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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ultilingualism and the language p......same attention and space. For usa......ional economic communities (RECs): - to describe and analyse the di......nent using a standard structure for each chapter...
- Contents...ael M. Kretzer and Russell H. Kas......anguage Policy and Planning in th......ll H. Kaschula and Michael M. Kre......ucation Policy and Portuguese, Discourses and Impacts / Nico......tical Issues / Andy Monthusi Cheb......omoros: Status and Perspectives /......ll H. Kaschula and Michael M. Kre......en G. Mordaunt and Paul Williams as a Kennel and Husk of the Af......sisili Sebotsa and Khahliso Mahula Language and Education in M......ical Conflicts and Implementation......ociolinguistic and Socio-politica......ties in Malawi and Their Implications o......oshua Kumwenda and Michael M. Kretzer Pluralism ...
- Subject Heading...thern Language and education--Afr......ative language and education--Afr......thern Language and education. Lan......ative language and education. Southern Africa.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General) Community's development and external assistance policies and their implementation......te-General for Development and Cooperation, EuropeAid (2011-...
- Alternative TitleOn the European Community's development and external assistance policies and their implementation Annual report....
- Alternative TitleOn the European Community's development and external assistance policies and their implementation Annual report
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The second and expanded edition of t......ost up-to-date and important effo......ity of life in communities around the wor......rtant concepts and tools for comm......s of community development activities. Pa......y new chapters and focuses on pro......he Philippines and France. It cov......ies; involving and empowering local communities; research in communities; the healthy c......ties movement; and climate change......he Elimination and in prison, and gender factors......ofiles of outstanding practitioners and scholar-practi......known scholars and practitioners ......ical sociology and is of interest to sociologist...
- Contents...chers Bring to Communities, and What May or Ma......ft Behind When Their Work is Done S......ions Community Development and Empowerment: A......Healthy Cities/Communities Movement: The ......terventions in Communities: The Québec Case Communities for CEDAW: Level Women and Prison: The Sy...... Gender, Power and Climate Risk A......, Life History and Transgenerationality in Brazi...
- Subject HeadingCommunity development Community organization Community development. Community organization.
National Diet Library
- Summary, of refugees and internally dis...... better understand the scope of the challenge and encourage new countries and over half are ......ays to rebuild their lives with dignity through development support, focusing on their vulnerabilitie......loss of assets and lack of legal rights and opportunities.......w to help host communities that need to m......splaced people and that are under......pressure to expand services, create jobs, and address long-standing development issues. Critic......f humanitarian and development communities working resilience and preparedness at the onset to ...
- Contents...rd / Filippo Grandi Overview How ...... at prevention and preparedness M......anges for host communities Reducing the the most of development finance.
- Subject HeadingEmigration and immigration--E......gees. Economic development.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....eople in Japan and their communities by polluting their living environ......nly to restore their once-clean env......lso to rebuild communities that had been ......d by pollution and its accompanyi......, water, soil, and the human body......oys the social and personal relat......hat industrial and economic development had been the cost of their health and welfare. In th......tive community development and to rethinking ......of environment and community they......ntieth century and the endeavors of museums and archives as a ...... the pollution and for the prospect of a better ...
- Contents...sease Patients and Their Supporters How......lution Lawsuit and Community Development for Environmen......ced Suffering: Their Movement and its Research A...... Health Damage and Politics of Ka......Food Pollution and the Political ...... Damage Relief and Reconstruction......ork of Museums and Archival Centers for Remember...
- Subject Heading...aspects--Japan Communities--Japan Polluti......unauté--Japon Communities. Pollution. Urban renewal--En...
National Diet Library
- ContentsCommunities and livelihood str......mate variables and their impacts on yie......s in makwanpur and ilam districts......rming on yield and income of vege......Dharma Prasad Pande, Narayan Pras...... decentralized development in Indonesia Sutiyo, Keshav L...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- worldviews and values in high......bhilasha Singh and Pulaparthi Mal......utions reflect their values of student development in the curriculum and cocurricular l......hael T. Miller and Daniel P. Nadl......Doris Espelien and Trupti Sarode ......ntity as value and worldview in individual and institutional ......n L. Parkinson and Mary Kynn Towa......ty in COVID-19 and beyond / Janin...... institutional and student values......a Forming "men and women for othe......e Honen-Delmar and Stefan Hengst ......ew of my world and my view of the......s: questioning and exploring a va...... Samena Rashid and Virginia King Inclusion, acce...
- Related MaterialGlobal perspectives on higher education development
- Periodical TitleGlobal perspectives on higher education development
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....tems in Japan, and (III) A Prospe......d care systems and community-base......thrate Decline and Population processes, and challenges in ......uire an understanding of the char......ocial security and the trends of ...... numerous maps and figures with t...... medical care, and health levels in Japan
- ContentsWelfare Regime in Japan and Recent Social ......mporal Changes and Regional Diffe......phic Structure and Health in Japa......Elderly People and Geographical D......ovision System and Geographical D......alth, Medical, and Welfare Personnel and the Geographic......y, Childbirth, and Childcare in Situation and Challenges of Urban Areas Development of Community W...... Participation and Their Importance in Hilly and Mountainous Areas
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This significant and timely volume ......ory of tourism development in Japan, whic...... both domestic and international ......erview of past and present touris......cluding policy and research persp......ves on tourism and specific contexts and places in whic......a, pilgrimage, and even whaling h......ifficult pasts and presents, and the challenges facing the development of tourism in ......the challenges and possible futur......-known editors and contributors i......upper-students and researchers and academics in Development Studies, Cultu......ies, Geography and Tourism"--
- Contents...nds : Japanese and English-langua......umi Kato Urban development and tourism in Jap......pan / Eiji Ito and Tom Hinch Mobi......f surf tourism development in Miyazaki, J......inable farming communities / Amnaj in regional communities : the case of Tanabe City and Kumano Kodo / ......icolas Progano and Kumi Kato Conf......chard Sharpley and Kumi Kato Whaling heritage and tourism development : 'sliced, diced and boiled down' /......ity in tourism development : resilience, ......onal knowledge and community : a ......sts in Japan : their increasing numbers and vulnerability ......ent W. Ritchie and Takashi Yoshino The expansion...
- Title HeadingContemporary geographies of leisure, tourism, and mobility
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ously in local and global context......ns of domestic and global policie...... North America and Australia, and developing one......esia, Myanmar, and in Southern Africa and the Caribbean......., Engineering, and Mathematics) innovation, and development amid natural disasters and conflicts. In ......mplementation, and how far they h......pported by the communities and translated into legislations and formal or of research and executive posi......enior scholars and perspectives o......among policies and comparative an......postgraduates, and government and philanthropic ......cation, public and educational policy, comparati...
- ContentsRuminations on diplomacy and public and universities p......e : commencing and completing sem......cles on public and universities p......rsity learning and engagement in ......ugh way? : yes and no / Linda DeRiviere Policy and praxis implica...... the gap" / Yolanda T. Moses and Stephanie Gilb......ions of public and educational po......venal da Cruz, and Fernanda Vieira da Sil......s of the local and international ......go A. García, Andrew Herridge, and Sarah Schiffec...... STEM policies and their applications i...... United States and England / Eric Jason Simeon and Beverly Lindsa...... South African Development Community (SADC) region / Tut...
- Subject HeadingHigher education and state Education and globalization Education, Higher--Aims and objectives
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe rule of law and access to just......ce / Yash Ghai and Jill Cottrell ......outh Africa's land reform program......der Access to land and justice : anat......e movement of landless rural workers in Brazil and their struggles for access to law and justice / Boav......e Sousa Santos and Flávia Carlet ......ess to justice and indigenous peo......tearoa New Zealand / David V. Wil...... struggle for land in China / Eva Pils "Honor" and violence again......ctics of state and community laws...... opportunities and challenges of ......oma in Central and Eastern A. Goldston and Mirna Adjami Conclusion and reflections / Yash Ghai and J...
- Subject Heading...lity, Social. Randgruppe. Diskrim......hutz. Gleichbehandlung.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This book explains and explores how c......s can be built and strengthened b......n universities and farming communities to address rea......he ivory tower and prove their relevance to s......he experiences and lessons from 2......n, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe. It h...... collaborators and catalysts for ......op livelihoods and resilience in rural communities, and promote farmer......ts, innovation and trade, while s......g biodiversity and enhancing food and nutrition fulcrums of development in society, and shares the ric......ces, learnings and scientific fin...... practitioners and students who have been workin...
- Contents...Platforms with Communities / Megan Lindow......ting a Student and to Research and Innovation / N...... rice clusters and market linkage...... food security and incomes in northern Uganda / Basil Mugon......wer production and product development for food security and improving inco......ncreased yield and income, and improved Empowerment and Poverty Reduct......uru : Outcomes and implications o......sion of Farmer Communities in Value Chain Development : A case of po......southwestern Uganda / Johnny Mugi......Pig Production and Marketing for ...... in Northern Uganda / Elly Kurobuza Ndyomugyenyi...
- Subject HeadingUniversities and colleges--Afri...... studies Rural development projects--Afri......dies Community and college--Afric......arch Community and college Commun......research Rural development projects Universities and colleges--Public services Sub...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....s, businesses, and governments ar...... more frequent and costly and lone-wolf styl......isk assessment and shows them the......tudying safety and risk assessmen......them in understanding the various......ns, procedures and operational includes expanded case studies and real life exam...... like SAPPHIRE and RAVEN; and end-of-chapter......mains the same and is analogous t......nt techniques, and into the more ......adily adapt to their particular sit......n that chapter and demonstrates how it is used"-...
- Contents...rception Risks and consequences E......on probability and statistics Mat......e Failure mode and effects analys......sis Event tree and decision tree Qualitative and quantitative r......ion inspection and maintenance ta......isk assessment and community plan......ety management and hazard and operability as......g, predicting, and mitigating aircraft material ...
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This edited volume explores and dissects Afric......conomic growth and sustainable development using an continent's development up to and until 2030. Af......veloped (OECD) and leading develo......parate economy and as a self-suff......wn priorities, and implements its...... opportunities and vectors of growth and development. This first vo......e contemporary and topical issues......modernisation, and sustainable development, recommending policy outcomes...
- Contents...Infrastructure Development Chapter 1. Res......pply for Rural Communities Chapter 2. Alt......neering Skills Development Through Mega C......sion in Small- and Medium-Sized C......African States and Their Compliance wit......nternational Standards Chapter Challenges and Opportunities ......can Countries: Development Prospects Chap......n, Enforcement and Challenges of ......urt of Justice and Arbitration of......e of the Basel and Bamako Convent......onial Heritage and Other Factors, Arbitrage and Mediation in t......aditional) Law and Customary Cour......ction Projects and Infrastructure Development in...
- Subject HeadingSustainable development--Africa. Development economics. Economic development. Economic hist......y. Sustainable development. Africa--Economic conditions....
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This book is the first ever handbook on giftedness and talent development for the Asia-P......current understanding of gifted s......ctual terrain, and draws on past and present resear......iverse, unique and comprehensive ......orary research and practice on giftedness and talent development in the Asia-Pa......mporary issues and incorporates i......n, curriculum, and programmes. Ch......ers, academics and educators, pos......ates, teachers and practitioners, and other programmes, and future research and practice in this region of th...
- Contents... 1 Theoretical and practical adva......potentialities and achievements: The DMGT and IMTD 2 Being the New Zealand context 3 Understanding the views of the gifted and talented educa......cation, talent development and high ability i......y 7 Creativity development: Trends and challenges amo......8 Spirituality and giftedness: In......tion II Social and emotional learning and needs 9 Dabrow...... them together and see how they l......ility grouping and/or Acceleratio......t-risk' gifted and talented young......ple 13 Of grit and gumption, Sass and verve: What gi...... in giftedness and talent 14 Identification of g...
- Related MaterialSpringer international handbooks of education Springer na...
National Diet Library
- Contents... Patents, PBRs and community righ...... international and regional human......ts instruments and their provisions on ......mmunity rights and IPRs countries and community rights Soft and regional undertakings aimed a...
- Subject Heading...hnology -- Law and legislation. T......owledge -- Law and legislation -- Developing cou...
Plant microbiomes for sustainable agriculture (Sustainable development and biodiversity ; volume 25)
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....nt microbiomes and their potential, crop yield and soil health fo......ic, endophytic and epiphytic) pla...... plant growth, development, and soil health. Plant and rhizospheric s......s of microbes, and it plays criti......trient balance and ecosystem for growth, development and activities of ......ugh root hairs and at epidermal c......tween microbes and plant. The lea......s phyllosphere and zone of leaves......xposed to dust and air currents r......pical flora on their surface aided ......uticles, waxes and appendages, wh......cose, fructose and sucrose), and such specializ......rogen fixation and secretions of substances capa...
- Contents...ion Attributes and Agricultural A......osanka Protim Sandilya, Mahananda Chutia, Ajar ......ophytic Fungal Communities Associated with Cereal Crops and their Role in Plant ...... Significances and Biotechnologic......dicinal Plants and Their Secondary Meta......gnificances (Chanda V. Parulekar ...... Significance, and Biotechnologic......ram Shyamkumar and Kalimuthu Arju......bes: Diversity and Potential Interaction and Plant Growth (Ajay Kumar and Joginder Singh......t Interactions and Biotechnology ......lications (Monnanda Somaiah Nalini, and Harischandra Sripathy Pra......ophic Bacteria and Role in Alleviation of Abioti...
- Related MaterialSustainable development and biodiversity
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... Romani people and sometimes as g......ries in Europe and worldwide. The......nes or Romani) and the Sanskrit (......oma originated and migrated from ......ic, historical and anthropologica......s suggest that their migration star......nsiting Persia and Armenia and travelled towa......zantine Empire and Asia Minor, and finally to Gre......tween 224-241, and were either br......nople in 1050, and then were in G......Eastern Europe and Balkans ( by Central and Western Europe......n 1407, France and Switzerland in 1418, Belgi......m in 1419, Holland in 1420, Italy......ngary in 1489, and England in 1513; see Kenrick,...
- Contents...Positive Youth Development Can Support Lo......OMA ADAPTATION AND WELL-BEING 4. ......ith Roma Youth and Their Communities : Theoretical and Conceptual Con......outh: Positive Development Despite Challe......POSITIVE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT AND WELL-BEING OF ......Positive Youth Development: An Empirical ......Positive Youth Development in the Self-.D...... Connectedness and Academic Achie......urope 9. Youth Development, Education, and Identity: A Ca......Positive Youth Development Framework Can ......ctions on Roma and Youth Development 12. Roma Youth Development in Context: What Next? Index
- Subject Heading...--Europe Youth development--Europe Tsigan......ditions. Youth development. Europe.