Documentation Research and Training Centre, Indian Statistical Institute.1964.<UL651-3>
National Diet Library
Francis DevadasonIndeks Verlag1986
Other Libraries in Japan
by Fred W. RiggsIndeks Verlag1982
Other Libraries in Japan
by Timothy C. CravenIndeks Verlag1981
Other Libraries in Japan
by Ejnar WahlinFID/CR Secretariat, Documentation Research and Training Centre1979
Other Libraries in Japan
by A. Neelameghan and Ranjita Maitra . by Ranjita MaitraFID/CR Secretariat, Documentation Research and Training Centre1978
Other Libraries in Japan
conducted by Robert R. Freeman, Frankfurt, 1st-5th June 1970 ; edited by R. Mölgaard-Hansen and Margit Westring-NielsenDansk Central for Dokumentation, (Denmarks Tekniske Bibliotek)1971
Other Libraries in Japan
conducted by R. R. Freeman and Pauline Atherton, Copenhagen, 2th - 6th September, 1968 ; ed. by R. Mölgaard-Hansen and Malcolm RigbyDanish Centre for Documentation1969
Other Libraries in Japan
by Th. W. te Nuyl . by Richard S. AngellDanish Centre for Documentation1968
Other Libraries in Japan
by Phyllis A. RichmondDenish Centre for Documentation1965
Other Libraries in Japan
FID/CR Secretariat, Documentation Research and Training Centre
Other Libraries in Japan