Translated and edited from"Elements de physique"by E.Atkinson, By A.GanotRairaidô1895<特51-931>
National Diet Library
Longmans, Green1877.<19-8>
National Diet Library
Cowperthwait & Co.[1873?]<44-41>
National Diet Library
W. Wood and Co.1869.<蘭-863>
National Diet Library
H. Baillière1866.<68-34>
National Diet Library
translated from Ganot's Éléments de physique by E. AtkinsonLongmans, Green1910
Other Libraries in Japan
by E.AtkinsonRairaido1895
Other Libraries in Japan
translated from Ganot's Eléments de physique (with the author's sanction) by E. Atkinson ; edited by A.W. ReinoldLongmans, Green1906
Other Libraries in Japan
translated from Ganot's éléments de physique (with the author's sanction) by E. AtkinsonLongmans, Green1902
Other Libraries in Japan
translated from Ganot's éléments de physique (with the author's sanction) by E. AtkinsonLongmans, Green1902
Other Libraries in Japan
translated and edited from Ganot's elements de physique (with the author's sanction) by E. AtkinsonLongmans, Green1898
Other Libraries in Japan
translated and edited by E. AtkinsonRairaidō1895
Other Libraries in Japan
translated and edited by E. AtkinsonRairaidō1895
Other Libraries in Japan
translated and edited from Ganot's Éléments de physique (with the author's sanction) by E. AtkinsonW. Wood1893
Other Libraries in Japan
translated and edited from Ganot's Eléments de physique (with the author's sanction) by E. AtkinsonLongmans, Green1893
Other Libraries in Japan
translated and edited from Ganot's Eléments de physique (with the author's sanction) by E. AtkinsonW. Wood1890
Other Libraries in Japan
translated and edited from Ganot's Éléments de physique (with the author's sanction) by E. AtkinsonLongmans, Green1890
Other Libraries in Japan
translated and edited from Ganot's Eléments de physique (with the author's sanction) by E. AtkinsonW. Wood1886
Other Libraries in Japan
translated and edited from Ganot's Éléments de physique (with the author's sanction) by E. AtkinsonLongmans, Green1886
Other Libraries in Japan
translated and edited from Ganot's Éléments de physique (with the author's sanction) by E. AtkinsonLongmans, Green1883
Other Libraries in Japan