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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsMarriage and alternative re...... status, death and their consequences Parenting and parenthood Chi......ild protection and children's rig......Discrimination and personal safet......e of the state and its institutions Globalizatio...
- Title HeadingRoutledge handbooks.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...nmarital birth and child An ethical and anthropologica......que Conclusion and recommendations.
- Subject HeadingChildren--Legal status, laws, etc.--United States. Domest...
- Note (Content)"Helen M. Alvaré describes and critiques the federal policy of 'sexual exp......s to children, and insufficient f......iled empirical and ethical analyses"--
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Changes in family structures, de......cial attitudes and economic polic......arge impact on family lives and correspondingly on family law. This book con......e difficulties family law is attempting ......y contemporary policy challenges facing family law.The specially ......ocial sciences and demography to ...... are affecting family policy and uses this evid...... ways in which family law may develop in......ldren's rights and parental orientation and sexuality in family lawthe status of m...... between civil law and the law of minority gr......s, researchers and scholars of family law and social policy as well...
- ContentsMarriage and alternative re...... status, death and their consequences Parenting and parenthood Chi......ild protection and children's rig......Discrimination and personal safet......e of the state and its institutio...... Globalisation and pluralism.
- Subject HeadingDomestic relations. LAW / Family Law / General. LAW / General. LAW / Family Law / Marriage.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....res the status and scope of family policies relat......e gaps between family needs and contemporary family policies in th...... United States and European count......s, tax credits and deductions, and in-kind provis...... United States and select Europea......s (UK, France, and Sweden). Most ......ook identifies and continues the ......itical role of family-centered polic...... the future of family policy toward familie......ties: National and international ...... role that the family plays in provi......ort, stability and opportunities ......hallenge for a family of a child wit...... with extra demands in order to provide the care...
- Contents1. Introduction 2. Family policy: a conceptual ...... core needs 4. Family policies related to children and youth with dis......ited States 5. Family policies and disability in ...... Assessment of family disability pol......7. Comparative family policies of th...... United States and European count......ilities (CRPD) and family policies 9. Closing remarks.
- Subject policy--United policy--Europe. Peopl......-Legal status, laws, etc. LAW / Family Law / General. policy. Europe. Unite......s / Government policy / Europe. Peop......s / Government policy / United State...... Legal status, laws, etc. Famille--Droit. Handicap.
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... parents work, and women's payche...... for available and affordable chi......United States. And even in prospe......ority for U.S. policy makers.In In Our Hands: The Struggle.......S. Child Care Policy, Elizabeth Palley and Corey S. Shdai.......S. child care and child care sup...... they ask, are policy makers unable ...... care advocacy and legislation in......ent child care and early education advocates and researchers wh...... of child care policy and funding and an examination......entury. Palley and Shdaimah analy......ecial interest and niche groups t......round existing policy, arguing that .......S. child care policy. Ultimately, they conclude, w...
- Contents...policies Women and child care Strategic framing ...
- Subject Heading...s. Child care--Law and legislation--U......States--Social policy. POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Social Policy. LAW / Child Advoca......y / Marriage & Family. Child care. Child care--Law and legislation. Social policy. United States.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....sustainability and children's rights"--Provided ...
- Birthrates and Rural Depopula......on The Role of Family Supportive Policies in the De...
- Subject Heading...en--Government policy Child development Sustainable...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsState jurisdiction and the scope of t......fe of migrants and refugees under......utside, inside and along the way on refugees and migrants / Mel......ion of slavery and forced labour ......icle 5 ECHR) / Andreia Sofia (Article 6) and right to an ef......z The right to family and private life in migration and asylum cases (......rticles 10, 11 and 16 of the ECHR and Article 3 of A...... Social rights and migrants (Article 14 and Protocol 12 EC......outi Expulsion and prohibition of......on of migrants and asylum seekers......n Human Rights and Additional pro......ita Mac Crorie and Giulia Santomauro Vulnerabili...
- Subject Heading...hts Emigration and immigration law--Europe Conven......f Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950 No...
- Note (Content)...e ECtHR's case law in the area of migration and asylum, explor......n this area of law. Each chapter ...... with the case law on one specifi......asylum seekers and refugees. In a...... vulnerability and the margin of ......tises the case law on aliens' in its case law regarding aliens." --
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...United States. Family policy -- United Stat......Great Britain. Family policy -- Great Britain.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ReplacesInternational Journal of Law and the Family
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingMarriage--United States. Marriage law--Social aspects--United State...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This authoritative and accessible sta...... the changing landscape of labour......te sovereignty and market-based l......e speed, scope and scale of trans......lateral treaty and of a global ar......ent of capital and persons. In immigration laws and policies. This......on regulations and the market-bas......bour migration and the state-cent...... this mobility and related transn......onomics, legal and social disciplines and perspectives a......ries of origin and destination reflection and empirical anal.......The Palgrave Handbook of Labour ...... in the design and implementation of migratory p...
- Contents...arion Panizzon and Elisa Fornale ......ade, Migration and the Crisis of ......d, Lucie Cerna and William Hynes ......gration, Trade and Investment: Fr......Thomas Cottier and Charlotte Sieb......3. GATS Mode 4 and Labour Mobilit......IONAL FAMILIES AND THE DIASPORA 4......our, Migration and Development: a...... Organizations and Civil Society;......Administrative Law Accountability......ration Regimes and Their Linkages for Family Unity and Integrity, and Development; P......y, Investments and Entrepreneursh......a Rispens-Noel and Jeremaiah Opin......UMAN RIGHTS) STANDARDS PERSPECTIV......bour Migration and Free Trade Agreements; Philip...
- Subject HeadingBUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Labor. LAW / Labor & Empl......IENCE / Public Policy / Social Policy. REFERENCE / Handbooks & Manuals......ts. Emigration and immigration.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....y assesses the policy and legislative fr......iation of work and family life at EU level, and proposes a new way of looking...
- Subject HeadingLabor laws and legislation --......ountries. Work and family -- Government policy -- European Union countries.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...ns in the case-law of the Court o......ent of persons and member states'...... good, the bad and the ugly in EU migration law : is the Europ......t becoming bad and ugly? (the ado......ration, asylum and borders : the ......ra Common EU standards on asylum ...... harmonisation and exclusive proc......ration control and the reach of i......tional refugee law / T. Gammeltof......hy neighbour : family reunification and the rights of ......t An ideal husband? : marriages o......l gate-keeping and immigration to......ationals in EU law : justice acce......ration, asylum and the European Union Charter of...
- Subject HeadingEmigration and immigration law--European Union countries. As...
- Related MaterialImmigration and asylum law and policy in Europe
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- on children and political viol...... M. Haj-Yahia, and Carolyn Hamilt......t of terrorism and political viol......Amy Governale, and Danielle Nesi ......Sami H. Miaari and Amit Loewenthal Ethical and methodological......Cyril Bennouna and Lindsay Stark ......xposure on the family and parenting envi......f Palestinians and Israelis / Eri......esmann, Simha Landau, Shira Dvir ......halil Shikaki, and Cathy Smith Th......tical violence and the developmen......f age, gender, and parenting styl......d M. Haj-Yahia and Charles W. Gre......, Gadi Zerach, and Alana Siegel T...... in northern Uganda : stigma, marginalization, a...
- Subject HeadingChildren and war Children and violence Polit......ights Children and violence. Children and war. Children's rights. Polit...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Tax policy frequently tar...... women's legal and social approaches, and grounding its ......logical theory and cultural philo...... of women, tax policy and the law"--Provided by publisher.
- ContentsIntroduction What is tax policy? Tax policy in action: gen......esponsibility, and the possibilit......ommon aims Tax policy in context Tax policy applied: taxation of the family unit Tax policy in systems rev...... families, tax law and the interactio......ender, markets and tax policy Conclusion.
- Subject Heading...-- Taxation -- Law and legislation --...... women. Fiscal policy -- Social aspects.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....lient dynamics and features of, marriages, and intimate, marriages, and families that is otherwise di...
- Contents...Armed conflict and terrorism Asia......or Child abuse and neglect Childc......tion Childless and childfree Circ......del of marital and family systems Cohabi......Communication, Family Communication,......leeping Couple and family psychology Couple and family therapy Couple......e affection Demand-withdraw Diale......vorce, Custody and visitation Div......ional autonomy and individuation Empathy and compassion Emp......anity Familism Family and relational rules Family assessments Family business Family communication ......atterns theory Family demography Family Development theory Family ethics Family folklore Family history, Idea...
- Is Format, marriages, and intimate relationships. Farmi...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...ght to exclude and the right of a......y Human beings and human bodies A......tween free use and quiet enjoymen......strictions on land use Present estates and future ownership and family property Lease......s Fair housing law Zoning : governmental land use planning R......latory takings law.
National Diet Library
- ContentsReconciling employment and family care-giving : ......ent challenges and future directions for UK policy / Suzi Macpher......king in Europe and the impact on work-family reconciliation......reconcile work and family life in the EU......lla The rights and realities of balancing work and family life in New Zealand / Annick Masselot Law's response to ......iation of work and care : the with the demands of Europeaniz......essons on work-family conflict : Swe......ns Care-giving and reasonable care-giving and work in Ireland : the contribu......ection against family status discrim...... Child welfare and work-family reconciliation po...
- Subject HeadingLabor laws and legislation. Work and family--Government policy. Caregivers--Legal status, laws, etc. Work-life balance. Ver...
National Diet Library
- ContentsNature of law Legal structur......n Student fees and tuition Students and parietal rules......: fees, living and learning State action and students rights and liberties at p......etween student and university Stu......ent dismissals and procedural due process of law Substantive du......cess : liberty and property inter......nts in grading and dismissals, expression and association Free speech and electronic com......t press Search and seizure Tort l......tudent records and the Federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act Im......ions Liability and immunity of integration and diversity in higher education...
- Subject HeadingUniversities and colleges -- Law and legislation -- United States.
- Author HeadingAlexander, Klinton W. Alexander, Kern.