or, The Lairds of Grippy The adventures of ......ical economy ; and Chapters on socialism The pilgrim's prog......rse, 1900-1940 The struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson The Romance of Tristan : the thirteenth-cen......Reflections on the Revolution in France and other writings The way we live now Poems and plays of Rober......p from slavery The adventures of Oliver Twist The picture of Dor......Selected works The essayes of Mic......onnection with the early history of society and ...
- Alternative TitleWorld's classics The worlds classics
- Alternative TitleWorld's classics The worlds classics
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publisher varies ; Modern Library, Random House, International Publis...
- Related MaterialSons and lovers The Medici Plato's the Republic 6 plays by Rodgers and Hammerstein Tristram Shandy All the king's men Fairy tales and poems in : a girl of the streets ; and other stories The philosophy of Diana of the crossways The life and death of a Spa......edieval lyrics The Oregon trail :......hes of prairie and Rocky-Mountain......ver's travels, and other writings The complete novels and selected tales......niel Hawthorne The complete plays of Gilbert and Sullivan The wild duck and other plays Sixteen......allion, Tamar, and other poems Invisib...... man Six plays The imperial orgy The varieties o...
- Alternative TitleModern library of the world's best books
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Another Publisher: Boni and Liveright
- Related MaterialThe age of innocen......ajor Barbara ; Androcles and the lion The wings of the dove History of the conquest of Mexico, and History of the conquest of Pe......oses Dame Care The short stories ......ancis Thompson The shock of recognition : the development of literature in the United States recorded by the men who made it Men, women and boats Crime and punishment The best of S.J. P......Medieval epics The best tales of ......dgar Allan Poe The Odyssey of Hom......e Between Hume and Mill : an anth......ticism Tess of the d'Urbervilles ......n Human nature and conduct : an i......ial psychology The complete tales and poems of E...
- Alternative TitleModern library The modern library of the world's best books
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)"Random House is the publisher of the Modern Library......T.p. verso of `The autobiography ......ions from his other writings'
- Related MaterialThe Iliad of Homer The sound and the fury The history of Hen......Esmond, Esqure The wild duck and other plays Madame ...... Moby Dick or, the whale Six plays Intruder in the dust Man's fat......ys Swann's way The rise of Silas Père Goriot and Eugénie Grandet Jane Eyre The complete poetry and selected prose of John Keats The magic mountain......Der Zauberberg The red badge of c...... an episode of the American Civil War The selected poetry and prose of Percy......renina Tess of the d'Urbervilles ......acy in America The divine comedy ......lighieri Crime and punishment Of ...... Paradise lost The fortunes and misfortunes of t...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...s he Popenjoy? The American senator The golden lion of......astle richmond The Kellys and The O'kellys Ralph the heir An editor...... Lotta Schmidt and other stories The last Rachel Ray The Bertrams Kept in the dark Tales of ...... second series The fixed period M......y Cousin Henry The Duke's children The Belton estate The three clerks The way we live now The Struggles of Brown, Jones and Robinson : by one of the firm The Eustace diamonds Lady Anna The vicar of bullh...... Ayala's angel The Macdermots of ...... Linda Tressel The warden Barchester towers The prime minister The small house at Allington An e...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe history of Tom...... : a foundling The small house at Allington The history of the adventures of Joseph Andrews and his friend Mr. Abraham Adams The journal to Ste......A.D. 1710-1713 The prose tales of Alexander Poushkin Essays and stories Shakes......ral, poetical, and historical You......France, during the years 1787, 17......'s translation The adventures of Roderick Random The table talk and omniana The rise of the Dutch Republic : a history Barchester Towers The Essays of Elia and Eliana Poetry my own life The Odyssey Poems The poetical works......iver's travels The life of Robert......'s lives Zadig and other tales The warden The ea...
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- Related MaterialSilas Marner : the weaver of Raveloe The call of the wild ; White Fang Crime and punishment The life & adventu......kleby Tales of the jazz age : stories Tender is the night I capture the castle The ministry of fe......ment Dubliners The last of the Mohicans Romeo and Juliet The tempest The go-between The riddle of the sands : a record of......ently achieved The best of Sherlock Holmes The Pickwick papers The portrait of a lady The day of the Jackal Persuas......n Black Beauty The Count of Monte Cristo The sonnets A mids...... night's dream The memoires of Sherlock Holmes The case-book of S......lius My family and other animals King Lear Tales...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialGulliver's travels The trumpet-major and Robert his brother American circulation The return of the native The hound of the Baskervilles R......y Budd, sailor and other stories North......Hard times for these times Father and son : a study ......'s Brief lives The rainbow Select......erludes Joseph Andrews opium eater The Europeans : a sketch The way of all flesh The tenant of Wild...... extracts from the journal of Dor......n between 1800 and 1803) and from the poems of William Wordsworth The Bostonians Reflections on the Revolution in France and on the proceedings in......event Roxana : the fortunate mistress : or, A hi...
- Alternative TitleThe Penguin English library
- Alternative TitleThe Penguin English library
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe complete short stories and selected drawings Emma Kim The return of the native Collect......ories Lives of the painters, sculptors and architects Mary Barton The talented Mr. R...... Ripley's game The master and Margarita Pale fire The book of common......ppendices from the 1549 version and other commemoration......ssage to India The wealth of nati......Mr Biswas Sons and lovers The Princess Casamassima Candide and other stories The secret agent :......tale Eugénie Grandet A sportsman'......prose writings and poems The collected stories My life and other stories Confe......stified sinner The life of Samuel Johnson A tale...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAnna Karenina The idiot The sword of honou......ogy Tristram Shandy To the lighthouse : a tale of the riots of 'eighty The history of Tom......eath comes for the archbishop Poems and prophecies The postman always......ldred Pierce ; and selected stori......e A journey to the Western Islands of Scotland . With the journal of a tour to the Hebrides Scarlet and black The posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club ...... End Histories The New Testament : the authorized or ...... children Sons and lovers The skeptical Don Quixote The portrait of a lady The diary of a young girl The complete shorter fiction The ...
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- Related MaterialThe Bible : author...... James version The grasmere and Alfoxden journ......s Discourse on the origin of ineq...... Six tragedies The history of Pen......: his fortunes and misfortunes his friends and his greatest e......h Bennet? : further puzzles in cl......lected Letters The belly of Paris......d stories Meno and other dialogues Adam Bede The warden Just so storie......n Thomas Hardy The Homeric hymns ......ur major plays The golden bowl Faust The taming of the shrew The Eustace diamonds The history of Kin......r A journal of the plague year : ......r memorials of the most remarkabl...... London during the last Great Visitation in 1665...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...son McCullers' The ballad of the sad café Willi......t noon Homer's The Odyssey John M......Defoe's Moll Flanders William Sha......oker's Dracula The Tales of Poe W......Shakespeare's Othello William Sha......oni Morrison's The bluest eye Mic......ding's Lord of the flies Charles ......t Fitzgerald's The great Gatsby Henry James's The ambassadors Jo......ard Shaw's Man and superman Harpe...... Oscar Wilde's The importance of ......r T.S. Eliot's The waste land Tennessee Will......r named Desire The Odes of Keats .......D. Salinger's The catcher in the rye Theodore Dreiser's......ragedy Willa Cather's My Ántonia Herman Melville...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialChildhood, boyhood and youth Villette......ive government The republic of Pl...... A Wonder book and Tangle wood ta...... Born in exile The social contract, and, Discourses Minor poets of the eighteenth cen......s Brinker, or, The silver skates ...... Old mortality The golden treasur...... English songs and lyrics : with ...... modern poetry The Count of Monte......Minor poets of the 17th century :......erbury Scarlet and black The shepherd's calendar and other poems Poetics...... On style . On the sublime Throug......tale of a tub, and other satires Speec...... Burns's poems and songs Tales fr......aries of Swift and Johnson Utilitarianism, liber...
- Alternative TitleEveryman's library series The Everyman library Everyman lib...
- Alternative TitleEveryman's library series The Everyman library Everyman lib...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialHunted down : a story ; The uncommercial t......s Journal 1929 The fool of the family Jack Hinton, the guardsman The invasion of the Crimea : its origin, and an account of ......ogress down to the death of Lord ...... mutual friend The siege of London ; The point of view ......selection from the poetry of W.B.......ts Meanwhile : the picture of a l......y John Bull's other island ; How he lied to her husband ; Major Barbar......aodicean : or, The castle of the De Stancys : a......ticipations of the reaction of mechanical and scientific pro......pon human life and thought Typhoon, and other stories A pra...... my son Jeremy and hamlet : a chronicle of certa...
- Alternative TitleCollection of British and American authors Collection o...
- Alternative TitleCollection of British and American authors Collection o...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialDaniel Deronda Anna Karenin The jungle books Bleak House The importance of being earnest and other plays Billy Budd, sailor, and other stories John Donne : the complete English poems The figure in the carpet, and other stories The cruise of the Snark The interesting narrative and other writings Parade's end Words The Battle of Britain : The jubilee histor...... Autobiography and other writings Sele...... Edmund Waller and John Oldham Memories of the Ford administr......tion : a novel The deerslayer The way of the world and other plays : The old bachelor, The double dealer,......Love for love, The way of the world The Forsyte ...
- Alternative TitleThe Penguin classics
- Alternative TitleThe Penguin classics