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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....cience from an evolutionary perspective......otions from an evolutionary perspective, Section 3 dis...
- Contents...otions from an evolutionary perspective......ents / John Tooby ; Leda Cosmides Evolution, emotion, and ......s are governed by a common gramm......udice Part II. Evolutionary approaches ......Caring and the evolution of guilt : a Scrivner An evolutionary : evolutionary and signali......tentment : the evolution of indestructi......feld Fear : an evolutionar perspective ......l A. Marsh The evolutionary functions o......ompassion : an evolutionary account / J......umination : an evolutionary development......lvi ; Jennifer Byrd-Craven An evolutionary approach to......ure? toward an evolutionary psychology of the role of ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsIntro Foreword by Dr. Virendra M......ply 1 History, Evolution, and Future of Rapid Environm...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ature of life. Selections ranging from ...... and extent of natural life, contempo......on is preceded by an extensive i......fe"-- Provided by publisher. Bri......ature of life. Selections ranging from ...... and extent of natural life, contempo......on is preceded by an extensive introduction con...
- ContentsDe anima (selections) / Aristotle ......r of judgment (selections) / Immanuel K......What is Life? (selections) / Erwin Schr......iples of life (selections) / Tibor Gánt......and open-ended evolution / Kepa Ruiz-Mirazo, Juli Pere...
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe origins of natural security / Rap......ctability, and evolution: policy and M. Prescott Selection, security, and evolutionary internation......s and martyrs: evolutionary perspective......listic view of natural security / Raphael D. Sagarin...
- Subject HeadingAdaptation (Biology) Natural selection.
National Diet Library
- Contents...eryday math of evolution : chance, selection, and time Immo...... : how and why evolution repeats itself......uman race, and natural selection The making and evolution of complexity Seeing and beli...
- Subject HeadingDNA. Evolution (Biology) Evolution, Molecular.
National Diet Library
- Contents... step in human evolution (1968) The end of optimism Th...
- Title HeadingWorks. Selections. 2004.
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading進化. 自然淘汰. Evolution. Natural selection.
- Alternative TitleEvolution of complexity.
- Alternative TitleEvolution of complexity.
National Diet Library
- Contents...ontrolling the Evolution of Nanostructu......oporous Carbon by In Situ Neutro......oporous Silica by In Situ Neutro......g Their Growth Evolution / G.N. Karanik......anes Monitored by Online Differe......and Monitoring by In Situ Electr......f Porous Media by Two Fields / P....... Vansant 8.2. Evolution toward Materia......aracterization by Adsorption / F......ions Catalyzed by Solid Acids / ......tion of Arenes by Carbonylic Compounds / Ana Pr...
National Diet Library
- Contents...e discovery of natural selection, and the origi...... ushered in a revolution in the evolution of humankind /......d T. Avery, a revolutionary conservativ...... the levels-of-selection debate / Mark ...... community and evolutionary ecology : Daniel S. Simber...
National Diet Library
- Contents...evelopment and evolution revisited / Mae Wan Ho Probab...
- Subject Heading...vior. Behavior evolution. Genetics. Human Development....
National Diet Library
- Contents...of humankind ; Evolution and proliferat......The Neolithic Revolution ; The first ci......he Industrial Revolution and the Great Depression ; De...
National Diet Library
- Contents...nd science / Toby E. Huff The pl......logy and Greek natural philosophy / M......eptions of the natural world, religio...... v. 2 Ecology, evolution, and the natural world Natural theology, deis......Joseph Bracken Evolution / Francisco J. Ayala Evolution and natural selection / Christopher ......ichael J. Behe Evolution and religion /......nd autopsy / Toby E. Huff Genetics and religion...
National Diet Library
- ContentsEvolutionary psychology ...... Henry Plotkin Evolution and ecology and evolutionary psychology ......nd Group-level evolutionary processes /....../ Joan B. Silk Evolution of the social ......A. Barton Neuroevolutionary and neuroaf......erd Gigerenzer Evolution of empathizing......amas Bereczkei Evolution of stress resp......ess and sexual selection / Gillian Rhod...... Anne Campbell Evolutionary ecology of ....../ Virpi Lummaa Evolutionary psychology ......l Nettle Human evolution and social memory : an evolutionary perspective......e theory : the evolution of human cultu......s and cultural evolution / Joseph Henrich and Richard ...
- Subject HeadingEvolutionary psychology. Evolution. Psychology. Cultural Evolution. Reproductive Behavior -- psy...
- Alternative TitleEvolutionary psychology
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- Contents...r away(Remixed by Hex Hector,RAN......ppears(Remixed by Junior Vasquez......EASONS(Remixed by BUMP&FLEX,Hex ......for ××(Remixed by Izumi"D・M・X"Mi......eters Remix)(9)evolution(RAZOR Remix)(1......Trauma(Remixed by Thunderpuss,Yu......URREAL(Remixed by Thunderpuss,Cl......ybreak(Remixed by Lost Witness)(......)vogue(Remixed by CMJK,Junkie XL)(15)Naturally(Remixed by Tim Ericson an......&Girls(Remixed by Naoki Atsumi,J...... Single Mix)(3)evolution(UFO Remix)(4)I......iro Izutani)(6)Naturally(astraly Mix:Nam REDRUM)(7)D...
National Diet Library
- Contents...Essay of 1844, by F. Darwin (190......ketch of 1842, by C. Darwin Essay of 1844, by C. Darwin On and species by natural means of selection, by C. Darwin and A. Wallace.
- Subject HeadingEvolution. Natural selection.
National Diet Library
- ContentsIn vitro selection of functional ...... models on RNA evolution, simulations i......s for in vitro selection / Peter Schust......ors in aptamer evolution / Ádam Kun .........Riboswitches : natural metabolite-bin...... principles in evolutionary selection techniques / Dirk Eulberg ......
National Diet Library
- Contents...udiger Wolfrum Selection of candidates ......ent, role, and evolution of the global environment fac...
National Diet Library
- ContentsPre-metazoan evolution and the origin......ey D. Beck The evolution of acoustic me......rris Toward an evolutionary theory of t......Outcrossing in natural populations : ......Frank C. Vasek Natural and human selection in the Pacific sweet potato /...
- Subject HeadingEvolution (Biology) -- C......-- Congresses. Evolution -- congresses. Environment --...
- Author Heading...body Museum of Natural History. Peabody Museum Cente...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingReligion -- Philosophy Evolution Natural selection -- Miscellanea
- Subject Heading (ID)Religion -- Philosophy Evolution Natural selection -- Miscellanea
- Related MaterialEvolutionary analysis in the social sci...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingReligion -- Philosophy Evolution Natural selection -- Miscellanea
- Subject Heading (ID)Religion -- Philosophy Evolution Natural selection -- Miscellanea
- Related MaterialEvolutionary analysis in the social sci...