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National Diet Library
-, technology and Murphy's Law /......lery Inventory and risk Liz Bishoff and Tom Clareson Planning and risk managemen......n : the online disaster-planning tool for cultural and civic institut...... by Donia Conn Disaster communication : planning and executing a response / by Denise O'......loud computing and disaster mitigation / b......ersity of Iowa and the Flood of Digital disaster recovery and resources in t......of Superstorm Sandy / by Tom Clar......on Appendix A. Disaster communications planning templ...
- Subject Heading...--Conservation and restoration--P......otection. Data recovery (Computer science)--Planning....
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....e responded to disasters, recovered, and rebuilt. It in......ates emergency response and disaster recovery cases at national levels and from regional perspectives. Recovery from great disasters poses great c......on, financing, and opportunities for post-disaster betterment. Importantly, disasters are critical ......ich to achieve disaster risk reduction......climate change and Sustainable prepare for response and recovery before the next disaster strikes. While......experiences of disaster risk reduction and climate change......from emergency response and recovery from these cou......te information and lessons from post-disaster go...
- ContentsFrom Post-Disaster Collaborative ......eties National Response to the Global Pandemic of COVID-1......ysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia Post......ternatives for Disaster Management Law and Governance in ......ines Improving Disaster Recovery Governance : L......the Two Ad-Hoc Recovery Agencies Trans......mation of Post-Disaster Governance of ......ndonesian Peatland Wildfires Asse......f Localization and New Actors usi......N Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) at Lo......lity-inclusive Disaster Response in Indonesia T......l of Community Disaster Resilience in ......sia Livelihood and Resiliency : An Entrepreneurs...
- Related MaterialDisaster risk reduction : methods, approaches and practices
National Diet Library
- Summary,, resilience and determination in the face of disaster New Zealanders have endure......omenal natural and human disasters throughout our history and, more importan......w we responded and grew stronger;...... earthquakes, landslides, floods,......lane crashes, pandemics and other disasters are just some......, Safety Tips, and What to Do in an Emergency"--...
- ContentsNew Zealand map Earthquakes Volcanoes Landslides & lahars......crashes Fires Pandemics & epidemi......urvival tips & recovery Essential workers In memoriam
- Subject HeadingNatural disasters--New Zealand--Juvenile literature Disasters--New Zealand--Juvenile literature Disasters. Natural disasters. New Zealand.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Social Network Analysis of Disaster Response, Recovery, and Adaptation cov......twork analysis and how people and institutions function in disasters, after disasters, and the ways they ......hazards become disasters, the opportunities and constraints fo......taining a safe and secure life and livelihood bec....... Anecdotally, and through many c......fort to understand the variation ......w ties within, and outside, communities respond and are affected by hazards and disasters. Examines the......tionships in a disaster context, incor......orating theory and case studies b......twork analysis and inter-organizational networks...
- Contents...rk analysis in disaster response, recovery and adaptation Par......2. Networks in disaster response Part 3. Networks in disaster recovery Part 4. Networ......ard mitigation and adaptation Part 5. Conclusion...
- Subject HeadingDisasters. Community Ne......ocial Support. Disasters--Social aspects. Hazard miti...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....reconstruction and resilience of ......istoric cities and societies from......e disciplinary and complementary perspectives and, by doing so, researchers and practitioners ......ban governance and professionals.......fully selected and updated papers......econstruction, recovery and resilience of ......istoric cities and societies" the......ty of L'Aquila and UCL. This multi-scale, and multidisciplin......cross-sectoral and complimentary ......vernance, NGOs and local populati...... examines post-disaster reconstruction strategies and case studies f......m Europe, Asia and Latin America ...... deeper understanding of challenges, opportuniti...
- ContentsIntroduction Part I: Heritage and collective mem......for resilience and about post-disaster reconstruction...... Functionalist and identity appro......, conservation and civic identity......of memory: The recovery of archives in......gible heritage and resilience in managing disaster shelters: Case......Memory, agency and resilience in historic landscapes in Peru ......t II: Historic and contemporary r......UK Post-trauma recovery of monumental ......dings in Italy and the United Sta......l town centres and post-seismic r......een functional recovery and heritage value......ost-earthquake recovery of Bam, Iran Reconstruction o...
- Subject HeadingHistoric preservation--Congresses Disasters--Congresses Disasters. Historic preservation.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingEmergency management. Crisis management. Risk management--Planning. Rescue work. Disaster relief.
- Author HeadingLópez-Carresi, Alejandro.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The March 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Jap......ine earthquake and a tsunami that......500,000 people and overwhelming J......n's formidable disaster preparedness. ......r the analysis and insights of a ......s institutions and actors responded and what lessons c......n from Japan's disaster. The contribut......xperienced the disaster first hand assess the catastrophe and how it is policy, and urban planning......king an understanding of the even...... 2011 in Japan and the wider cons......of the country and the rest of the world."--Publ...
- Contents... on the Tohoku disaster / Gerald Curtis Recovery in Tohoku / Jo...... the potential and the peril of a...... Civil society and the triple disasters: revealed strengths and weaknesses / Y......ocial media in disaster Japan / David ......ishimura Keiko and Love Kindstrand March 11, 2011......paper websites and international ......: institutions and local resident......lise Fukushima and the political ......icy in Japan / Andrew DeWit, Iida Tetsunari, and Kaneko Masaru Dealing with disaster / Peter Duus T......ics of natural disaster, nuclear crisis and recovery / Jeff Kingsto......ion Tomodachi' and the politics of US military d...
- Subject HeadingTohoku Earthquake and Tsunami, Japan......Fukushima-ken. Disaster relief--Japan.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsPost disaster recovery Rajib Shaw 著 Governance and institutional issues Post-disaster reconstruction and institutional ......ive governance and disaster recovery Naim Kapucu 著 ......yphoon Morakot and institutional ......か著 Institution and governance rel......pan earthquake and tsunami Mikio ...... Institutional response in education s......wa 著 Education and learning Impli...... civil society and its role in formal and informal educa......n as a part of disaster recovery Manu Gupta 著 N......pan earthquake and tsunami Yukiko......ased community recovery in Kamaishi, J......w 著 Technology and innovations Post-disaster housing reconstruction in Ind...
- Related MaterialDisaster risk reduction : methods, approaches and practices
- Periodical TitleDisaster risk reduction : methods, approaches and practices
National Diet Library
- ContentsCommunity, market, and government responses to disaster Daniel P. Aldr......a Oum 著 Family and community ties......apital in post disaster recovery Daniel P. Aldr......ion in natural disaster risk managemen......a ほか著 Economic and welfare impacts of disasters in East Asia and policy responses Le Dang Trung......e 2011 floods, and flood manageme......takua 著 Market and production net...... recent crises and disasters on regional p......ction networks and trade in Japan Mitsuyo Ando 著 Impact of natural disasters on production networks and urbanization in New Zealand Brent Layton 著 on markets and production networks Ikumo Iso...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingDisaster relief. Disaster victims -- Services for. Disaster relief -- Economic aspects. Disaster relief -- Government policy. ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.As the population is growing and urbanization i......are exposed to disaster risks, especia......existing risks and introducing ne......invest more in disaster risk reduction......for decreasing disaster risks and losses. The Ya...... water-related disasters. However, DRR. Understanding the current scale and estimate of investment and its effects information and estimates are ......estment trends and issues in DRR and CCA. Based on, field data and evidence, the investment and recommends var......tment policies and innovative approaches to sust...
- ContentsFinancing Investment in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change...... Opportunities and Challenges Fin......cent Trends in Disaster Risk Reduction...... perception of disaster risk maintenance and DRR Financing ...... Aid for Ocean and Coastal Adapta......-Pacific Early Recovery in Humanitarian Response: In the Cases of Four Disasters in the Asia-P......on Is the Post Disaster Needs Assessme...... Investment in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change......from Indonesia and the Philippine......anual in Japan and the Implementa...... Investment in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
- Related MaterialDisaster risk reduction : methods, approaches and practices
National Diet Library
- ContentsOverview Ten years of recovery lessons from I...... Institutional and legal arrangements and its impacts on...... Environmental recovery and mangrove conse......ssons from the recovery of the educati......nami Glenn Fernandez, Rajib Shaw,......-tsunami urban recovery process and current condit......ri Lanka, Thailand, and Indonesia large-scale recovery Sudhir Kumar 著......? Giving, aid, and impact after t......sunami around Banda Aceh coasts S......ik, Adhitya Iskandar, Teuku Muhammad Rasyif 著 Disaster waste manageme......ity assessment and retrofitting o......ldings in Aceh and transfer of kn......ean Earthquake and Tsunami in Aceh, Indonesia Ke...
National Diet Library
- ContentsChapter 1. Local responses to natural disasters: issues and challenges / Andreas Neef and Rajib Shaw Part I: Post-disaster response and recovery at the local l......munity support and resident behav...... Tom Waldichuk and Keisuke the rubble and the Mt. Pleasant community response plan as two lo...... in post-flood response and recovery among downstre...... Levu, Fiji Islands / Othniel Yil......Eberhard Weber and Andreas Neef Chapt......ual strategies and state interven......tigating flood disasters in the uplands of north Thailand and northwest Vietnam / Andreas Neef, Peter Elstner and Iven Schad Chapter 6. Farmers...
- Subject HeadingDisasters. Community Ne......gical. Natural disasters. Emergency management. Emerg...
- Title HeadingCommunity, environment and disaster risk management ; v. 14.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....erspectives on disaster resilience and human settleme...... explore urban and rural perspect......on the current and emerging perspectives on disaster resilience thr...... policymakers, and professionals in the global d...
- ContentsDisaster Resilience and Human Settleme......De Pascale, Orlando De Pietro, Pi......n Urban Areas: Disaster Resilience Assessment and Governance. Le......i Urban Growth and Increasing Flo...... Impacts of Inland Floods on Info......ra, Solomon Islands / Iftekhar Perceptions and Representations of Disasters and Climate Change......isk Perception and Public Narrati......isk Perception and Disaster Management: A ......apon: History, and the Hazards of......n Risk, Beauty and Need: A Field ......ercatanti Post-disaster Management and Recovery: Urban Landscape, Pandemic and Community Resi......ban Resilience and Sustainability in Southern It...
- Subject HeadingDisaster relief Disasters Human geograp......s Catastrophes disasters.
National Diet Library
- ContentsDisaster, conflict and society in cri......tics of crisis response / Dorothea Hil...... of war, peace and history of disaster management in ......s Artur The de-disasterization of development and response options? : a c......ct, governance and institutional ......ance in Kosovo and Chiapas (Mexic......a van der Haar and Merel Heijke T...... interventions and unexpected out......othea Hilhorst and Bram J. Jansen......ay politics of disaster risk reduction...... Post-conflict recovery and linking relief......rehabilitation and development in......aid legitimacy and mutual imaging of aid workers...
- Subject HeadingDisaster relief. Emerge......ic assistance. Disasters. Politics. Disaster Planning--organization & admi...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsResponse Recovering collections and restoring oper......ntion Planning Response and recovery procedures App...... A. Checklists and forms Appendix......organizations, and companies.
- Subject Heading...--Conservation and restoration. L......--Conservation and restoration--Planning.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Disaster Public Health and Older People i......nals, students and fieldworkers to the science and art of promoting health and well-being, pr......nting diseases and prolonging lif......r focus on low and middle-income ...... from previous disasters available and comprehensible......ose working in disaster medicine, disaster public health,......s, gerontology and geriatrics, em......ual, community and national level......derly posed by disasters"--
- ContentsPrinciples and theories : health and public health Principles and theories : age......ion Principles and theories : disaster Contributions ......lder people to disaster mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery Health impact of disasters on older people Post-disaster response and recovery to meet health...... people I Post-disaster response and recovery to meet health......ealthy ageing, disaster mitigation, and disaster risk reduction...... programmatic, and global policy ......els Challenges and gaps in disaster public health and older people issues.
- Subject HeadingDisaster medicine. Disaster relief. Older disaster victims--Servi......people--Health and hygiene. Elderly poor--Servic...
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet Library
- ContentsWhat is a catastrophe, and why is this im......ortant? Understanding catastrophe......icy approaches and organizational......ophe readiness and response Political and legal issues E......f catastrophes and disasters Logistics and the management......s displacement and population res...... organizations and networks in ca......ds of planning and response coordination Catastrophic disaster recovery: an institutio......k perspective Pandemic scenario Training and exercises for ......ophes in Haiti and Japan Summary and call to action.
- Subject Heading...rnment policy. Disaster relief--Financ......United States. Disaster relief--United States--Financ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This second edition of the Handbook reflects s......nal topics for disaster studies; well as new and emerging topic......ding what is a disaster; morbidity and mortality associated with disasters; gender and disasters; and race, class, ethnicity, and disasters, the 2nd Edit...... forefront new and emerging resea......n the field of disaster studies, inclu......ange; children and disasters; technological and natech disasters; as well as the news media and disasters, among others......dition of the Handbook will conti......m the field of disaster studies for; it will expand our knowledge in this importa...
- ContentsPart I. Perspectives on disasters Defining disaster: an evolving c......, Paul 't Hart and Sanneke Kuiper...... technological and natech disaster research to science disaster paradigm / Duane A. Gill and Liesel A. Ritc......tudying future disasters and crises: a, Arjen Boin and Patrick Lagade......rary issues in disasters Resilience and disasters / James m. Ke......Lauren A. Clay and Kimberly B. Gi......ltural Turn in Disaster Research: Understanding Resilience and Vulnerability ......rism as hazard and disaster / William L. W......Climate change and disasters Katherine Hor......Jessica Mercer and JC Gaillard On Bridging Resea...
- Subject HeadingDisaster relief--Research. Disasters.