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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... is a biennial international awa......onours outstanding contributions......eable and sustainable urban communities around ...
- Subject HeadingCity planning. Community development, Urban. City planning--Awards.
- Author HeadingLiu, Gretchen. Urban Redevelopment Authority (Singapore)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This book examines the sustainability transition theory in the context of urbanization in China, tracing the developme......and low-carbon cities. It examines how ideas on building eco-cities and low-carbon cities travel from na......ey are adopted in the Chinese administrative conte...... and what role inter-scalar actors play in getting the ideas tra......e ground. Offering an overarching theoretical framework that incorporates all urban sustainability experiments in China, the book con......argets of sustainable urban expe......r and how they influence transition dynamics in practice. By examining four eco and low-carbon ne...
- Subject HeadingSustainable urban development--China Urbanization--China SCIENCE / Ear......Geography Sustainable urban deve......rbanization. China.
- Title HeadingRoutledge studies in urbanism and the city
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....tance to Asian cities: governance, l......lity, and sustainability. Togeth......ient trends defining Asian region. Examining the processes......tion, the book interweaves pract......gour while lending insight and complexity into the towering challenges of......broad audience including thinkers, practitioners, and stude...
- Subject HeadingUrbanization--Asia. City planning--Asia. Urban ......sia. City planning. Urban policy. Urbanization....
- Title HeadingRoutledge advances in regional economics, science a...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Over the past decade, cities have come into closer conta......ctive policymaking in response to pl......ctive policymaking in an effort to develop into smart cities, urban governa......ce is transforming at an unprece......eed and scale. Innovative techno...... sensors that line our streets, ......hms that determine our resource cost? Exploring the and cities, this book brings together an outstanding group of authors in the field to p...... necessary examination of the di......ey look at how cities should underst......jects, and how innovative econom......e structure of cities themselves. Contributors dig ...
- ContentsIntroduction / Austin Zwick, Zachary......s Abogado MANAGING PLATFORMS Mobilizing the Platform ......conomy: Regulating Short-Term Rentals in Toronto / Sean...... Wolf Ride-Hailing Platforms Are Shaping the Future of...... Farber Disrupting Stuff: Material Flows in the Platform C...... Woudsma GOVERNING PLATFORMS Ride Hailing in Canadian Cities / Shauna Brail Taking Kingston for a Reg......ber's Entrance into Kingston, Ontario ......gms for the Coming Age of Autono......Vehicles / Austin Zwick and Eamonn Dundon CITIES AS PLATFORMS P......ell Hartt, Austin Zwick, and Brian Webb Seeing the City as a......Canada's Smart Cities Challenge a Good Step in That...
- Subject HeadingSmart cities Cities and towns--Eff...... technological innovations on Gi......y Gig economy. Cities and towns--Eff...... technological innovations on. D......ologies. Smart cities. Technology--Social aspects. ...
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Persistent ID (NDL)info:ndljp/pid/12770149
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This book examines examples of ......storic regions in the Middle Eas......e routes, offering cross-disciplinary and cross-s......eavors to form cities, and across th...... the urban continuity that once generations in the physical a......digm have been interrupted by ra......mic pressures, in addition to co...... case that dealing with such pressing issues in a historic cit......mplex than dealing with those in newly built cities and urban area...... from the Silk Cities 2017 International Conference, this b...
- ContentsIntroduction Part......ic Open Spaces in Bahrain: Connecting Migrants and Urban Heritage in a Transcultura......tended; Re-examining the Cultural ......e Significance in Restoration Hi......ak" City, Bahrain Part II: Governing Urban Heritag......ation Approach in Tackling Neighbourhood Decline in Tehran.
- Subject HeadingHistoric buildings--Conservatio......ast. City planning--Middle East.......ast. City planning. Historic buildings--Conservation and restorati...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Quelle BMUB: "Smart Cities sind nachhaltiger und integrierter Stad....... Die digitale Transformation bietet Stä und Gemeinden Chancen auf......Kreise und Gemeinden in Deutschland bei diesem Transformationsprozess spiege......n und Risiken einer zukunftsorie...... soll auch die interkommunale Zu......en Räumen im Sinne einer zukunftsorientierten Stadt-...
- Alternative TitleSmart City Charter : making digital transformation at the local level sustainable
- Alternative TitleSmart City Charter : making digital transformation at the local level sustainable
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingCities and towns--Per......d immigration. Cities and towns. Emi...... Gulf States. Einwanderung Stadtplanung Golfsta...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."1999 was a decisive year in the long histo......they voted for independence in a UN-sponsored......e a nation wishing to have their....... The book examines a vast array of transformations that have tak...... which aims at inscribing the mutual influences arising from the existence of distinct social by side but in their mutual influences and en......ometimes resulting from effectiv......alytical viewpoint of evolving power dynamic......tions, experts in the field investigate issue......en contentious in the recent pas......or-Leste is facing. Structured in three well as the transformation in the traditional culture in...
- Contents...f custom Returning to origin places in an expanding world: customary ritual in independent Timor...... G. Traube Hunting and harvesting in the commons:on......ised authority in of establishing a land tenure system in a newly independent state...... Soares Navigating without a com......ate transition in Timor-Leste's ...... Reconceptualizing land and territory in Oecusse Ambeno......ater and motif in an etic genre ......overnance: rethinking the state and...... Grenfell Managing persons and r......Silva Local administration: a vi......ion and the making of personhood in Lisadila (Maubara) / Daniel S...
National Diet Library
- Persistent ID (NDL)info:ndljp/pid/11378462
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... Bottom Worker in East Asia: Composition and Transformation under are workers in the North and ......ed and the working homeless. The existing division has become increasingly more fluid ......he disparities in working conditions an....... The book examines workers' ent......he bottom, getting off the bottom, and intersecting each other by analyzing how they work, reside in, and build lifeworlds in cities and suburbs of......ian countries. In this way, it d......ntemporary working class"--
- ContentsIntroduction bottom workers in Asia : Japan, ......ouseholds, and interpretive labo...... Labor-spatial informality of bo......r / Hideo Aoki Transformation of bottom workers in the hotel industry : reprod......ion structures in dormitory labo......amaguchi Stuck in bottom work : Filipina marriage migr......ts' work lives in South Korea / ...... Exclusion and inclusion of Japanese Latin Americans : a ...... on public housing in Aichi Prefectu......sumiya Changes in Asian cities and bottom peo......ty development in Thai slums / Y......redit enhances informalization :......overnmentality in Chittagong society / Shinji Sakamoto The spatial distri...
- Subject HeadingWorking poor--East Asia--Social cond...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....passenger shipping on social rel......ard and ashore in European shipping industries betwee......0. The changes in motive power, and positioning technologies ......passenger shipping went together......ns and the marginalization or di......ies on changes in different mari......middle of the nineteenth century...... century, covering the shipping industries of a v......riety of seafaring countries in Europe. The subjects include changes in maritime labou......large, changes in specific group...... of deck, catering or engine room personne......, such as captains, cooks, catering personnel, engineers, or radio-operators. A nu...
- ContentsChapter 1. Introduction / I. Changes in maritime labour : institutional, te...... human element in power-driven m......ip propulsion since 1850 : the B......ogical change, institutions, and......itime labour : international ref......heir reception in Sweden and Finland, c.1850-19......ter 4. Changes in maritime labour in Greece during the transitio......pter 5. Seamen in the city : origins, residence an......standard of living of Le Havre s......chapter 6. Reading shipboard spa......s of ships serving the Netherlands East Indies, c.1850-19......r 7. Reconfiguring authority at ......and their captains in a Danish context, c.1850-...
- Subject HeadingShipping--Europe Shipping--Technological innovations Shipping--Europe--Employees Shipping. Shipping--Employees. Shipping--Technological innovations. Europe.
National Diet Library
- Summary, of urban inclusivity amids......eoliberal turn in urban governan......e plurality of interventions that cities undertake—or facilitate—in managing their social ......rfs. By addressing the apparent ......eterogeneities in urban place-making, especially in non-Western co......ts the role of inclusionary prac......oes so by focusing on old urban ......spoken history in experimenting with inclusivity. The ...... guided by two interrelated ques......ular urban settings promote inclusionary features in contrast to th......these features in dialogue with ......ories that continue to grapple account of inclusionary initiatives by the ...
- ContentsIntroduction: Tow......ework of Urban Inclusivity Gentr......nd Adversarial Inner-City Neighb......dential Rights in Tokyo, Japan Defining Japanese Gentrification in Comparison to ......ial Safety-Net in Seoul, South K......nges, Symbolic Transformations: Commercial G......d Urban Change in Turin, Italy The Inclusive Propert......ce Hubs: Stuck in Time, Stuck in Place Spatial ......ce Hubs Addressing Homelessness in Global Miami The Impact of Increasing Welfare Needs......omeless People in the Urban Unde......omeless People in Hong Kong Voluntary Services in Disordered Space: The Inner-City Servic......oreign Workers in Singapore Consolidation of In...
- Subject HeadingCity planning--Social aspec......icy Public housing City planning--Social aspec......on. Public housing. Urban policy.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."While technology is developing at a fast pac......n planners and cities are still behind in finding effective way......spects of sustainable urbanism a......ought together in this book alon...... to urban planning and management. It integrates urban studies, smart cities, AI, IoT, remote sensing and GIS. High...... land use planning, spatial planning, and ecosystem-based information to im......lanners and engineers will under...... the use of AI in disaster manag......the use of GIS in finding suitable land......sites for sustainable waste management"--
- ContentsCrowdfunding and place making efforts in New Orleans / ......i Sharma Exploring the spatial formation in relation to land transformation : a study Pasc......nt : a case of Indore City / Hem......igious tourism in the age of com......, West Bengal, India / Anu Rai, S. Das Mapping of urban heat......ation measures in Durgapur-Asansol Industrial Region, India / Santu Guc......and challenges in Winter Cities / A.G. Andal U......climate change in the Fiji Islands during the 21st cent......Afsar Alam, Ravinesh Rohit Prasa......rity of social innovations for t...... adaptation of cities to climate cha......en space fostering environmentally modified att...
- Subject HeadingCity planning--Case studies Smart cities--Case studies Sustainable urban development--Case s...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Katharina Hölscher is ......nance and sustainability transit......Dutch Research Institute For Tra......rlands. She is involved in various research projects in Europe and worldwide focusing on climate go......and resilience in cities, transformation research and t......agement. Katharina has published......ion management in cities. Niki Frantzes...... on Urban Sustainability Transit......ansitions at Swinburne Universit...... on urban sustainability transit......ues about sustainability and sustainability transitions. She coordinates research o......sitions by leading and being involved in a portfolio of...... with research institutes across Europe, Canada...
- Contents... Chapter 2 Capacities for transforma......ter 3 Transforming cities and science fo......nge resilience in the Anthropoce......apter 4 Navigating transformations under climate change in cities: features and lock-ins of urban clim......ter 5 Transforming urban water governance in Rotterdam, the...... Chapter 6 Capacities for transforma......ate governance in New York City ......ter 7 Transforming urban (climat......vely experimenting cities? Chapter 8 futures in Europe Chapter......9 Operationalising Transition Ma......ent for navigating high-end clim......Chapter 10 Capacities in high-end scenarios in Euro...
- Related MaterialPalgrave studies in environmental transformation, transition and accountabilit...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Considering Asian cities ranging from Taipei, ...... to Hanoi, Nanjing and Seoul, th......ralization entwines with local p......entered on housing. The book takes housing as a key entry point, given its prime position in the making of social and......plores the continuing alterations a......s of urban housing policies, as they come into conflict and......eral policies. In discussing the experienc...... it also takes into consideratio......has manifested in each country a......n national housing questions in Asia.
- ContentsCentering housing questions in Asian cities / Yi-Ling Chen and Hyun Bang Shin "Re-occupying the state" : social housing movement and the transformation of housing policies in Taiwan / Yi-Ling Chen Displace......alism : addressing the housing crisis of Hong Kong in the restructuring of Pearl Rive......entelism : housing policies for ......ow- and middle-income housing in Bangkok / Tham......ost-reform housing policies and ......Tran and Ngai-Ming Yip Beyond pr......splacement : China's neoliberal transformation and housing inequalities / Zh......evelopment and inequality in urban China : the privati......ership and the transformation of everyday practice / Sarah ...
- Subject HeadingHousing policy--East Asia. Housing policy--Southeast Asia. Cities and towns--Eas...... Asia--Growth. Cities and towns--Sou......outheast Asia. Cities and towns--Growth. East Asia....
National Diet Library
- ContentsStudent movements in late neolibera......mes / Lorenzo Cini, Donatella de......demonstrations in Mexico City / María Inclán Contentious institutionalized......udent movement in Quebec / Luc Chicoine and Marcos An......lovici Structuring the "structureless" and leading the "leaderle......d organization in the student mo...... Augusto) Tweeting #FeesMustFall : the online life and offline protests of a......ent leadership in an era of conn......hers' movement in Italy / Gianni......udent unity against outsourcing at the Univer......sburg : disrupting the neolibera......ucation agenda in England, detached, influential ... and declining? /...
- Title HeadingSocial movements and transformation
- Author HeadingCini, Lorenzo Della Porta, Donate...
National Diet Library
- Persistent ID (NDL)info:ndljp/pid/10370175
- Degree Type博士(デザイン学)/ Doctor of Philosophy in Design