Search results 7,868
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
- ReplacesComparative Law Yearbook
- Alternative TitleComparative law yearbook of international bus...
- Alternative TitleComparative law yearbook of international bus...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....rations from a comparative perspective, w......between family law, administrative law and social law, it examines 1......nal Academy of Comparative Law, in Fukuoka, Japan
- Contents...nerations from comparative law perspective Re...... Examining the Law and Policy in Singapore From ...
- Subject Heading...cial security--Law and legislatio......d age pensions Comparative law Comparative law. Old age pensi......cial security--Law and legislation.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (Related Material)継続前誌: Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingDebts, Public--Law and legislatio......bts, External--Law and legislatio......(International law) Default (Finance)--Law and legislatio......te resolution (Law) LAW / Internationa......bts, External--Law and legislatio......Debts, Public--Law and legislatio......ult (Finance)--Law and legislation.
- Related MaterialCambridge studies in international and comparative law
- Periodical TitleCambridge studies in international and comparative law
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... International Law Commission. It uncovers the r...
- Contents... International Law Commission : j...... International Law Commission (excerpts) ; 3. Me...
- Subject Heading... International Law Commission International law Legislation
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... On virtue and law Operationalizing virtue Under...
- Subject HeadingInternational law--Moral and eth...... International law--Moral and ethical aspects. I...
- Related MaterialCambridge studies in international and comparative law
National Diet Library
- Title HeadingInternational library of comparative law ; 6.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Is comparative legal history ......llustrates how comparative law and legal hist......and method for comparative legal history,......e evolution of law across Europea......tory through a comparative lens."--
- ContentsThe emergence of comparative legal history ......éteau What is comparative legal history?......dolfo Giuliani Comparative? Legal? Histor......erspectives in comparative legal history ...... Dag Michalsen Comparative legal history ......owhere? : some comparative and a source of law / Jacques a source of law in European an......' in the civil law tradition : a comparative approach to th...... international law / Paul Finkelm...... and at common law : how did common law manage without......p? : why Roman law did not / Anna......lin The common law and the Code case of the law of contract / Warren Swain Wh...
- Subject HeadingLaw--History. Comparative law. Law. Droit--Histoire--Études comparatives.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... international law / Sandra L. Ba......rican story in comparative perspective / ...... International law and the abolit......ty abolition : comparative perspectives and their discon...
- Subject HeadingCapital punishment. Comparative law. Rechtsvergleich. Todesstrafe...
- Note (Content)Comparative Capital Punish......, critical and comparative contributions ...... the fields of law, sociology, po......s human rights lawyers, abolitionists, law makers and jud......ices will need Comparative Capital Punishment on their r...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe development of comparative law in the world Approaches to comparative law Subject areas.
- Subject HeadingComparative law.
- Alternative TitleHandbook of comparative law
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsDoes International Law Matter in Cybe...... international law The threshold ......ngfulness of unlawful cyber operations Cyber ope...
- Subject HeadingCyberspace operations (International law)
- Note (General)... international law
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...), A New Labor Law for a New Worl......The Case for a Comparative-Transnational ......hlbeck (2003), Comparative Labor Law : Quo Vadis? : The UCLA Comparative Labor Law Project and the Future of Comparative Labor Law 5. Julia López......ational Labour Law in Shaping Dom...... International Law 7. Bob Hepple ......lective Labour Law Transplants Wo......and Misuses of Comparative Labour Law : A Case Study......tion of Labour Law : Calibrating ......ture of Labour Law in Europe : A ......tion of Labour Law in Africa : Th......mparing Labour Laws in the EU Int......Agency Work: A Comparative Analysis 15. Sean Cooney, Pet...
- Subject HeadingLabor laws and legislation.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, on Contract Law, Tort Law, Marriage, Fam......and Succession Law, General and P......s and Property Law, this unique r......est in Chinese Law"--
- Subject HeadingChina. Zui gao fa yuan Civil law--China
- Related MaterialChinese and comparative law series
National Diet Library
- of contract law / Brian H. BIx......Roman contract law / James Gordle......amuel Critical comparative contract law / Giovanni Marini Contract law and regulation......l promises : a comparative law and economics ......radigm between law and political ......and indigenous law in comparative perspective / ...... international lawyer's take on the political ec...
- Title HeadingResearch handbooks in comparative law.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...oland : a case law phenomenon in a civil law country / Mich......constitutional law / Isabel C. Ja......ria Konsta The law concerning tra......s in Norwegian law / Andrea Vige ......radox of trans law in Sweden / Laura Carlson
- Subject HeadingTransgender people--Legal status, laws, etc Transgender people--Legal status, laws, etc.
- Related MaterialIus comparatum : global studies in comparative law
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... research into comparative constitutional law. Topics covere......dies of public law in different nations, theoret...
- Subject HeadingConstitutional law. International law. Verfassungsrecht Rechtsvergl...
- Title HeadingThe international library of comparative law.