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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsPart I. Writing, Orality and the Manuscript Book. Literary cult......script culture in precolonial India / Sheldon P......anuscript illumination / Jeremia......P. Losty The Jain knowledge ware......onal libraries in India / John E. C......actices: Early books and new liter......thplace of the Indian lithographed book / Graham Shaw The coming of the book in Hindi and Urdu / Ulrike Stark An Indian success st......k Readers, reading practices, modes of reading / A.R. Venkat......ultures of the Book in Colonial India: The Battala book market / Anindita Ghosh The domain of Konkani / Rochelle Pinto Reading in the public eye: the circu...
- Subject HeadingBooks--South Asia--History. Printing--South Asia--History. Books. South Asia.
- Related MaterialThe history of the book in the East
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....wo most active book worlds in Eurasia between 1450 and 1850. Prominent scholars in book history explor...... approaches to publishing, printing, and book culture. They ......y transfer and book distribution b...... show how much book historians of East Asia and Europe can......another by raising new questions, exploring remarkable si......nd differences in these regions'......consumption of books. The chapters in turn show diff......nt ways of writing transnational......oblems confronting research on European books can instruct researchers on East Asian book production, so......l publications in the East Asian textual record...
- Contents1. Introduction / Jo......rcial" private publishing in late imperial China / Joseph McDe......ransmission of books in Europe and its......ire of texts : book production, book distribution, and book culture in late imperial China / Cynthia Bro......n of reference books, 1450-1850 / ......h McDermott 7. Books for women and......ter Burke East Asian and European book history : a short bibliograph...
- Subject HeadingPublishers and publishing--East Asia--History. Publishers and publishing--Europe--History. Printing--East Asia--History. Printing--Europe--History. Book industries and trade--East Asia--History. Book industries and tr......rope--History. Books and reading--History--Cro......tural studies. Books and reading--East Asia--History. Books and reading--Europe--History. Book industries and trade. Books and reading. Printing. Publishers and publishing. Buch Leserfor......el Verlag East Asia. Europe. Europa Ostasien Eura...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....deas shared during the Asian Festival of C......dren's Content in 2014, with a r......ional focus on India"--Back cover.
- ContentsPreface / R. Ramachandran Introduction / Rh......csal Part One: International and......obal chapters. Asia beckons : children's books for an expanding Asian market / Andr......n's literature in the Middle Eas......atima Sharafeddine Poetry for children in Asia : a life-long love for reading / Mariko Naga......Part Two: The Singapore story. O...... play! : exploring the rich curr......s of some top Singaporean children's books / John McKenzie Singapore's picture book landscape : is it a picture book story? / Linn Shekinah Part Three: India, land of Children's publishing in India / Manasi Subramaniam Reaching out to kids through children...
- Authority(Genre/Form Terms/altLabel)児童書 子どもの本 ヤングアダルト図書 Children's book Young adult book
National Diet Library
- Contents...omplexions, ancinet and moderne, wherein are described ......more exact, plain, and easie introduction into all geograph......the like not printed in English by Peregrin Clifford Chamb......ter-world, shewing al the sea-co...... library, containing, extracts and...... most valuable books printed in England, and in the forreign j...... sorts of learning by anon Lex m......ompanion. containing all the laws ...... statutes relating to merchandize. wherein our trade with......ted; our trade in general amongs......ur selves explain'd by Giles Jac......Botanicum officinale; or a compe......ts agree, one finds the poem; one the key by Ed...
- Note (General)Reprint
National Diet Library
- ContentsOf the interchangeable c......r Variety of things in the whole worl......xercices, containing eight treatis...... are set downe in the next printed page by Tho......eatise, concerning the causes of......ities, deuided into three bookes by Sig by Gi......d drawne according to the … best......commerce, wherein the universal ......iracles by Martin Lluelyn Bloudy...... from the East-Indies A memento ...... of the nation in general by Tho......y The famous Chinois by Loius Mo......rope, representing the present a......priety, and dominion on the Brit....... v. 9 Extraordinary adventures ......orials for the ingenious Poems, and translation...
- Note (General)Reprint
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingPublishers and publishing -- Asia -- Congresses.
- Note (General)Sponsored jointly by Franklin Book Programs, inc., U. S. A., and Singapore Book Publishers Association.
- Author HeadingFranklin Book Programs, inc. Singapore Book Publishers Ass......n. Regional Seminar on Book Publishing (1969 : Singapore)
National Diet Library
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)...ンター文化遺産保護協力事務所 Asian Cultural Centre for UNESCO Asia/Pacific Cultur......ration Office, Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for U...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Original t. p. reads ...... admired and painefull peregrination from Scot......e most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia, and Affricke ... London, Printed by and painefull peregrinations of long nineteene yeares t......e most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia, and Affrica, ......irst published in 1632. S. T. C. no. 15710.
- Related MaterialThe English experience, its record in early printed books published in facsimile
- Periodical TitleThe English experience, its record in early printed books published in facsimile
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject to 1800. India -- Description and travel ...
- Note (General)S.T.C. no. 13190. Original t.p. reads: ......nne anno 1626. Into Afrique and the greater Asia, especially th...... the Orientall Indies, and iles ......matters concerning them. Togethe......ith the proceedings and death of......monarchs, the king of Persia and...... ... London, Printed by William ......ome, 1634. Original added t.p. has title: A dis...
- Related MaterialThe English experience, its record in early printed books published in facsimile
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Original t.p. reads: ......ravels of certaine Englishmen into Africa, Asia, Troy, Bythinia, Thracia, an...... ... London, Printed by Th. Haue......ld at his shop in Paules Church ......ional material interwoven. S.T.C. no. 3051.
- Related MaterialThe English experience, its record in early printed books published in facsimile
- Periodical TitleThe English experience, its record in early printed books published in facsimile
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingTextile crafts -- India -- Gujarat Tents -- India -- Gujarat -- Religious as...
- Subject Heading (ID)Textile crafts -- India -- Gujarat Tents -- India -- Gujarat -- Religious as...
- Note (General)"The book is based on an......ion catalogue (in German) the author produced in collaboration with Jyotindra Jain and Haku Shah in 1982 for an ex......useum Rietberg in Zurich"--Book jacket "German...... die Muttergöttinnen in Indien ... which was published in 1982 by me to ......photographed"--Intro Includes bibliographical referen...
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Persistent ID (NDL)info:ndljp/pid/10278441
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Persistent ID (NDL)info:ndljp/pid/10278432
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative Title...niversality of books : EPAC 10-yea......change through books in East Asia : Approaches and issues 第21回東...
- Alternative Title...niversality of books : EPAC 10-yea......change through books in East Asia : Approaches and issues 第21回東...
National Diet Library
- Note (General)...資料 コレクションタイトル: International Military Tribunal ...
- Related MaterialPros. Doc. No. 685: Book, entitled "Establishing Order in Greater East Asia." By OKAWA, Shumei [マイクロ資料]
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Persistent ID (NDL)info:ndljp/pid/12922322
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingInternational books in print
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingInternational books in print
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingInternational books in print