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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc...., perspectives and prediction by ...... into human demands and activity. The ......empirical data and the knowledge of ecology and practical ecosystems and shaping the cu...... of humankind, and that such coll......ook deals with environmental processes seen...... of ecosystems and human cultures...... of ecosystems and effective natu....... Human nature and culture, and in particular ......a set of rules and as given. The composition and biodiversity b......n perspectives and prognoses for ...... on ecosystems and thus on specie...... how evolution and ecosystems wil......ific integrity and professionalism and not to sh...
- ContentsPart I. Basics, legacy and historical purposes. Environmental history Nature......ture dichotomy and environmental consciousness History of environmental communication and education Part II. Recent environmental conditions, change and challenges. Resources for......humans, plants and animals : who ......of the driver? And : can resource......n of normative solutions to environmental problems Environmental evaluation between economics and ethics : an ar......or integration Environmental indicators and biodiversity c......Change : risks and predictability......economic power and threatened nat......s, predictions and solutions. Distribution and h...
- Title HeadingEnvironmental challenges and solutions, 2214-2827
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....nt, monitoring and mapping of environmental contaminants i...... & groundwater and atmosphere. Th......methodological and modeling in techniques and robust modelin......difications of and improvements t......remediation of environmental contaminants. ......isk assessment and remediation of......erent existing and emerging pollu...... Wastes, Solid and Hazardous Wast......iology of Soil and Sediments, Soil Salinity and Sodicity, Aqua......door Pollution and Human Health a......professionals, and policymakers w...... work involves environmental contaminants and related solutions
- ContentsPart I. Soil and Sediment Conta......isk Assessment and Remediation Ch......o Part I: Soil and Sediment Conta......isk Assessment and Remediation Ch...... Agricultural Land Use Chapter 3. Temporal and Seasonal Varia......) in Sanitary Landfill Sites- A C......of Baidyabati landfill, West Beng......tification of Landfill Gas Emission and Energy Recover......Assessment of LandGEM and MTM Model for ......: Role of lake and river mouth embayment and its implicatio...... Water Content and Soil Cation Ex......isk Assessment and Remediation Ch......isk Assessment and Remediation Ch......modeling, risk and remediation Chapter 12. Geosp...
- Subject HeadingPollution--Measurement Environmental monitoring Bio......ic communities Environmental management Environmental chemistry Environmental toxicology Bio......c communities. Environmental chemistry. Environmental management. Environmental monitoring. Environmental toxicology. Pollution--Measur...
National Diet Library
- Contents...roduction; 1.2 Environmental Tradeoffs; 1.3 Environmental Values; Refere......Use, Capacity, and Policies; 2.1 ......ect; 3.4 Final Environmental Impact Stateme......ublic Concerns and Participation;......3.6 Opinion of Environmentalists Regarding the FEIS and Project Locati...... 3.8 Ownership and Project Changes; 3.9 Challenges to Project's Approval and Amendments; 3.......A Requirements and Environmental Impact Studies......Version of the Environmental Impact Study; ......for Preemption and Disagreements ......o the Governor and Motions for Proceedings and Final Approval......nor's Decision and Petition to the Supreme Court...
- Title HeadingEnvironmental challenges and solutions ; v. 4.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....n, performance and emission experts and policy makers.
- Genre/Form TermsConference papers and proceedings.
- Title HeadingEnergy, environment, and sustainability, 2522-8366
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...:The Ownership and Propertyzation of PII / Munen...
- Related MaterialSeries of monographs of contemporary social systems solutions
- Periodical TitleSeries of monographs of contemporary social systems solutions
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc...., technologies and challenges are dynamic. M...... in developing and transitory Pacific Islands. There are no......egal framework and impacts on glo......hese countries and their impacts ......ste management and minimization (......gement in Asia and Pacific Islands. This book wi...... the developed and transitory/developing nations...
- ContentsSustainable Society and Municipal Soli......ce in the Asia and Pacific Regions: The Challenges and Issues Formali......(Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) in Ba...... in Pacific Island Countries and Territories Mu......gement in Thailand: Challenges and Strategic Solu......nt in Vietnam: Challenges and Solutions.
- Subject HeadingRefuse and refuse disposa......--Asia. Refuse and refuse disposal--Islands of the Pacific. Refuse and refuse disposa......ific Ocean--Islands of the Pacific.
National Diet Library
- Is Format OfBaban, Serwan M. J. Managing geo-based challenges. Cham ; New York : Springer, ...
- Title HeadingEnvironmental science and engineering (Springer (Firm)). Environmental science. 1431-6250
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....g the problems and challenges and some future re......l intelligence and the Internet o......he environment and healthcare sectors reducing C...
- Contents...Monitoring the Environmental Impact of COVID-19 COVID-19 and water resource......r virus spread and management Environment Challenges and the Impact of ......of Intelligent Solutions COVID-19 Healt......ste Management and Control during and post COVID-19 ......isis: Critical Challenges Carbon Monoxid......ring COVID-19 Pandemic Applicatio...... the COVID-19 Pandemic: Short Review and Recommendation......t Technologies and Covid-19 Pandemic Exploring ......OVID-19 on Oil and Electricity In......ID-19 Outbreak and its Effect on ......Recommendation and Future Challenges
- Subject Heading...ions COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020---Environmental aspects Internet of things Ar...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ut the issues, challenges and directions cur......a finer understanding of the wate......thical, legal, and social issues. In Part III, t...
- Contents...ncy : promises and shortcomings o......y to the water and sanitation ser......ion to a local environmental and political prob...... globalization and the law / Juli......iti Regulation and protection of ...... : terrestrial and marine perspec...... Miharu Hirano and Shotaro Hamamo...... The provision and violation of w...... approach / Sikander Ahmed Shah clean water and sanitation : litigation and inequality : a......e Barcellos Demand for infrastruc......: key features and assessment met......ods / Sacchidananda Mukherjee and Debashis Chakr......charges in Ireland : policy objectives and funding models / Thomas McDon...
- Subject Heading...velopment--Law and legislation. Water--Law and legislation. Water rights (In...
National Diet Library
- : evidence and implications f......s Carbon taxes and corporate tax ......m Carbon taxes and energy intensi......ries : impacts and options The ro...... sector energy and regional and regulatory climate policies i...
- Subject Heading...c changes--Law and legislation--United States.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.In this book, researchers and practitioners ...... biotechnology and they critically discuss the challenges arising from a......ic, industrial and economic poten......ay provide new solutions to some of the grand challenges of the 21st ce......-based economy and they can contribute new solutions to some of the grand challenges of the 21st ce......n technologies and bioprocess eng......uction systems and they reduce for genetic and metabolic engi......ers of samples and, thus, allow f......duction can demand for integrated......tive processes and various feedst......lectric energy and valuable chemicals.
- Contents...ay provide new solutions to some of the grand challenges of the 21st Ce......ry (Section 1) and explores the e......lth: Discovery and production of ...... healthy foods and nutraceuticals......trial Products and Processes: Alg......trial products and processes- Energy and biofuels: Alga......ent: Algae for environmental applications (......measurement of environmental toxicants, was......- The Regional and Global Market ......eld is facing; and the second par......ll as national and international ......gies, policies and programs (Sect......n Technologies and Systems Biology Genetic and Metabolic Engi......n Technologies and Bioprocess Engineering Novel ...
- Title HeadingGrand challenges in biology and biotechnology.
National Diet Library
- Summary,, Processing and Environmental Sustainability......r metal market and is the backbon...... new ore types and the to minimize environmental footprints. Th......w case studies and technologies, ......n ore, thermal and dry beneficiat......n of iron ore, and discussions of......g solid wastes and P-bearing slag......inable mining, and low emission i......cularly Europe and Japan, are included. This wor...
- Contents...ical, chemical and physical chara....... XRD analysis and evaluation of raw and sintered iron ......sis of natural and sintered iron ......ore by visible and infrared reflectance and Raman spectros......8. Comminution and classification......ring emissions and their mitigati......ron ore mining and processing, low carbon and environmental solution 24. L....... Applications and challenges of biomass materials in iron and steel industry
- Subject HeadingIron ores Iron mines and mining--Environmental aspects Fer--M......ent Iron mines and mining--Environmental aspects. Iron ores.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....rom scientists and industry repre......ess, education and the environmental sciences. Ther......ed to optimise and maximise the u......ary production and processing food, fibre and other bio-base......ucts with less environmental impacts and lower greenhou......esources from land, fisheries and aquaculture environments and their conversi......based products and bio-energy, as......ical resources and ecosystems cou......ble, efficient and integrated man......ddress complex and interconnected challenges, while also pr......elps countries and societies to m......e a transition and to use resourc......e efficiently, and shows how to rely less on bio...
- Contents...a Service Lens Environmental to Identify and Implement Biod......ntered Finance Solutions for Sustainabl......f Payments for Environmental Services and Offsets for Bi......ity Management and Sustainable Development.
- Subject management--Environmental aspects. Environmental management. Sustainable devel...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....s for tracking and organizing environmental data for use in an overall environmental management sys......topics such as environmental analysis, remote sensing, and geographic information scienc...
- Mitrovic An android mobile-based environmental health informa......ocial networks and internet commu......ic information and their role in ......pharmaceutical and mining industr......ervoirs in Goa and its microbial-...... the formation and implementation......liauskien, Fernando A.F. Ferreira......eling analysis and the effects of......l distribution and environmental factors on bre......ery, analysis, and retrieval of multimodal environmental information / ......rahim Oshni Alvandi Value enginee......ung-Hsing Lee, André Krischke Gr......ion context / Sandro Bimonte, Oma......Claudio Zaza, Sandro Bimonte, Nicola Faccilongo,...
- Subject HeadingEnvironmental sciences--Data processing. Environmental sciences--Rese......--Methodology. Environmental management. In......mation storage and retrieval systems--Environmental sciences.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...ut the Editors and Contributors; ......ture, Forestry and Environmental Sustainability......iculture, Food and Environmental Security; 3 Challenges for Agricultur...... 4 Forestry; 5 Challenges Towards Sustai......Environment; 7 Environmental Sustainability and Its Challenges; 8 Green Growt......Sustainability and Sustainable De......ts of Research and Development Vi......ium, Magnesium and Calcium; 6 Research and Development in......5 Agroforestry Solutions for Climate Ch......stry for Wasteland Reclamation 8 ......9 Agroforestry and Soil Health: A......en Soil Health and Productivity U......3 Agroforestry and Livelihood Security; 14 Scien...
- Subject HeadingSustainable agriculture. Forest management. Environmental management.
National Diet Library
- Contents...alie Chalifour and Louis J. Kotzé......nde': what can environmental law scholarshi......d practices in environmental constitutional....../ James R. May and Erin Daly 4. H......o implement an environmental justice analys......aling up local solutions: creating an e...... Jessica Wentz and Chiara Pappala......rd L. Ottinger and John Bowie 8. Energy and smart cities: ....../ Lye Lin-Heng and Melissa Low 9.......newable energy and climate change......ison of France and Germany / Anaï......K. Scanlan 13. Environmentally displaced pe......e Niger Delta: challenges and prospects / El......ulture, energy and development: an uneasy relati...
- Subject HeadingEnergy policy--Environmental aspects. Energy consumption--Law and legislation. Environmental law.
National Diet Library
- Contents...ion impacts on environmental systems and driver of global environmental change Urbaniz......conomic growth and sustainability......od consumption and the environmen......, Samara Brock and Karen C. Seto Urbanization and agricultural land / Xiangzheng D......g Urbanization and land use / Dagmar Haase and Nina Schwarz C......n in India / Chandana Mitra, Bhartendu Pandey, Nick B. Allen and Karen C. Seto ......e construction and operation of b......urban water demand : lessons from......Patricia Gober and Ray Quay Urban......on, energy use and emissions / Pe......llio Suburban landscapes and lifestyles, globalization, and exporting the American dream ...
- Subject HeadingUrbanization. Sustainable development. Land use.
National Diet Library
- Contents... PUBLIC HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMEN......ssment: understanding and planning for p......accounting for environmental and social impacts......Sustainability and community resp......C INFORMATION, AND ACCESS TO JUST...... participation and sustainability......Sustainability and stakeholder pa......sustainability and to Pennsylvani......le development and proposed shale......ica: prospects and challenges / Jan Glazewsk......gas in New Zealand / Trevor Daya-......m pt. V ENERGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE......nge? A factual and ethical analys......D 14.Shale gas and a sustainable future / James ...
- Subject HeadingPetroleum law and legislation. S...... industry--Law and legislation. Sustainable deve...
- Title HeadingNew horizons in environmental and energy law.
National Diet Library
- Note (General)Papers, Presentation and programme. In ......s. Index term: environmental biotechnologie......ity industry ; environmental issues ; IGT. BL shelfmark: 3...
- Alternative TitleIn 4 vols environmental biotechnologie......ity industry ; environmental issues ; IGT
- Alternative TitleIn 4 vols environmental biotechnologie......ity industry ; environmental issues ; IGT
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... from academia and business, this......n human health and the environment, and strategies researchers and policymakers entomology and environmental science"--
- ContentsChapter 1. An environmental perspective on urban pests and their management Chapter 2. Environmentally sound bed bug management solutions Chapter 3. Pro......ncome housing: challenges and opportunities ......ntrol products and services in ur......Chapter 6. A stand-alone termite ......: an effective environmentally friendly tec......f insecticides and repellents traps as an environmental solution to 10. Present and future urban pests and vector-borne d....... A review on sand fly management methodologies
- Subject HeadingUrban pests--Control--Environmental aspects Insect......ests--Control--Environmental aspects Animaux et plantes nu...