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- Summary, etc....the prayers in Chaucer's poetry sheds......s of prayer as Chaucer's England, a w......n when reading Chaucer's poetry. Both......ion to a poem. Chaucer uses this each other, Chaucer's Prayers cuts......ritings within Chaucer's corpus. Rath......yer as part of Chaucer's broader expe......It also places Chaucer in his devotio......ceived view of Chaucer as an essentially secular poe...
- Contents...: Praying with Chaucer, Performing Chaucer
- Subject HeadingChaucer, Geoffrey, -1400--Religion Chaucer, Geoffrey, -1400. Prayers, Me...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The Book of the Duchess, Chaucer's first major ......derstanding of Chaucer's literary ach......-first-century Chaucer studies." -- Page 4 of cover.
- Subject HeadingChaucer, Geoffrey, -14...... the Duchesse. Chaucer, Geoffrey, -14......nterpretation. Chaucer, Geoffrey, -14...... the Duchesse (Chaucer, Geoffrey)
- Related MaterialChaucer studies
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....oks' syllabus, Chaucer is seen as an ......emakes its own Chaucer, developing ne......s that address Chaucer's poetry in th......of Daily Life; Chaucer in the Europea......odoxy; and the Chaucerian Afterlife. ......rd Handbook of Chaucer offers a along which Chaucer studies are likely to develop...
- Contents...of daily life. Chaucer's travel's for...... / Peter Brown Chaucer and Contempora......ountour-Hous': Chaucer's Polyglot Dwe......ooklessness in Chaucer's England / Al......ter soverain': Chaucer and Rhetoric /......mpson Part II: Chaucer in the Mediter...... Structures of Chaucerian Thought / S...... in the Age of Chaucer / Suzanne M. Y......ager Part III: Chaucer in the Europea...... Jamie C. Fumo Chaucer and the Textua......arren Ginsberg Chaucer's Petrarch: ' and Duress: Chaucer and the Fifth ......and Science in Chaucer's Day / E. Rut......n-Marie Bugyis Chaucer as Image-Maker......s Part VI: The Chaucerian afterlife. Geographesis, o...
- Subject HeadingChaucer, Geoffrey, -1400--Criticism and interpretation Chaucer, Geoffrey, -1400.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingChaucer, Geoffrey, -14......-Dictionaries. Chaucer, Geoffrey, -1400--Religion--D...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingChaucer, Geoffrey, -1400--Criticism a...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsPrologue: Concerning Chaucer Unexpected journeys Four Chaucerians: Walter W.......d glossary The Chaucerian incubus: th......s Tolkien as a Chaucerian: The Reeve's Tale Chaucer in Middle-Earth Coda: Fathers...
- Subject Heading...interpretation Chaucer, Geoffrey, -1400--Influence Chaucer, Geoffrey, -14......l), 1892-1973. Chaucer, Geoffrey 1343-1400 Tolkien, ...
- Note (Content)Tolkien's Lost Chaucer uncovers the s......elections from Chaucer's Poetry and P......s book reveals Chaucer as a major influence upon Tol...
National Diet Library
- Summary,, Geoffrey Chaucer's poetry is the most vivid. Chaucer wrote about ev...... high seas. In Chaucer's People, Liza Picard transfo...
- Subject HeadingChaucer, Geoffrey, -14......0--Characters. Chaucer, Geoffrey, -14......terbury tales. Chaucer, Geoffrey, -14......terbury tales (Chaucer, Geoffrey) Great Britain--His...
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingChaucer, Geoffrey, -1400--Criticism a...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingChaucer, Geoffrey, -1400. Chaucer, Geoffrey, -1400--Travel. Chaucer, Geoffrey, -1400--Homes and h...
- Note (Content)...iter, Geoffrey Chaucer lived and work......anguage earned Chaucer renown as the ......litan world of Chaucer's adventurous ......ormation about Chaucer's travels, pri......ative recounts Chaucer's experiences ......exploration of Chaucer's writings, the places Chaucer visited, the buildings he inh...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The 2004 announcement that Chaucer's scribe had b......ury scribes of Chaucer and Langland, this book repre...
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
The structure of Chaucer's ambiguity (Studies in English medieval language and literature ; vol. 36)
National Diet Library
- Contents...and ambiguity; Chaucer's ambiguity : ...... for examining Chaucer's ambiguity Am......manuscripts of Chaucer's texts; The s......erb trewely in Chaucer : previous res......e structure of Chaucer's ambiguity Appendix A : line...
- Subject HeadingChaucer, Geoffrey, -1400. Troilus and...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... Yoko Iyeiri 著 Chaucer's imaginative ......icularisers in Chaucer's English Ayumi Miura 著 A mod...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan