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- Summary, etc....ook induces us to rethink how an......conomics fails to present correc......omy based upon Marx's Book Capital......cialism. - Makoto Itoh, Professor Em...... University of Tokyo, and a memb...... style, brings to life the work ......rld's foremost Marxian economist T......ientificity of Marx's project in C...... applicability to navigating world-historic change acro......pment and what Marxian economics future historical societies......nd follower of Marxist Kozo Uno, a...... the end of history nor does its......pon its own historical delimitat......ons attempting to revive of interest to economists in both the mainst...
- Contents...Distinguishing Marxian Economic Theory from Bourgeois Poli......ientificity of Marxian Economic Th......of Analysis in Marxian Political E......Elaboration of Marxism in the Light of Marx and Hegel Part II Chapte......apter 10: Road to a New Historical Society
- Subject HeadingMarx, Karl, 1818-18......zō, 1897-1977 Marx, Karl, 1818-18......ō, 1897-1977. Marxian economics Capitalism. Marxian economics.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....narrate the history of the moder......s that we need to rethink the story of the a global history. He first sh......od in relation to the travel acc......nts flooding into Europe from colonial missi......pushes this history beyond Europ......ared global history forged in th......raught attempt to make ourselves the kinds of b...
- ContentsMontaigne and the other history of modernity...... discontents : Hegel, Marx, Fanon Radical......i Coda : being-towards-bequeathment.
- Genre/Form TermsHistory.
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMarx, Karl, 1818-1883
- Authority(Subject Heading/altLabel)マルクス, カアル マルクス, K マルクス, カール Marx, Karl Heinrich
- Authority(Subject Heading/broader/narrower)Secret diplomatic history of the eighteenth century
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMarx, Karl, 1818-1883. Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831. History -- Philosophy.
- Related MaterialAnn Arbor paperbacks for the study of communism and Marxism
- Periodical TitleAnn Arbor paperbacks for the study of communism and Marxism
National Diet Library
- ContentsMontesquieu: politics and history Rousseau: the social contract Marx's relation to Hegel.
- Subject Heading...tical science. Marx, Karl, 1818-1883. Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 177...
National Diet Library
- ContentsMarx's concept of man / Erich Fromm Economic and ......scripts / Karl Marx ; translated by T.B. Bottomore From German ideology / Karl Marx Preface to A contribution to the critique o......economy / Karl Marx Introduction to the critique of Hegel's Philosophy o......eligion / Karl Marx Reminiscences of Marx / by Paul Lafargue Jenny Marx to Joseph Weydemeyer Karl Marx / Eleanor Marx-Avelling Confession / Karl Marx Karl Marx's funeral / by Frederick Enge...
- Subject HeadingMarx, Karl, 1818-1883.
- Authority(Title Heading/broader/narrower)Secret diplomatic history of the eighteenth century
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMarx, Karl, 1818-1883 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831 History -- Philosophy
- Subject Heading (ID)Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831 History -- Philosophy
- Note (General)...reword by Christopher Phelps Includes bibliogra...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMarx, Karl, 1818-1883
- Subject Heading (ID)Marx, Karl, 1818-1883
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingRevolutions and socialism -- History
- Subject Heading (ID)Revolutions and socialism -- History
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- Subject HeadingMarx, Karl, 1818-18......y of knowledge Hegel, Georg Wilhelm......heory of -- History Determinism ......losophy) -- History
- Subject Heading (ID)Marx, Karl, 1818-18......y of knowledge Hegel, Georg Wilhelm......heory of -- History Determinism ......losophy) -- History
- Author HeadingKontopoulos, Kyriakos M.
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- Subject HeadingSocial sciences -- History Philosophica......sciences -- History Kant, Immanu......ocial sciences Hegel, Georg Wilhelm......ocial sciences Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 -- Contribut...
- Subject Heading (ID)Social sciences -- History Philosophica......sciences -- History Kant, Immanu......ocial sciences Hegel, Georg Wilhelm......ocial sciences Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 -- Contribut...
- Note (General) critique of Hegel's and Marx's constructions of a social t...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingRevolutions and socialism -- History
- Subject Heading (ID)Revolutions and socialism -- History
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingSocial sciences -- History Philosophica......ropology -- History Kant, Immanu......ocial sciences Hegel, Georg Wilhelm......ocial sciences Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 -- Contribut...
- Subject Heading (ID)Social sciences -- History Philosophica......ropology -- History Kant, Immanu......ocial sciences Hegel, Georg Wilhelm......ocial sciences Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 -- Contribut...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingRevolutions and socialism -- History
- Subject Heading (ID)Revolutions and socialism -- History
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- Note (General)Thesis (Ph.D.)--Washington University, 1972 Photocopy
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Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingDialectical materialism Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 177...
- Subject Heading (ID)Dialectical materialism Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 177...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingRevolutions and socialism -- History
- Subject Heading (ID)Revolutions and socialism -- History
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingDialectical materialism Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 177...
- Subject Heading (ID)Dialectical materialism Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 177...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...says, lectures Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 177...
- Subject Heading (ID)...says, lectures Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 177...