Search results 50
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading... -- Emigration and immigration.
- Note (General)"In association with Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warw...
- Author HeadingWrench, John. Rea, Andrea. Ouali, Nouria.
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...ien labor -- Netherlands -- History -- 20th century. Minorities -- Employment -- Netherlands -- History --......mmigrants -- Netherlands -- History --......0th century. Netherlands -- Emigration and immigration -- History -- 20t...
- Note (General)Papers presented at the 2nd SYSDEM National Workshop, March 17, 1993, The Hague.
- Author Heading... (2nd : 1993 : The Hague, Netherlands)
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ry analysis of the many socio-eco......d by COVID-19 pandemic across, disrupting the economic system and life styles gl......rts by setting the historical context of the pandemic and proceeds to describe the impact on the Indian sections of the population hav......e economically and psychologicall......public policy, and urban studiesc......s of an Indian and global society at the crossroads. The book examines emerging themes related to ......ty rights over the vaccine, and rupturing of the global supply ....... It discusses the response of institutions and markets to the global pandemic. It c...
- Contents..., human lives, and pandemics in the age of the Anthropocene C......ort Chapter 3. The Covid-19 Shock and the Indian Economy......f 17th Century and Covid-19 of 20......rity Migration and Pandemic : Issues of Labour market Integration and Future of Citi......very following the COVID-19 pandemic? Chapter 7......susceptible is the black and ethnic minority (bame......rtality in England Chapter 8. Effects from pandemics and stagnation Cha......: Global Stock Markets during the Pandemic Chapter 10. The Pandemic and the New Corporate ......or : "Winners" and "Losers" and what lies ahea......s, pragmatists and pandemics: explaining the var...
- Subject HeadingCOVID-19 Pandemic, 2020---Ec......ndia COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020---So......ndia COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020---Ec......ects COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020---Social aspects Pandémie de COVID-......nomique--Inde Pandémie de COVID-...... social--Inde Pandémie de COVID-......t économique Pandémie de COVID-19, 2020---Aspe...
Handbook of Chinese migration : identity and wellbeing (Handbooks of research on contemporary China)
National Diet Library
- ContentsMigration, identity and wellbeing in C......t developments and new research / Fei Guo and Robyn R. Ireda......ive decades of the Chinese hukou ......anging spatial and temporal patte......: finding from the 2010 and 2000 censuses, Baoyu Xiao and Liyue Lin Nega......ce stereotypes and discriminatory......hina's migrant labour markets / Margaret Ma......achel Connelly and Ngoc-Han Thi T......f wage arrears and implications for the socio-economic......Ingrid Nielson and Russel Smyth Migration and wellbeing of the elderly in rur......ina / Yue Zhuo and Zai Liang Mino......d resettlement and its implications for ethnicit...
- Subject Emigration and immigration. M...... Chinesen. Ausland. Migration. Id......uation. Binnenwanderung. and immigration.
- Title HeadingHandbooks of research on contempor...
National Diet Library
- Contents...ties : Britain and Germany compar...... / Alan Walker and Gerhard Naegel......Pension reform and the socio-economic...... Uwe Fachinger and Winfried Schmähl Ageing and the labour market : a comparison......erich Frerichs and Philip Taylor The silver economy......rchasing power and the quest for qual......, Tobias Gross and Josef Hilbert Gender and ageing : the role of social....../ Ingrid Eyers and Gertrud Backes Minority ethnic elders in Germany and the UK / Vera Gerling The changing gener......ontract within and outside the family : Britain and Germany compar......onika Reichert and Judith Phillip...... Health status and health policy / Anita Pfaff L...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading... -- Emigration and immigration
- Subject Heading (ID)... -- Emigration and immigration
- Note (General)...or Research in Ethnic Relations, references and indexes
National Diet Library
- ContentsA-sessions. Debates and controversies ......mic effects of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic War......-2. Structures and dynamics of ag...... B-3. Economic and demographic de......ic planning in the post-1945 peri....... Session B-5. Ethnic minority groups in town and countryside and their effects on e......politan cities and their Hinterlands in early mode...... B-7. Shipping and trade, (1750-1...... B-8. Women in the labour force / Erik A....... Unemployment and underempolymen......n B-10. Growth and stagnation in the Mediterranean world in the 19th and 20th centuries......s in antiquity and the middle ages to the 11th c...
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialStudies in social and economic history
- Periodical TitleStudies in social and economic history
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)... International Labour Office Imprint...... International Labour Office Imprint......- , Employment and Training Dept....... International Labour Office Imprint...... International Labour Office
- Related MaterialEconomic integration in the Caribbean : the development towards a common labour market Discrimination......against racial/ethnic minorities in access to employment in the United States ......uation testing The jobs and effects of mig...... workers in Northern America : th......French, German and US experiences Illegal labour migration and employment in ......Adjustments to labour shortages and foreign workers in the Republic of Korea Legal and illegal labour migration in the Czech Republic : background and current trends Skilled labour migration from......ies : study on the Caribbean region Settlement and integration policies towards ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialPhilosophy and the historical per......rials, ancient and modern Imagini......g Jerusalem in the medieval West ......res Byzantines and crusaders in n...... 1025-1204 Alexander Pope : world and word Evolution......ns in primates and man The evolution of c...... entities When the party's over : the politics of problems of the philosophy of ...... missing forms and what they tell us Philo...... 1998 lectures and memoirs : tradition and innovation in ......1 lectures How the past was used ...... 1990 lectures and memoirs Prolegomena to the study of the later Irish ba......ty, simulation and the unity of consciousness : ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... participation and migration in E...... : immigration and the idea of citize......ship in France and Britain Migration and the new technologi......lam, migration and integration : the age of integration and domestic immig......ation policies Minorities in European cities : the dynamics of integration and social exclusion at the neighbourhood level Ethnicity, migration and enterprise Cit......discrimination and the politics of ci......ship : Britain and France Challen......ism in Britain and Germany Immigr......t businesses : the economic, political, and social environ......ip acquisition and national belonging : migratio...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialRacism and equal opportun......ty policies in the 1980s Race and empire in British politics Theories of race and ethnic relations Ethnic minorities and industrial change in Europe and North America Racial and ethnic competition Racism and recruitment : ...... organisations and equal opportunity in the labour market British racial......rse about race and race-related m...... youth, racism and the state : the politics of ideology and policy Europea......parative study Ethnic communities in......nomic survival Ethnicity and nationalism in......ial friendship and communication : migration and ethnicity
- Alternative TitleComparative ethnic and race relations series
- Alternative TitleComparative ethnic and race relations series
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...oint series of the Danish Centre for Migration and Ethnic Studies, University of Southern Denmark; the Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, Uni......ty of Warwick; and the European Resea......e on Migration and Ethnic Relations, Utr......sociation with the European Resea......e on Migration and Ethnic Relations (ERCOMER), Utrecht ...
- Related MaterialDiversity management and discrimination : immigrants and ethnic minorities in the EU Ethnic minorities and inter-ethnic relations in c......ian comparison Labour immigration in Southern Europe : Afr......ent in Iberian labour markets New European identity and citizenship Ne......ts in Europe : the case of the Chinese commun......ho cares? Roma and Gypsy-Travelle......y, race, space and exclusion Citi......local politics and integration po......ural societies The politics of mu......le belonging : ethnicity and nationalism in Europe and East Asia Long......iasporas, homelands and identities Par......ctives from northern Europe Illegal immigrants a...
- Author Heading...or Research in Ethnic Relations (Economic and Social Researc......e on Migration and Ethnic Relations
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...m between 1890 and 1961 Debates and controversies ......mall nation in the turmoil of the Second World, finance and occupation : (......ds, 1939-1945) Ethnic minority groups in town and countryside and their effects on e......politan cities and their hinterlands in early mode......ope . Shipping and trade (1750-1950) . Women in the labour force : compar......ive studies on labour market and organization of work since the 18th century P......etals, coinage and the changes of mon......merica, Europe and Asia : late mi......y modern times The rise and decline of urb......tries in Italy and in the Low Countries : late M...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... privatisation and the limits of tran......ding democracy and civil society east of the Elbe : essays ......d Mokrzycki Poland's EU accession Power and legitimacy : c......'s far north : the contested ener......y frontier Art and protest in Put......nin's terror : the ideological or......ives in Russia and East Central E......ropology after the collapse of co......uropean agenda and the Baltic States The making of mode......a, 1918-2012 : the first Georgian republic and its successors......ions in Russia and Eastern Europe......ecision making The Russian econom......Russian energy and security up to 2030 The Caucasus : an introduction Th...
- Alternative TitleRoutledge contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe
- Alternative TitleRoutledge contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe political econ......tion Diversity and transformation......tate subsidies and the rise of China ......conomic growth and globalization ......, productivity and regional chang......liberalisation and food insecurity Singapore, the energy economy : from the first refinery to the end of cheap o......leading issues and challenges Bra...... institutional and sectoral deficits in the Pacific region......n, outsourcing and labour development in ASEAN China's ethnic minorities : social and economic indic......, trade policy and economic growt......nancial crises and reforms : cases and caveats Developing countries ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialDemocracy, media and law in Malaysia and Singapore : a ......c : culture, authenticity, and power Chinese and Japanese films on the Second World W......itical regimes and the media in Asia ......tage, politics and labour migration Life......on, aspiration and identity Media and democratic tra...... Korea K-pop : the international rise of the Korean music i......Tamil cinema : the cultural polit......cs of India's other film industry Genders and sexualities gay, lesbi and waria identiti......ex trafficking and the media : perspectives from the United States and Thailand Youth culture ...... language film The media, cultural control and g...
- Alternative TitleRoutledge media, culture and social change ......Media, culture and social change ......Media, culture and social change in Asia
- Alternative TitleRoutledge media, culture and social change ......Media, culture and social change ......Media, culture and social change in Asia