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- Summary, etc....ory of impulse control and introduces the......ock mechanical systems. Two approache......ory of impulse control are the action, and its magnitude.......for describing dynamical systems - differential......lso discussed, and several traditional and emerging, are ......duate students and researchers in control engineering and optimal control theory for dynamical systems. Readers are a...... ODEs, optimal control, and functional analysis, though a...
- Subject HeadingControl theory Impulsi......tial equations Dynamics--Mathematics ......orie de la commande Équations différentielles ...
- Related MaterialSystems & control : foundations & applications
National Diet Library
- ContentsFront Cover Renewable Energy Systems Copyright Page......-Free Adaptive Control 1.1 Introducti......-Free Adaptive Control 1.3 Control design 1.4 Sim......ces 2 Advanced control design based o......nes structures and operation cond......bine 2.2.1 Aerodynamic subsystem of w...... turbine 2.2.4 Control objectives for......3 Sliding mode control design 2.3.1 S......d wind turbine controller design 2.4 ......2.5 Conclusion and future directi......neric modeling and control of wind, simulation and validation of ......l defined by Standard IEC 61400-2......el Aerodynamic model Pitch control model Mechanical mode...
- Title HeadingAdvances in nonlinear dynamics and chaos
- Author HeadingAzar, Ahmad Taher Kamal, Nashwa Ahmad, 1978- Sundarapandian, V. (Vaidyanathan)
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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....he realization and control problems of fi......te-dimensional dynamical systems which contain linear and nonlinear systems. The author fo...... discussion of control problems of linear and non-linear dynamical systems. The book cont......n the field of control theory, but the book may also...
- Contents...put/output Map and Input response......e Function for Control Linear Systems.-System Theory......-called Linear Systems.-System Theory...... Almost Linear Systems System Theory ...... Pseudo Linear Systems System Theory ......nsional Affine Dynamical Systems System Theory ......Representation Systems.
- Subject HeadingControl theory. System theory.
Learning with dynamical systems : implicit models, neural differential equations and optimal control
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Note (General)...ion selection, and its disturbanc......e-rich repeats and transmembrane ......main 2 (Lrtm2) controls protein sorti......tal projection systems, and its deficiency......s in monoamine dynamics and behavior. The ......olfactory bulb and dorsal striatu......icle fraction, and microsome frac......y explorations and forced exercis......orsal striatum and hypothalamus, and serotonin turn......GAD67) protein and gamma-aminobut......g of GAD67-GFP and GABABR1-GFP wh......tag (HA)-Lrtm2 and a protein sort...... better understanding of striatal......1)
National Diet Library
- Contents...telligent sys. control ; Driver assis......nomous tech. ; Control design methods ; Nonlinear control ; Robotics ; A......medical/neural systems ; Building energy systems ; Connected vehicle systems ; Control/estimation of energy systems ; Control apps. ; Smart ...... ; Human-robot systems ; Soft mechatr......tic components/systems ; Energy/power systems ; Energy stora......fter-treatment systems ; Soft actuato......tion/vibration control applications ; systems ; Path planning/motion control ; Renewable/smart energy systems ; Security/pri......cyber-physical systems ; Sensors/actu......ors ; Tracking control systems ; Unmanned ground/aer...
- Alternative Title2020 proceedings of the ASME dynamic systems and control conference : DSCC2020
- Alternative Title2020 proceedings of the ASME dynamic systems and control conference : DSCC2020
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Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....lass of linear-dynamical quantum systems. The monograph......eling of these systems using linear algebra and quantum stocha...... point of view and the control-theoretic estimation and filtering, rea......zation theory, and feedback control. Both measurem......based feedback control (i.e., feedback control by a classical......ement process) and coherent feedback control (i.e., feedback control by another qua......d. Researchers and graduates studying systems and control theory, quantum probability and stochastics or stochastic control whether from b......eatment of the control of an important class of quan...
- Contents...antum Feedback Control: A Brief Histo......assical Linear Systems and Control Theory; 1.2.1 ......assical Linear Systems; 1.2.2 Linear Systems and Control Theory; 1.2.3 Toward Systems and Control Theory for Linear Quantum Systems; 1.3 Closed Linear Quantum Systems; 1.4 Open Quantum Systems, the Markov #x......1 Open Quantum Systems; 1.4.2 Illustr...... Approximation and Markov Open Quantum System Dynamics; 1.5 Linear Dynamical Quantum Systems: Description and Physical Examp......pto-mechanical Systems; 1.5.5 Large A......ling of Linear Dynamical Quantum Systems; 2.1 Quantum S......ntial Vectors, and Fundamental Processes on the ...
- Subject HeadingQuantum theory. Linear systems. SCIENCE--Energy. SCIENCE--Me...
National Diet Library
- Note (General) ... CAB and DYCOPS ... The two events wer...
- Author Heading...n of Automatic Control. Technical Com......emical Process Control. International......n of Automatic Control. Technical Committee on Biosystems and Bioprocesses.
National Diet Library
- Contents...ver assistance and autonomous tec...... ; Advances in control design methods......s ; Automotive systems ; Design,, analysis, and control of assistive and rehabilitation...... ; Diagnostics and detection ; Dynamics and control of human-robot systems ; Energy optim......ligent vehicle systems ; Estimation and 2. Modeling and control of engine and aftertreatment systems ; Modeling and control of IC engines and aftertreatment systems ; Modeling and validation ; Motion planning and tracking control ; Multi-agent and networked systems ; Renewable and smart energy systems ; Thermal energy systems ; Un...
- Genre/Form TermsConference papers and proceedings.
- Subject HeadingAutomatic control--Congresses. Control theory--Congre......s. Intelligent control systems--Congresses. Automatic control. Control theory. Intelligent control systems.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This textbook teaches control theory for multi-agent systems. Readers will ......linear algebra and graph theory, ......ed to describe and solve multi-agent control problems. The ......ress important and fundamental consensus control; coverage control; formation control; distributed optimization; and the viral spre......udents' understanding of the core......or multi-agent control is enhanced th......orked examples and programs in th......lutions manual and the figures in......e for download and can be used fo......cyber-physical systems, robot swarms,......, smart grids, and truck science and public health, it applies to ...
- Contents....2 Multi-agent Systems in the Real Wo...... Network 1.2.2 Systems Biology 1.2.3 Society 1.3 Control of Multi-agent Systems: Emerging Topics in Systems and Control 1.3.1 Consensus Control 1.3.2 Coverage Control 1.3.3 Formation Control 1.3.4 Controllability of Net......del Predictive Control 1.3.6 Event-Triggered and Sparse Control 1.4 Multi-agent Systems in Other Impor......Linear Algebra and Graph Theory w......2.2.3 Positive and Non-negative M......Canonical Form and Spectral Decom...... 2.2.10 Linear Systems and Matrix Exponen......raph Laplacian and Perron Matrice...... Graph-Related Dynamical Systems 2.5 Python Codes fo...
- Subject HeadingMultiagent systems--Control Python (Computer program lang...
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National Diet Library
- Note (General)...lace on the Island of Porquerolles in September ...
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