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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
- ContentsPluralism, tradition and perspectives o......Stéphane Voell and Iwona Kaliszew......ka Triple laws and quasi-states i......raditional law and blood feud : s......n Soviet times and in contemporar......atia Jalabadze and Lavrenti Jania......rences in adat and sharia / Makka......s in a village community / Ekaterina" as a legal and political phen......ident mediated between traditional and state law / St......western models and local traditio......von Abrahamian and Gayane development and Cullen Dunn and Austin Cowley A guest or a client? Community-based tourism in Armenia betw...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.To trace the relationships between gender, labour, and equity in heal......lyse the rules and practices that......dering of paid and unpaid of settings and discuss how the policies and practices asso...... on efficiency and accountability......crease dignity and equity for both recipients and providers of paid and unpaid health care."--pub. de...
- Contents...g care: understanding care work across social and spatial contex......arch of equity and dignity in mat......e relationship between work and migration patterns in Canada and Finland / Ivy Bourgeau......nship: elderly clients' experiences ......are workers in community settings / Rac......nsibilization, and choice in unpa...... family web: grandparents raising grandchildren in Can......g? Constraints and opportunities practices, and gender in health care work / ...
Other Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
- Contents...Science, craft and professional v...... with academia and training progr......eptualising in client work / Barbara......glas Diagnosis and formulation in......ith difference and diversity / self-care and resilience / V......Elisabeth Shaw and Michael Carrol...... The interface between psychopharmacological and psychotherapeu......ountering the landscape. Person-c......ntury : growth and development / Andrew Hill and Mick Cooper Th......d of cognitive and mindfulness-ba......tions / Diana Sanders Psychodynam......tephen Madigan and David Nylund Neuropsychology and counselling ps......milton Fairfax Community psychology and the counsellin...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....lective wisdom and ongoing effort......of the global pandemic of COVID-1......dministrators, and researchers. W...... with patients and families, thes......ed experiences and insights, and also have deve......being of their clients and themselves. Th......, experiences, and insights in th......socioeconomic, and other repercus......e coronavirus pandemic that have impacted their client base, most of ......Focus COVID-19 and Moral Distress...... Shared Trauma and Harm Reduction...... the COVID-19 Pandemic The Role o...... the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Natur......Incarceration, and the Perpetuity......a of a Global Pandemic The COVID-19 Self-Care Su...
- Contents... the COVID-19 Pandemic Chapter 3. COVID-19 and Moral Distress...... the COVID-19 Pandemic: Meaning-making and Shared Trauma ...... the COVID-19 Pandemic Chapter 6....... The COVID-19 Pandemic Chapter 7.......stic Violence, and Shared Trauma ......ter 9.COVID-19 and Sheltering in ...... Shared Trauma and Harm 12.Job Loss and Shared Trauma ...... the COVID-19 Pandemic: Helping Clients and the Impact on ......sis, COVID-19, and Resilience in ...... the COVID-19 Pandemic: Experienc......onal, Charter, and Agency-Based Community School Agency ...... the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Holding Environment ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....t. The Oxford Handbook of Cuneifo......plore, define, and to some extent......s clay tablets and stone inscript......readers, users and owners"--
- Contents...I. Materiality and literacies 1. ......nd 3. Numeracy and metrology, 5. Literacy and gender, Brigit......I. Individuals and communities 6.......he Flood Story and his circle,, the dead, and the gods, Haga......w III. Experts and novices 11. Te......dar 12. Patron and client: Zimri-Lim and Asqudum the di......, rich, famous and unhappy: Ur-Ut......making: judges and arbitrators, S......ings, magnates and scholars, Kare...... war: strategy and conduct, Andreas Fuchs 19. ......ceptualisation and performance, D......ions 21. Sheep and sky: systems o...... observational and theoretical calendars, John M...
- Related MaterialOxford handbooks
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...tion (Research and Extension) Net......tural Research and Extension Network). ISSN:0952...
- Related Material... opportunities and continuing con......y from Senegal Community mapping exerci......nomic analysis and case studies L...... organisations and researchers : ......stems research and extension On b......ership in Mali between farmers and researchers Cr......ring diversity and understanding change Role......ers Government and NGO collaborat......g : the limits and social conditi...... organisations and agricultural r......e : in concept and in deed NGOs and agriculture at...... participation and sustainability......sons from Asia and Latin America ......nous knowledge and technical chan...... collaboration between government and private volunt...
- Alternative TitleAgricultural Administration Research and Extension Network paper
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...t clause Drugs and information co......he role of men and manipulation i......ace, religion, and gender on appo......ion : illusion and reality The sh...... John Appleton and responsible, politics, and constitutional......onal structure and purposes : cri......nstitution command? : a conceptua...... controversies and historical pat......The iron horse and the Constituti...... the railroads and the transforma......ation : understanding the religio......oup defamation and freedom of spe......e relationship between language and violence Ameri...... Supreme Court and the Watergate ......s : disloyalty and the renunciation of citizensh...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Union today and tomorrow Dear ......rafting of 18- and 19-year olds] ......blem has been handed to you! : a guide for community groups of teachers and students : for teacher and students in public and private schools and colleges The a......8 Valley Forge and the presidents......t on the costs and benefits of el......: The ACLU's stand on outlawing t......nt of New York and the fight for ......e general case and claim of the in business and the industries......ith historical and explanatory notes The life and services of Ma......neral Campbell and his immortal f......y of Political and Social Science Letter to ladi...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialConstructive and preventive Supervision and education in c......te, neglected, and delinquent children Between client and community : a study in responsibility i...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... on inequality between old and young A will and a way : what t......hange The aged client and the law A plac......for adults : a community alternative in long-term care...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ambling, game, and psyche Lacan and literature :, sacrifice, and sorority Desir......psychoanalysis and cultural criti......gists Language and politics in Ju......hes, cinematic clients : psychoanalysis and psychotherapy ......ersons : shame and appearance The......alysis, shame, and writing Melville, shame, and the evil eye :......psychoanalysis and the impossible......: constructing and healing the se......riting Levinas and Lacan : the mi......shame, trauma, and race in the no......ulia Kristeva, and other speaking...... D.H. Lawrence and the paradoxes ......psychoanalysis and the mirror of ......myth on film : between laughter and horror Literary ...
- Alternative TitleSUNY series, psychoanalysis and culture
- Alternative TitleSUNY series, psychoanalysis and culture
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Identifying and measuring alco......g inner vision and wisdom in counselors and therapists : a......udy of leaders and social change ...... role identity and ego developmen......tudy of causes and effects with t......rveys : understanding what they t......n efforts fail and how they can Understanding testing in ......ory, research, and methods in org......s, extensions, and new directions......The principles and practice of ra......y Environments and organizations ......minimize legal and financial risk......ts, processes, and social order C......s Sociobiology and human nature : [an interdisci...
- Alternative TitleJossey-Bass social and behavioral science series The...
- Alternative TitleJossey-Bass social and behavioral science series The...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialCash and care : the relations between supplementary benefit and other agencies......yment, poverty and social policy ......ritain, France and Germany Cost c......ileen Younghusband : a biography ......n the European Community Dependency wit......e distribution and redistribution......ntary benefits and the consumer Unmet needs and the delivery o......voluntary home Community care and severe physica......k Project Aids and adaptations : ......partments help clients to receive aids and adaptations Lo......ers, paid work and social security : a study of ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialEvolution and social life, sociology, and society Cooking, cuisine, and class : a stud...... constructions and deconstruction......ulture : links between ethology and the social sci......ces Naturalism and social science......ience Patrons, clients, and friends : inte......onal relations and the structure ......t, subsistence and system : the e......ip, household, and sexuality Maidens, meal and money : capitalism and the domestic community Western political theory in t...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialUnderstanding development......rity concerns, and responding to ......pments in food and drug law : lea...... requirements, and developing com...... on protecting client brands and following indu......ment potential and risks, and predicting the......ation process, and identifying ke......cation process and analyzing the ......rough defense, and protecting a client's rights The i......yers on understanding the effects......ance concerns, and analyzing the ......iance program, and navigating ris......t legislation, and constructing e......unicipalities, and analyzing recent trends and cases Privacy and surveillance legal issues : l...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialFragments and sentiments : Why is 'the community' the focus of ......ntensification and changing rainf......s institutions and roducers' orga......nsion Linkages between farmer-oriented and formal research and development ap......atory research and development? W......alyse the data and how? . The app......atory research and development. for farmers and researchers? analysis of client participation ......s from the dryland applied research and extension proj......ssons, results and dreams for sus......le development Client-driven change and institutional ......e Biodiversity and agricultural practice : why s...
- Alternative TitleAgricultural Research and Extension Network paper
- Alternative TitleAgricultural Research and Extension Network paper
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Organisation and impact of soci......s in education and behavioural sc......on commonsense and emancipation P...... the Victorian community : the formatio......h unemployment and state interven......e, government, and war : conscien......sses Knowledge and social imagery......sion Videology and Utopia : explo......ium Legitimacy and the politics o......ions for trial and remand prisoners Soci......rial relations and industrial soc......y, a strategic and occupational s......on, knowledge, and the function o...... : social work and legal services......h penal policy Between McAlpine and Polaris Economic calculation and forms of property Essays in l...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...logy : methods and applications Epidemiology and control of neu......e in pregnancy and childbirth The...... today Oxford handbook of sport and exercise medic......ical practice, and public health to choosing and using Fracture......ension Oxford handbook of clinica......tology Oxford handbook of expedition and wilderness med......ulosis of bone and joint to produce and interpret them......ance in health and disease Anatom......Medical ethics and economics in h......ctical guide Glandular enlargement and other diseases......ry, physiology and application in......rology Oxford handbook of critical care Human vi...