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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ork in English on all aspects of......apanese patent law presents 66 cases with an expert......orneys, judges and members of the......apanese patent law: requirements ......, inventorship and ownership issu......ope of protection and interpretation of claims, enforcement and infringement p......nt term extensions, licensing and antitrust issu......utility models and more. Many of the cases appear in English for the fir...
- ContentsIntroduction: History and Economic Importance......istopher Heath and Atsuhiro Furut......No. 1: Definition of an Invention : Mental Activ......No. 2: Definition of an Invention : Repeatabilit......Prior Application : Double Paten......iod : Combination with Priority ...... Problem Solution Approach and Ex Post Analys......edical Indications and Dosage Disclosure and Support Case N......rameter Invention Case No. 11: I......trial Application : Medical Trea......ver the Invention : Inventorship......nventors : Action by One Co-Inventor against Revocation Case No. 15: R......ver the Invention : Transfer of a portion of Pa...
- Genre/Form TermsTrials, litigation, etc.
National Diet Library
- ContentsWhat does the future hold for international courts? Critical junctures and the future of international courts in a po......ld order India and international dispute settle......: some reflections on India's participation in international courts and tribunals Chin......titude towards international adjudication : past, present and future The cri...... authoritarian and populist regim......s Taking back control? Brexit and the Court of J......tice The functions of the International Court of Justi......tending to the law while settling......s? Delegitimation of global courts : lessons from the past......t Learning lessons through the prism of legitim...
- Subject HeadingAmicus curiae. International Court of Justi...... Human Rights. International courts. Justice, Administration of.
National Diet Library
- Contents... Oxman L'Equation de Salomon / Pierre-Marie......t la codification du droit de la responsabilite / Maur......fect of Armed Conflict on Treaties: A St......of Specialized International Tribunals and the Fears of Fragmentation of International Law / Hugo Caminos......he "Right Mix" and "Ambiguities" ...... A Few Remarks on the Navigational and Related Rights......riginal Intention and the Identification of the Ordinar......ent Procedures and Fresh Water: Multiplicity and Diversity at S...... Laurence Boisson de Chazournes ......lques observations sur les mesures conservatoires ind......nce Before the International Court of Justice: Issues of F...
- Subject HeadingInternational law. International courts. Treves...... Tullio, 1942- Internationale Gerichtsbarkeit. Völkerrech...
- Note (General)"Publications of Tullio Treves"--pages xii...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...cohol : the second-most deadly d......nnabis history and use : the rehabilitation (1785) Delicio...... the introduction of cocaine (1859) Regulation begins : state laws and the addiction crisis (1894) : the creation of the FDA (19......alizing addiction : the Harrison Narcotics Act ......1914) Prohibition begins : the p......nd of prohibition : ineffective Act (1937) Mandatory minimums ......1) Utopian visions : hallucinoge......c enemy number one : Nixon's war on drugs (1972) Harm reduction : the introduction of Methadone (1972) A traditionalist radical : Jimmy Carter and the drug debate (1977) The Qu...
- Subject Heading...Sources. Drug control--United St...... Drug utilization--United States......ources. Drugs--Law and legislation--United States......g abuse. Drug control. Drug utilization. Drugs--Law and legislation. United States.
- Alternative TitleDrug use and abuse
National Diet Library
- Contents...he European Union : are eu law and policy humane ......: an introduction / Nuno Ferreira A constitution of social gove......he European Union / Dagmar Schie......l social functions" post the glo......nder Singh Lisbon, via Stockholm, Strasbourg and Opinion 2/13 : prospec......entred protection of fundamental......amental rights and humaneness in ......ropean private law : the case of ......olombi Ciacchi and Adam McCann Changes and challenges go hand in hand : accessibilit......edom, security and justice post-lisbon / Agata B. Capik Union citizenship : ......lacing limitations on a human-centre......l status : persons or actors on their way to fu...
- Subject HeadingEuropäische Union. Law--Social aspects--European Union countries. Law--Social aspect......t. European Union countries--Soc......e--European Union countries.
National Diet Library
- ContentsReflections on international adjudication The impact of the International Court of Justi......s of adjudication National judges and judges ad hoc of the International Court of Justi......curity Council and the International Court of Justi......n the application of international humanitarian law The inter-acti......fluence of the International Court of Justice and the International Law Commission A site visit o......The proliferation of international tribunals : th......dary delimitation : the constitution of the chamber......udgment of the International Court of Justi......e in the case concerning the Gab......sory jurisdiction A bit about ICSID The influen...
- Subject HeadingInternational Court of Justice. International courts. Arbitration (International law) International law.
- Author HeadingSchwebel, Stephen M. (Stephen Myron) , 1929-
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction / Eleftheria N...... Principle of conferral and express and implied extern......s / Marise Cremona The dynamic o......heria Neframi Conflict of legal bases and the internal-e......tti L'application du principe de......cadre de l'action extérieure de l'Union européenne = T......e external action of the European Union / Isabelle Bosse-Platière Constitutional limits to th......y / Merijn Chamon Droit primaire......icites: réflexions à partir de l......ustice de l'Union européenne = Primary law and the theory of ......hts after Opinion 2/15 / Nicolas Pigeon Recent the separation of powers in EU foreign relat...
- Subject HeadingEuropean Union. International relations. Constitutional law--European Union countries. Constitutional law. Europe--European Union countries.
National Diet Library
- ContentsGene-environment interactions : where are we and where should w......ose M. Ordovas and E. Shyong Tai Translati......Elaine S. Krul and Peter J. Gilli......iness applications of nutrigenom......n Gill Regulation of genetic tests : an international comparison / Stuart Hogar......-based regulation of direct-to-consumer nutrigene......ct of genomics on innovation in foods and drugs : can Canadian law step up to the...... the everyday context : towards an action approach of gene-based personalized nutrition advice / Laura I. Bouwman and Cees van in nutrition and genetics : a C......ledge translation in nutritional genomics by ad...
- Subject HeadingNutrition -- Genetic asp......cs -- legislation & jurisprudence. Nutritional Physiological Phenomena -- ...
National Diet Library
- Contents...-slavery squadrons / James Watt ......-1949 / J. Y. Wong . Part 2 : US......l War . The Union navy's blockade reconsidered / David...... Surdam "Frictions" : shipboard relations between White and contraband sailors / Mich......ound" : understanding John Ericsson's Monitors and the American Union's war against ......e Russian navy and the problem of...... Naval warfare and the refraction of China's sel......nto scientific and technological John Ericsson and the transformation of Swedish nav......iralty reforms and the nineteenth......ntury "Revolution" in British go...... / C. I. Hamilton One power standard? Great Bri...
- Title HeadingInternational library of essays on military history.
- Author HeadingLambert, Andrew D., 1956-
National Diet Library
- ContentsInternational courts and tribunals and the rule of law / John B. public opinion on international courts and tribunals / Steven Kull and Clay Ramsay Arbitration and avoidance of w......y American vision / Mary Ellen O'Connell The United States and the International Court of Justi...... Supreme Court and the International Court of Justi......s "respectful consideration" mean? / Melis......titudes toward international criminal courts and tribunals / John P. Cerone The United States and the Inter-Amer...... United States and human rights t......elish The U.S. and international claims and compensation bodies / John R....
- Subject HeadingInternational and municipal law -- United States. International law -- United States. International courts. United...... Foreign relations.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This comprehensive Handbook provides a detailed and unique overvie......rnance in the context of global environmental change. ......of global environmental change, and climate change......vital that we consider the role adapting to and mitigating the......comprehensive Handbook provides a......ut marine environmental governance, including law and policy, in the context of global environmental change. ......pters describe international law, regimes, and leadership in marine environmental governan......n the process considering how ex......climate change and the oceans should and can be an exploration of the role of non-state acto...
- Contents... : global environmental change /......s regime : the law of the sea and beyond / Erik van Do......zemarijn J. Roland Holst The legal implications of ocean acidification : beyond the climate c....../ Jennicca Gordon Regimes for oc......nagement : regional seas programmes and blue-carbon habitats / Luciana Fernandes Coelho and Nata Tavonvunchai / Blue dimensions of the Europe...... : climate action at sea / Gabri......rship : actors and their marine environmental governan...... ocean protection / Alice B.M. V......vil society : nongovernmental organizations, public opinion, and individuals / Andrea Quirino ...
- Subject HeadingClimatic changes--Law and legislation Marine resources conservation--Law and legislation Law of the sea--Environmental aspects
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The provisions of the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA)......mine the relations of the EFTA Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein with the EU and its Member States. On its basis, the......odel for relations between the EU and the United Kin......ensive annexes and protocols to t......unlocks key secondary EEA law and establishes links with EU law. The current state of EEA law in Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein ......ed by legislation and case law. The focus of the presentations lies in the c......he EEA regulations on the free movem......ovement of persons, services and capital, transport policy and competition law. The tasks an...
- ContentsMachine generated contents note: The......tates, the EEA and the different views on the legal integration of Europe Iceland and the EEA Liechtenstein and the EEA Norway and the EEA Switzerland and the EEA The EEA in the Union's Legal Order EEA law in and beyond the text of t......Agreement The Contracting Partie...... I: Objectives and principles Article 1 Object and purpose Article 2 Definitions Article 3 Pri......lty Article 4 Non-discrimination on grounds of nationality Article 5......droll d'evocation in the EEA Council and Joint Committe......Binding effect and implementation of EU legal of application Article 9 Origin of goods Art...
- Subject HeadingAgreement on the European Economic Area (1992...... 2) European Economic Area. European Economic Community ......ies--Foreign economic relations--European Fre......Trade Association countries. Eur......Trade Association countries--Foreign economic relations--European Economic Community ......ies. Europe--Economic integration. EEA = European Economic Area. EU/E...... Trad Association. International economic integration. International economic relations. Europe. Europe--European Economic Community ......Trade Association countries.
National Diet Library
- ContentsSome reflections on basic issues concerning the responsibility of international organizations / Antônio A.......The process of law-making : the law relating to international organizations as an example......eith Codification, progressive d......Sean D. Murphy International organizations are definitel......ursory remarks on the ILC articles on the responsibility of international organizations / Alain Pelle......' the articles on responsibility of international organizations / Michael Woo......ILC's articles on the responsibility of international organizations / Ranjan Amerasinghe International organizations and state respo...
- Subject HeadingTort liability of international agencies. Government liability (International law)
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...t : the diffusion of violence / ......yrian strategy on terrorism : 19...... Recent trends and future prospec......s of Iranian sponsored international terrorism / Br......ffman Chemical and biological war......policy in Lebanon : legacies and lessons / Rex Brynen ......fundamentalism and terrorism : a ......lpit Islamization in Sudan : a c......rotherhood in contemporary Egypt / Abd al-Monein Said Aly and Manfred W. Wen......roots of peace and war according ......entalism / Anthony Hyman Messianic sanctions for terror / ...... Rapoport Lebanon : a confict of minorit......ock Sectarian conflict in Egypt and the political expediency of r...
- Subject Heading...ish-Arab relations. Insurgency--......e East. Nahostkonflikt. Internationaler Terrorismus. Terrorism
- Related MaterialThe international library of terrorism
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Reproduction of: Boston : Boston Book Co., 1893. 586 p
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingInternational law -- United States -- Digests
- Subject Heading (ID)International law -- United States -- Digests
- Note (General)Originally published: Washington [D.C.] : Government Printing ...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingInternational law -- Cases.
- Note (General)On cover: Leading cases on international law.
- Alternative TitleLeading cases on international law.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingInternational law and relations -- Cases.
- Note (General)Lettered on cover: Leading cases on international law. List of works......r than reports and official documents: v. l, p.x...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingInternational law and relations -- Cases.
- Title HeadingCases and opinions on international law.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialA strategic understanding of UN economic sanctions : international relations, law, and development Constituting human...... civil society and the society of......tic states National and international conflicts, 1945-19...... new empirical and theoretical ap...... the Holocaust and historical representation Meaning and international relations Foreign policy and discourse anal......rance, Britain and Europe Global ......vil society : contested futures ......rian intervention : how Bosnia globalization Globalization, prostitution and sex-traffickin......itical loyalty and the nation-state International cooperation and Arctic govern...
- Alternative TitleRoutledge advances in international relations and global advances in international relations and global politics series
- Alternative TitleRoutledge advances in international relations and global advances in international relations and global politics series