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- Summary, etc.... of the global financial crisis and the events tha......ransmission of monetary policy in the Eurozone economies and among major ad......dvances in the monetary policy debate towards......abilization to monetary policy, is outdated p......the absence of financial frictions. Fur......pidly evolving financial markets The bo...... globalisation and increased inte...... supply-chains and trade relation......, as well as a policy framework thor......ter the global financial crisis and the crises Presenting policy proposals, the...... discusses how policymakers must try...... confidence in and take into account in forming ...
- Contents...the Science of Monetary Policy Need to Be Alt......the Science of Monetary Policy Chapter 2. New......Macroeconomics and Finance Theory......arch for a New Monetary Policy Framework Part......Challenges for Monetary Policy in Interdepend......sis Chapter 5. Monetary Policy Crisis in the ......he Task Ahead: Monetary Policy in Uncharted W......ers Chapter 7. Monetary Theory and Policy: the Implicati......nty Chapter 8. Monetary Policy in the Future: Monetary Policy in Uncharted Waters
- Subject HeadingMonetary policy--Developed countries Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2......ale, 2008-2009 Monetary policy Developed countries
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....lementation of monetary policy in various Eas......hlighting case studies from China, Ta......, Korea, Japan and Singapore, economists and practitioners ......dent effective monetary policy is on the institutional and financial market environ......implementation and communication.......ous aspects of monetary policy implementation......ion targeting handled? For what purposes and how do central......nks operate on financial markets, and what are the (......lp achieve the monetary policy targets set by individual cou...
- ContentsIntro Preface and Acknowledgemen......bbreviations 1 Monetary Policy in East Asia: ......e Framework of Monetary Policy Implementation 2 China's Monetary Policy: Institutional......Setting, Tools and Challenges of China's Monetary Policy 2.2.1 The Mandate of the Peop......he Role of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC......Targets, Tools and Track Record of Chinese Monetary Policy 2.3.1 Monetary Policy Targets and Main Tools 2.3.2 Evolution and Successes in R......f Transparency and Independence 2......ent is China's Monetary Policy? 2.4.2 How Ind......with Regard to Monetary Policy? 2.4.3 Relationship Between T...
- Subject HeadingMonetary policy--East Asia Int......cience--Public Policy--Economic Policy. Business & Ec......acroeconomics. Monetary policy. East Asia.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....socio-cultural and demographic trends, and the financial crisis. It pre......ts theoretical and applied resear......rance products and markets, and explores futur......ce supervision and trends in cons......their academic and practical expe...... risk analysis and evaluation, de......nsion systems, financial stability and solvency of li......urance markets and the role of di...... book provides policy recommendations for the devel...
- ContentsPart I Market Picture and Development Situation and Development Situation and Future Challen...... Protection EU Policy Analysis of Ca......idence from Poland Part II Innovations and Risk Analysis ......Life Insurance and Pension System...... in Demography and Digitalisation...... the Economic Landscape and the Insurance ......Cancer in Life and Health Insurance
- Related MaterialFinancial and monetary policy studies
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialFinancial and monetary policy studies
- Periodical TitleFinancial and monetary policy studies
- Title HeadingFinancial and monetary policy studies ; 52
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... Moritz Bälz, and Hanns Gü in Europe and East Asia / Ma......-monetisation, and parallel curre......ity conditions and monetary policy in Singapore /......Japan's fiscal and monetary challenges / F...... case study in financial innovation, and on the role of......ermany: status and outlook / Erwi......n the European Monetary Union: legal aspects / Helmut...
- Genre/Form TermsConference papers and proceedings.
- Subject Heading...gresses. Banks and banking, Centr......gresses. Banks and banking, Central. Cash transa...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe Stability and Growth Pact and the new "flexi......forming Europe and the Euro Zone ......pean Semester, and the Two-Pack and Six-Pack Macroeconomic imbala...
- Subject Heading...ntries. Fiscal policy--European Unio......Public. Fiscal policy. Europe--European Union count...
- Related MaterialFinancial and monetary policy studies
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsIntroduction Development and structure of the German financial system Competi...... profitability and efficiency Finance and the non-financial sector Finance, distribution and crisis.
- Subject HeadingGlobal Financial Crisis (2008-2009) Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2......many--History. Financial crises--Germany. Finance. Financial crises. Germany.
- Related MaterialFinancial and monetary policy studies
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...ation Eurozone Monetary Union SC611000......Macroeconomics/Monetary Economics//Financial Economics SCW3......170: Economics and Finance 1782: Hardcover, Soft...
- Related MaterialInhaltstext Financial and monetary policy studies
- Periodical TitleFinancial and monetary policy studies
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This book analyses the causes and consequences o...... is liberating and beneficial. Se......on are exposed and the reasons fo......y expansionary monetary policy, i.e., inflati......istorical case studies, the growth de...... the Civil War and the bank credit deflation in ...
- Contents...n Consequences and Myths Concerning Deflation Tw...
- Related MaterialFinancial and monetary policy studies
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingBanks and banking, Asia. Banks and banking, Central. East Asia. ...
- Related MaterialFinancial and monetary policy studies
- Periodical TitleFinancial and monetary policy studies
National Diet Library
- Alternative TitleCoping with the trade-offs between social rights and capital markets
- Alternative TitleCoping with the trade-offs between social rights and capital markets
- Title HeadingFinancial and monetary policy studies ; 48.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMonetary policy--East Asia--In......Asia--Economic policy--Congresses.
- Related MaterialFinancial and monetary policy studies
- Periodical TitleFinancial and monetary policy studies
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The Arab upheaval and the world's biggest financial crisis after t......of a political and financial restructuring ......n which they stand. In light of t......ocio-political and economic shift in both inland and in world marke......ems, prospects and the way ahead for the financial integration of......erspectives on financial integration and policy recommendations are put forwa...
- ContentsMonetary policy issues: Prospects for monetary coordination i......more or larger monetary unions? / Wass......' accumulation and the impact on ......ies of Algeria and Tunisia / Fati......European Union and other countrie...... Mediterranean financial integration / ......ia Rita Sidoti Financial markets: Arab ...... Armanious GCC financial markets in the......bdelbar Ejbari Financial integration, b......tition changes and financial stability : th......Social aspects and trade integrat......Social economy and solidarity in ......sustainability and revolution / F......l iIntegration and economic growt...... : MEDA region and the Western Balkan countries ...
- Title HeadingFinancial and monetary policy studies ; 36.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Since the financial crisis of 2008......en forced to abandon conventional monetary policy tools in favou......ive territory, and pushing up pri......Unconventional Monetary Policy and Financial Stability crit...... used by Japan and examines what ......for the theory and practice of economic policy. The book show......unconventional monetary policy has worked thr...... impact on the financial markets. The t......rate an understanding of why such......ere introduced and how the Japane...... as governance and corporate bala......tent to understand the impact of policy on the debt st...... communication and policymaking to international...
- Subject HeadingBanks and banking--Japan. Monetary policy--Japan. Financ......--Japan. Banks and banking. Finance. Monetary policy. Japan.
- Related MaterialRoutledge critical studies in finance and stability
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingBanks and banking--State....... Banking law. Financial institutions--Government policy. Monetary policy.
- Title HeadingRoutledge international studies in money and banking ; 87.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingMonetary policy--Econometric models.
- Title HeadingFinancial and monetary policy studies
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....conomic crisis and brings out what went wrong and the correction......nce the Global Financial Crisis to the ...... macroeconomic policy of both the RBI and the government and brings out wha...... macroeconomic policy to be supporti......with East Asia and China, althoug......l, industrial, and trade policies......been deficient and even good init......the industrial policy and trade flounder......ith vast under and utilised labour and the macroeconomic policy initiatives th......xternal shocks and the internal policy measures/respo......ions, interest and policy rates, yields,...... price indices and inflation, government expendi...
-, Employment and the Current Ac......ital Formation and Foreign Invest......r 5. Inflation and Monetary Developments Chapter 6. Policy and Analyses Chapt......not Reflective Monetary Policy Chapter 8. The COVID Crisis and Response Chapt......hapter 12. GST and the Discrimination Against Pr...
- Subject HeadingMacroeconomics Economic policy. Macroeconomics. India--Economic policy--21st century India.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....Saxon systems, and the Asian area......t a bank to be and to do in the new economic and social reality......chine learning and electronic pay......d-19 measures, and iii) SDG policy priorities. Ge......mics, scholars and students of banking and financial services, the book will explo...
- Contents...del in banking and finance and the treatment ......pter 3 FinTech and competition re......ial regulation policy responses to financial technological ......ture for banks and crypto-finance......brank branches and the risk of financial exclusion of t......rbert-Homenda, and Weronika Stefa...... Banking Union and commercial ban......ritical issues and challenges ahe......sis management and deposit a renewed mandate for commerc......mmercial banks and competition concerns SDG policy priorities, by Lela Mélon and Alenka Recelj ......gital Currency and the Agenda of monetary devolution, Zelmanovitz and Bruno Meyerhol Salama Chapter...
- Subject HeadingFinancial services industry Financial engineering Finance--Law and legislation Financial Services Financial Technology and Innovation Financial Law Services financiers Ingé...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....haracteristics and developments in Africas financial systems, including monetary policy, structured fi......inable finance and banking, FinTe...... the COVID-19 pandemic on Africas financial systems and how to reform ...... post-COVID-19 financial systems. It is......ars in finance and economics as well as financial market practit......oners. Banking and the financial markets play a......h a number of handbooks on banking and finance exist,......urope, America and Asia. Banks and financial markets in Afr......ent challenges and therefore to understand Africas financial systems. A num......banking crises and it is important to examine th...
- ContentsPART I: Overview of Banking and Finance 1. Int......iew of Africas Financial Systems PART II: FinTech, Financial Inclusion and Banking Sector......Interest Rates and Exchange Rates......rket Structure and Competition in Africa 4. Financial Inclusion, Ban......or Development and Financial Stability in A......ica 5. FinTech and the Future of Banks and Financial Services in Af......: Central Bank and Monetary Policy 6. Central Ban......e Rate Regime, Monetary Policy and Inflation in Africa 7. Monetary Policy, Central Banks Independence and Financial Development in Africa 8. Monetary Policy, Institutions and Bank Market Power in Africa 9...
- Subject HeadingFinancial institutions--Africa Banks and banking--Africa Africa--Econo...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ovation, banks and their business......transformation and prospects of financial market institu...... pension funds and microfinance o......development of financial innovation, financial engineering and financial technologies, ...... account risks and new opportunit......development of financial and credit institu......isk management and crisis managem......s in the macro and microeconomic ...... Mongolia, Ireland and Italy present ......he practice of financial intermediaries......ial Revolution and the Covid-19 pandemic. This book......the genesis of financial markets in the......e evolution of financial intermediaries from the class...
- ContentsChapter 1: Financial Markets: Problems and Prospects Chapter 2: Financial Markets: Current Trends and Factors that D......Functioning of Financial and Credit Institu......: Paradoxes of Financial Market Institu......ns: Traditions and Ecosystems Cha......4: The role of financial intermediaries......onalization of Financial Markets. World Financial Centers Chapte......Challenges for Financial Market Infrast...... International Monetary System Chapter 9: Monetary Policy: Global Trends and the Chapter 10: Financial Innovations, Financial Engineering, and Financial Technologies: ......s? Innovations and New Financial Technologies in...
- Subject HeadingFinancial engineering Financial institutions--......l innovations. Financial engineering. Financial institutions--Effect of techn...