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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... essential reading for research ......h academia and industry working in marine biotechnology ......related disciplines. The book di......and challenges in terms of scien......e, technology, innovation, and p......field; and how marine biotechnology ......ciety. Written in an accessible ......ecision-makers in government and...... organizations in their efforts ...... vast and rich marine environment ex......lopment of bio-inspired syntheti....... As such, the marine environment ha......ecent advances in molecular tech......ques are providing the necessary......ts are recognizing the potential of marine biotechnology to provide solu...
- ContentsIntroduction; The......c Potential of Marine Biotechnology; Supporting the Development of Marine Biotechnology;......Chapter 1: The Marine Ecosystem as a......Antibiotics; 1 Introduction; 2 Marine Cyanobacteria .......2 Bacteria; 3 Marine Fungi; 4 Spong......Annelida; 9 Echinodermata; 10 Tunicate; 11 Marine Algae; 12 Conc......eeds: Valuable Ingredients for t......Pharmaceutical Industries1 Introduction; 2 P......geenan; 2.3 Alginate, Fucoidan, and Laminaran; 2.4; 2.4.2 Anti-inflammatory and ......ents; 3.2 Anti-inflammatory Acti......nts4 Phlorotannin; 4.1 Antioxida......y of Phlorotannins; 4.2 Bactericidal Activity o...
- Subject HeadingMarine biotechnology.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....of the diverse marine fauna and flora of Japan and includes practical guides for investigating the biology and ecology of marine organisms. Introducing marine training courses offer......glish textbook intended for marine biology instructors and students in Japan. It provides essential information on ex......major areas of marine biology, including cell and developmental biology, physiology, e......urce for those in Asian to visitors interested in attending Japanese marine courses from countries around...
- ContentsChapter 1. Introduction to Marine Biology Part I Japanese Marine Flora and 2. Japanese Marine Life Chapter 3......ic Taxonomy of Marine Organisms Chapter 4. Marine Plankton Chapter 5. Marine Algae and Plants Chapter 6. Marine Animals Chapte......istribution of marine species on the marine seashore Part ...... Developmental Biology Chapter 8. Marine organisms and ......Development of Marine Invertebrates Cha......Development of marine fish: several ......Development of Marine Algae Chapter ......ution Part III Marine Zoology Chapte......ontribution of marine animals in physiology, endocrinology and ethology Chapter 15....
- Subject HeadingMarine biology--Japan. Marine biology. Japan.
National Diet Library
- ContentsProgrammed cell death in multicellular ......Véronique Martin-Jézéquel Cyt......emical aspects in selected carra......ophytes (Gigartinales:Rhodophyta......vacuolar targeting in algae / Burkha......ctile vacuoles in green algae : ...... function / Karin Buchmann Membraneous cytokinesis of brown a......tozoid release in Chara contraria / Qiaojun Jin Dinoflagellate bioluminescence : a key......oncept for stuying organelle mov......ann Algal cell biology : an important tool to unders...
- Title HeadingMarine and freshwater botany.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingMarine biology -- Congresses. Marine ecosystem mana......-- Congresses. Marine resources cons......ngresses. Sustainable fisheries -- Congresses. Marine ecosystems. Sustainable fisheries. Aquaculture. C...
- Note (General)Papers. "Reprinted from Hydrobiologia, Volume...
- Alternative TitleEMBS : European marine biology symposium 41
National Diet Library
- Note (General)Papers. "Reprinted from Hydrobiologia, Volume...
- Alternative TitleEMBS : European marine biology symposium 39 : Genoa July, 21...
- Alternative TitleEMBS : European marine biology symposium 39 : Genoa July, 21...
National Diet Library
- Note (General)Selected papers. "Reprinted from Hydrobiologia, Volume...
- Alternative TitleMarine biodiversity :...... EMBS European marine biology symposium 38 : Aveiro Septemb...
- Alternative TitleMarine biodiversity :...... EMBS European marine biology symposium 38 : Aveiro Septemb...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....microorganisms in various aspect......anisms are examined in depth, e.g. applied microbiology in agriculture, microbes in the environmen......, and microbes in human health. In turn, the book shares insights into the diverse ...... and exploited in the developmen......microorganisms in the diagnosis Presenting the latest information and findings on the applications of micr...
- ContentsChapter 1. Recent Trends in Plant and Micr......icide for Sustainable Crop Produ......s assets fostering sustainable agricultur......cts Chapter 4. Industrial Methan......d Advancements in Biosensor 6. Bacteriocin: A Potential Biopreservative in Foods Chapter ...... waste for Pectinase production for its industrial applic......lecule Transmuting the Biotechno......f Metagenomics in Plant Disease ......s of Plants against Diseases Cha......Iron chlorosis in peach: Current......le of microbes in plastic degrad...... for Potential Industrial Psychr......nal Regulators in Bacillus Anthr......apter 18. Medicinal fungi: A natural source of ...
- Subject HeadingMicrobial biotechnology Microbial ecology Microbiology Microbial genetics Microbial ...
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction to t......ial reefs play in fisheries mana...... reefs as unifying and energizing factors in future researc......sory for improving estimates of abundance in fishery manage......of bottlenecks in reef fish productivity within natural F. Caddy An integrated coasta......l reefs / Sylvain Pioch ... [et ......tificial reefs in fisheries mana......tificial reefs in the eastern wa......[et al.] Assessing artificial re......tificial reefs in North Cyprus :......opportunity to introduce fishermen to sustainable developmen......tificial reefs in fisheries management in Turkey / Altan Lök ... [et al...
National Diet Library
- Contents... arsenic poisoning 2 Metabolism ......ity of arsenic in human and anim...... arsenic poisoning in the Bangladesh...... arsenic poisoning in the China and intervention stud...... diseases (carcinogenic, diabete......enic compounds in marine organisms 8 Arsenic intake and health......risk from diet in Asia 9 Prevent......hnology from drinking water in developing countries 11 ......egies for reducing arsenic risk in rice 12 The purpose and devel...
- Subject HeadingEnvironmental Medicine. Occupational Medicine. Environmenta...... Arsenic Poisoning. Asia.
- Title HeadingCurrent topics in environmental health and preventive medicine, 2364-8333
National Diet Library
- ContentsSection I. Introduction to Marine Bioenergy. Introduction to marine bioenergy / Sources of marine biomass / Anon......asahiro Notoya Marine algae: an impo......ance of harvesting in the Techniques in Marine Biology. Fermentation techniques in bioenergy prod......ical technique in bioenergy prod......Kelvii Wei Guo Marine microalgae: exploring the systems t......esamma Systems biology and metabolic engineering of marine algae and cyan......ivastava Biorefinery concept for......thore, Poonam Singh Nigam, and Anoop Singh Section IV. ...... of Bioenergy. Marine macroalgal bio......ioethanol / Nitin Trivedi, Vishal Gupta, C.R.K....
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingMarine animals -- Dispersal -- Congresses. Marine animals -- Migration -- Congr...
- Note (General)Papers. "Reprinted from Hydrobiologia, volume...
- Author HeadingMarine Research Institute. Jones,......ty of Iceland. Institute of Biology. European Marine Biology Symposium (37th : 2002 : Reyk...
National Diet Library
- Note (General)Selected papers. "Reprinted from Hydrobiologia, volume...
- Author HeadingStockholm University. Stockholm Marine Research Centre (SMF)
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingIsland animals -- Congresses. Island plants -- Congresses. Marine organisms -- Congresses.
- Note (General)Selected papers. "Reprinted from Hydrobiologia, volume...
- Author HeadingUniversity of the Azores. Biology Department. Jo......lm B. European Marine Biology Symposium (34th : 1999 Ponta ...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingMarine ecology -- Con......nt (Population biology) -- Congresses. Colonization ...
- Note (General)Papers. "Reprinted from Hydrobiologia, volume...
- Author HeadingKristineberg Marine Research Stati......anne) European Marine Biology Symposium (32nd : 1997 : Lyse...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsFrom a Single Cell to Seg......rphogenesis during normal develo......, Twisted, and in the Wrong Plac......f Malformation in Crustaceans / ......d Scholtz Hatching / Martin Fritsch, Jørge...... Metamorphosis in Barnacles and Decapods / Paulina Gebauer, Luis......ménez, Iván Hinojosa, and Kurt...... Metamorphosis in Crustaceans / ......nd Phenotypic Links in Larval Develop......s Giménez Feeding and Nutrition......muel M. Bashevkin and Steven G. ......nnectivity and Marine Protected Area Networks / Per...
- Author HeadingAnger, K. (Klaus) Harzsch, S. (Steffen) Thiel, Martin, 1962-
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingMarine biology -- Congresses. Extreme enviro...
- Note (General)Papers. "Reprinted from Hydrobiologia, volume...
- Author HeadingLiebezeit, Gerd. Dittmann, Sabine. Kröncke, Ingrid. European Marine Biology Symposium (33rd : 1998 : Wilh...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingMarine ecology -- Congresses. Marine organisms -- Adaptation -- Co...
- Note (General)Papers. "Reprinted from Hydrobiologia, vol. 3...
- Author Heading...vich) European Marine Biology Symposium (31st : 1996 : Saint Petersburg, Russia)
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This book presents the latest developments and recent research trends in the field of p......kton, highlighting the potential...... discusses strain selection, culturing, and biomass harvesting, focusing on the screening and, and evaluating carbon to the sustainable developmen......rrently attracting global attent......plankton found in freshwater, marine and brackish w...... known to also inhabit various o......oncept of sustainable developmen......asis on exploiting biological sy......benefit of mankind. The signific...... of the oxygen in the atmosphere......tation of this invaluable biomass source that c...
- ContentsAn introduction to P......ntification of Marine Phytoplankton ......hospira (Spirulina) platensis and its Use in Freshwater Pra......Application of Marine Microalga Dunaliella salina (Volvocales, ......d Additive Strain Selection and ......cterization of Marine Diatoms with P......f Wastewater using A Novel Metho......mobilized on Twin Layer Recircul......The techniques in microalgae bio......ion of Cyanotoxins of Cyanobacte......crocystis aeruginosa) Strain Using Microtox® Bioluminescence of pigments in phytoplankton Surface bioengineering of diatom by amine and phosphate...... Phytoplankton in Selected Salt Pans of Tamil N...
- Subject HeadingPhytoplankton. SCIENCE--Life Sciences--Biology. SCIENCE--Life Sciences--Microbiology.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...vels of organotin compounds and contamination by organotin and alternative antifouling paints in the marine environment An......vels of organotin compounds in the marine environment Ba......amaswamy 著 Continuing issues of contamination by organotins in the marine environment af......r domestic and international leg......i Takao 著 Emerging issues on contamination and adver......native antifouling paints in the marine environments Hiroya Harino 著 Contamination by organotins and organotin-induced imposex in gastropod mollusks Contamination by organotins and its popul......-level effects involved by imposex in prosobranch gastropods Toshih...
National Diet Library
- ContentsRio +20 To SDGS: A Quest For Inclusive and Sustainable Developmen......aira Gori Sustainable Developmen......Diversity, and Intellectual Prop......Grail for Sustainable Developmen......ita Nagar Sustainable Development and Marine Environment: A......f Legal Issues in India / Bimal N. ......ite Technology in Oceanic Study ......aradox of Sustainable Developmen......and Legal Sustainability of Contract Farming in Gujarat / Saty......nd Lessons for India / Viral Pandya.
- Subject HeadingSustainable development--India. Sustainable developmen......rnment policy--India. Sustainable development. Sustainable developmen......rnment policy. India.