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National Diet Library
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- Subject HeadingDeuterium -- Bibliography Deuterium oxide -- Bibliography
- Subject Heading (ID)Deuterium -- Bibliography Deuterium oxide -- Bibliography
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- Related MaterialHelium and neon, gas solu......s Alkali metal and ammonium chlorides in water and heavy water (binary system......selenocyanate, and thiocyanate : ......rcury Hydrogen and deuterium Alkaline earth......e-earth metal, and ammonium halid......rypton, xenon, and radon : gas so......ilities Copper and silver halates Scandium, yttrium, lanthanum and lanthanide hal......substituents Scandium, yttrium, lanthanum, and lanthanide nit......ropane, butane and 2-methylpropan......c substituents and miscellaneous ......ine, fluorine, and chlorine oxide...... Alcohols with water Nitrogen and air Alkali met......mmonium iodate and iodic acid Methane Intermetal...
- Author HeadingInternational Union of Pure and Applied Chemis...... Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Commission...
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- Related Material...s in astronomy and physics : in m......y of Henry E. Kandrup Computation......rane structure and its biological......cs, Cosmology, and Fundamental Ph...... in the understanding and treatment of a......ase : clinical and biological ins......ins in biology and medicine Earthquake hazards and the design of Myelination and dysmyelination......r basin Timing and time perceptio......stry, biology, and clinical uses ......, measurement, and control Mechan......tion of animal and human preclinical and clinical persp......tion to health and disease Vitami......Chlorpropamide and diabetes mellitus Fourteenth ...
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Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...gical systems Handbook on nuclear...... Energy Agency and the World Heal......ying Status of and prospects for ......ion Techniques and practices for ......eatment of low and intermediate level solid and liquid radioac......nstrumentation and control : a gu......examination of water reactor fuel A......econtamination and decommissionin......ns, experience and trends in spen......lities Testing and monitoring of ......t in chemistry and solid-state ph......t in chemistry and solid-state ph......tion chemistry and its applicatio......nt development and review of rang......on emergencies and accidents : se......ected criteria and data Analysis of the behaviou...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...op on Geometry and Physics, Porto...... supersymmetry and the unificatio......y 1996 Physics and chemistry of m......mium telluride and novel IR detec......: fundamentals and novel concepts......rticle Physics and the Early, Shelter Island, New York May efficiently and producing it r......tron radiation and dynamic phenom......lavor physics, and precision : fo......rticle physics and cosmology, Cairns, Queensland, Australia 9-1...... Bangkok, Thailand, 18-24 October......teractions : (Vanderbilt, 1984) B......utrino Physics and Astrophysics, ......rticle Physics and Cosmology, Dea......cs : LT24 : Orlando, Florida : 10-17 August 2005...
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- Related Material...orvo : the man and the scientist ......kshop on Atlas and CMS Physics : ......n astrophysics and particle physi......ta for Science and Technology, Tr......ound radiation and fundamental ph......ifragmentation and related topics......n astrophysics and particle physi...... new frontiers and developments :......erspectives in heavy ion physics : ......cules in space and in the laborat......Structure with Heavy Ions : in the 19th and 20th Centuries......hop on Nuclear and particle physi......radioastronomy and space science,......mpatto delle grandi antenne sulla......bre 2001 Atoms and plasmas in super-intense lase...