Search results 10
National Diet Library
- ContentsI. Setting the Scene. 1. Intr......usan Hanson 2. The Geography of Urban Freight / Laetitia Dab......Transportation and Urban Form: Stages in the Spatial Evolution of the American Metropolis / Peter O. Mul......of Information and Communication ......hin Cities. 5. Theories and Models in Tran......ciara & Susan Handy 7. Land Use, Travel Behavior, and Disaggregate T......Schweitzer 9. Land Use Impacts of......ay Agarwal 10. The Geography of U......Transportation and Environmental Impacts and Policy / Scott......Transportation and Energy / David...... Social Equity and Urban Transpor......14. Looking to the Future / Genevieve Giuliano w...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Col. map on lining papers Includes bibliographical references and index
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialWelfare income and employment : a...... family choice The model cities program : the planning proce......anta, Seattle, and Dayton The economic devel...... Air pollution and the social science...... : formulating and implementing c......n, technology, and business : a c......of business in the future--problems and opportunities Technology and innovation in ......iness district The economics of d......ding Reforming the university : the role of the social research center The application of......centralization and neighborhood r......ns : political and psychological ......nental defense The job crisis for......nufacturing in the United States Federal contrib...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe newcomers : Negroes and Puerto Ricans in a changing metropolis Metropolis 1985 : an interpretation of the findings of the New York metro......y Anatomy of a metropolis : the changing distr......tion of people and jobs within the New York metro......egion Wages in the metropolis : their influence on the location of industries in the New York regio...... Governments : the political economy of the New York metropolitan region Freight and the metropolis : the impact of Amer......revolutions on the New York Regio......rojection of a metropolis : technical supplement to the New York metro......acturing Money metropolis : a locational study of finan...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialGeographical change and Industrial Rev......799 Empiricism and geographical t......s Bacon to Alexander von Humboldt...... governments : the political and economic impact of the rate support grant in England and Wales Population and metropolis : the demography of ......don, 1580-1650 Freight flows and spatial aspects of the British econom......agement in England and Wales Housing and the spatial structure of the city : residential mobility and the housing market......ish city since the Industrial Revolution The urban mosaic : towards a theory of resident......Hillslope form and process Tropical soils and soil survey Population growth...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialSecrecy and publicity : to nature : the Arcadian myth ......Spain's men of the sea : daily life on the Indies fleets in the sixteenth century NASA and the space industry......gious politics and secular states...... Egypt, India, and the United States The secret of Apol......nt in American and European space......el Varnhagen : the life of a Jewe......ns, Europeans, and the remaking of early America The Federalist : a...... on federalism and free government The New York Irish......d death : from the Middle Ages to the present : challenge and response in the Middle East The global resurgence of democrac...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialRacial exclusionism and the city : the urban support of the National Front Studies in the economic policy of Frederick the Great Marxist analyses and social anthropology The evolution of the nursery-infant......tory of infant and nursery educat...... management in the power industry......ple, resources and power Plato to......y of Rome from the origins to the empire Language, schools, and classrooms Int......onal business handbook Social pol......, collectivism and the origins of the welfare state resources and disequilibrium macrodynamics The contributions ...... foreign trade theory and policy, 1909-1946 Banking pol...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... education in other countries Fou......July 1979 Portland cement prices ...... Parliament by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of S......onomic Affairs and the Minister of Public Building and Works Malaysia......cluded between the United Kingdom...... Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Federation of ......orneo, Sarawak and Singapore The Government's e......n 1959 : being the report of the Ministry of Education and statistics for England and Wales Prices o...... Parliament by the First Secretary of State and Secretary of S......for Employment and Productivity and the Minister of Po......for increasing the resources of the Internationa...
- Alternative TitlePapers by Command. Cmnd Cm
- Alternative TitlePapers by Command. Cmnd Cm
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialReport for the year ... Report to the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Home Department Report of the Committee on the Provision for Social and Economic Resea......tions et recommandations adoptés ......ft conventions and recommendations adopted by the conference ... Report of the Standing Committee r......ools Report of the Standing Committee, rods, wire and tubes National......ce : Report of the National Healt......ents) Board to the National Healt......oint Committee and to the Irish acts, 1919 and 1920 : report ......e appointed by the standing committee o......usts Report on the trade in imports and exports ...
- Alternative TitlePapers by command Cmd
- Alternative TitlePapers by command Cmd