Search results 2
National Diet Library
- DDC614.8/3
- Subject HeadingBiological laboratories -- Safety measures.
- Title HeadingBiochemical Society (Great Britain) . Symposia. Biochemical Society special publication ; no. 5.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publisher varies.
- Related Material... International Society of Art and Psy......thalmology = XX. Internationale......e, Washington D.C., August 21-26,......rom biology to society : proceedings ...... International Society for Brain Elec......erence at the N.F. Gamaleya Insti......iences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow, Janua......s Congress, Ltd. Diabetes 1982 ......d at the Royal Society of Medicine, L......uilibriometric Society, vertigo in ca......istant disorder. Genetic factor......ongress of the Society for the Study ......onal Endotoxin Society, Vienna, 17-20......f the European Society of Neuroradiol......e, Boston, Mass., June 9-13, 19......l lectures and special topics presented at the III W...
- Alternative TitleICS Excerpta medica. International congress series