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National Diet Library
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- Author HeadingSankogen Co,. Ltd 東京銘酒協会
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author introduction...001 vies des Urgences』はフランスでベストセラ......っている。本作の原書『LES GENS SONT BEAUX』は初の子ども向け作品で、2023年...
- Note (General)原タイトル: LES GENS SONT BEAUX
- Additional TitleLES GENS SONT BEAUX
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....gest citizens, Generation Z. Amon......sive anti-transgender legislation......BTQ members of Gen Z, to engage i......han almost any generation before ......nterviews with Gen Z political ac......est voters. To Gen Z, gender is inextric......ate change, as Gen Z fight for a more just, more...
- ContentsGen Z and the role of gender and sexuali......tical context, gender and sexuali...... engagement of Gen Z No more old ...... engagement of Gen Z women "Growi......activism among Gen Z How Gen Z women and LG......ty have become gendered spaces Gen Z men and politics Conclusion...
- Subject HeadingGeneration Z--Poli......-United States Generation Z--Unit...... / Sociology / General. United States--Politics ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The role of generations is an ......, the focus on generations freque......ournalism. The general public oft......that different generations have d......hat the Silent Generation is all ......sumptions true?Generational Polit......the concept of generations from a......defines what a generation is and the role of generations in Ame...... as age, race, gender, and socioe...... by changes in generations, inclu...... the Baby Boom generation and ris......illennials and Gen Z will change ......pact of recent generations, Generational Polit......s suggests how generational change will impact A...
- ContentsIntroduction : generations in Ame......Foundations 1. Generations, polit......vid Schultz 2. Generational chang......e pandemic emergence of Generation Z / Sco......nd opinions 4. Generational divid......ria E. Nash 5. Generational attit...... Blumenfeld 6. Gender and the generations : you ......aches us about generations and po...... a changin'" : generational compa......11. Millennial generation politic......a M. Rouse 12. Generational shift......mayors bring a generational perspective to their...
- Subject HeadingGenerations--Polit......-United States Generation Y--Poli......-United States Generation Z--Poli......n Government / General. United States--Politics ...
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Note (General)原タイトル: La révolution expliquée aux jeunes gens
- Additional TitleLa révolution expliquée aux jeunes gens
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library