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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....teenth-century child labor laws, and how ......e of the first child labor laws. Middle-c......States defined child labor as a threat to social order, ...
- Contents...he Politics of Child Labor Regulation in ...... Consensus and Child Labor Reform in Massachusetts Resto...
- Subject Heading...--19th century Child labor--Law and legis......--19th century Child labor--Law and legislation--United ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... prevalence of child labor across the wor......veness towards child labor, including psycho-educational...
- Contents...ograms Against Child Labor: Key Factors a......ter 1. What is Child Labor Chapter 2. Cau......onsequences of Child Labor Chapter 3. Wha...... in Preventing Child Labor Chapter 4. How......lementation of Child Labor Prevention Pro......ams Chapter 5. Child Labor, Psychological...... Modalities of Child Labor Part II. Implementing Child Labor Policies and P......Policy Against Child Labor Chapter 8. Fro...... Prevention of Child Labor Chapter 9. A P......ctions Against Child Labor Chapter 10. Epilogue: The sus...
- Subject HeadingChild labor--Prevention
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....onsequences of child labor. In so doing, ...... insights into child labor. Section 2 pro......ase studies on child labor from across Asia, Africa and ...
- Subject HeadingChild labor--Developing countries. Child labor--Developing co......-Case studies. Child labor Developing countries
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Child labor law strikes challenges. Child Labor in America tel......ull account of child labor law in America...... of oppressive child labor clarifies thes......t the evils of child labor started to bui......n unsuccessful Child Labor Amendment, and......ce research on child labor reform. Unprec...... into the role child labor has played in ......ay do not give child labor laws much thou......tant past. But child labor was a prominen......effective, and child labor laws faced opp......n unsuccessful Child Labor Amendment, and......f legislation. Child Labor in America is ......nal history of child labor in the United States, the fir...
- Contents...State Laws and child Labor in the 1800s 2...... 3. Regulating Child Labor as Interstate ......ompanies Using Child Labor: Bailey v. Dre......Fight over the Child Labor Amendment 7. T....... Contemporary Child Labor Issues Postscr......e Truly Stupid Child Labor Laws Chronolog...... Proposed 1924 Child Labor Amendment Cases Cited Notes B...
- Subject HeadingChild labor--Law and legis......ates--History. Child labor--United States--History. HIST...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....perspective on child labor.
- ContentsWhat is child labor? Is child labor a new issue? Is child labor worse in towns......he country? Is child labor a problem in school? Can child labor help poor families? Isn't it ...
- Subject HeadingChild labor -- Juvenile literature.
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- ContentsChild labor enforcement he....../ Norma Flores Child labor enforcement he...... J. Passantino Child labor enforcement he......vid A. Strauss Child labor enforcement : ....../ Lynn Woolsey Child labor in America : history, policy,...
- Subject HeadingChild labor -- United States. Child labor -- Government ......United States. Child labor -- Law and legislation -- Uni...
National Diet Library
- Summary, Origins of Child Labor challenges exi......erstandings of child labor by tracing how......n at odds with child labor reform. Local ......the lexicon of child labor. In this way, the law fashion...
- Contents...ll The dawn of child labor Epilogue : Get up and play.
- Subject HeadingChild labor -- Law and -- History. Child labor -- United States -- History.
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading... Case studies. Child labor -- Developing countries -- Ca...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingChild labor -- Latin America. Education -...
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingChild labor -- History. Child labor.
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Toc / Article... Literature on Child Labor/ 173 Seiro Ito......Kubo Chapter 6 Child Labor Eradication Programs in Andhr...
- Contents... literature on child labor by Seiro Ito C......y Kensuke Kubo Child labor eradication programs in Andhr...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, parenthood, child labor, and poverty in pushing teena...