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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Knowledge of the basic the effects of adsorption and......on the quality of rocks and soils, and on drivin......cial Chemistry of Rocks and Soils examines the d......uid interfaces of soil and rock,......the importance of chemical speci......anded coverage of the kinetics of interfacial pr......ncludes models of heterogeneous ......ll as sorption of anions by chem...... and knowledge of the authors' r......ual components of the studied sy......thermodynamics of the interface Profiles the most i......s in the study of interfacial pr......tlines avenues of treatment that......authors' years of research at the Imre Lajos Is...
- ContentsComponents of soil- and rock......cial processes of rocks and soils
- Subject Heading...ocks--Analysis Soils--Analysis Géochimie de l'env...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingSoils--Heavy metal content. Heavy m...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ies in medical geology to illustrate the usefulness of this framework...... The relevance of medical geology research to po......s in the field of medical geology in addressing ......ctical medical geology applications. ......ecific medical geology techniques. Fo......ion to medical geology in the context of risk assessmen......sed in medical geology in the categories of geoscience, the medical geology of natural materi......ies in medical geology, and describes......d in a medical geology analysis. The the medical geology literature and...... some examples of medical geology programs in Asia and Africa"-...
- ContentsMedical geology and risk asses......pplied medical geology : part I : the......pplied medical geology : part II : th......ctical medical geology. Techniques fo......ntity and form of heavy metal in medical geology / Chaosheng Application of bioavailabilit......nts in medical geology / Mark Cave Application of biomedical mol......ies in medical geology. Medical geology of soil ecology / impacts of chronic exposu......ctive material of geologic origi......Health effects of exposure to sp......ials : summary of clinical effects of iodine in the ......the occurrence of some potentially harmful elem...
- Subject Heading...duced diseases Geology--Health aspect...... Environmental geology Maladies de l'environnement G...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingEngineering geology -- Congresses. Soil mechanics...
- Alternative TitleProceedings of the 43rd sympo......on engineering geology and geotechnic......1 : University of Nevada Las Vegas : water, soils and Proceedings of the 43rd sympo......on engineering geology and geotechnical engineering ...
- Alternative TitleProceedings of the 43rd sympo......on engineering geology and geotechnic......1 : University of Nevada Las Vegas : water, soils and Proceedings of the 43rd sympo......on engineering geology and geotechnical engineering ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This book is a product of the joint efforts of interdisciplin......tive framework of human a new genre of geoscience con......on the surface of the Earth and many fields of geoscience, na......geomorphology, geology, soil science,......d consequences of geo-disasters and global envi...
- ContentsEmergence of human geoscien...... 2014 eruption of Mt. Ontake Vol......le development of human society / Eikichi Tsuku...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This book offers a broad pe......cs. Consisting of eighteen regions of the world, suc......rominent group of specialists in the field of earthquake geo......ited lecturers of the Internatio...... in the honour of Professor Kenji Ishihara held in I...
- reaches of the Tone river......cation Effects of Thin Soft Surface Layer......e seismic risk of Thessaloniki, ......lure mechanism of a breakwater s......namic analyses of liquefaction The Effects of Liquefaction o......ion mitigation of embedded lifeline Effect of Long Duration of the Main Shock......e A Case Study of Silty Sand Liq...... a seismic retrofitting: the case history of a piled founda......ntegrating use of Swedish weight sounding tests...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...l-contaminated soils / Götz Haferb......he 3. The role of mineralogy and......ial assessment of mining areas /...... 7. Speciation of uranium in see......nd pore waters of heavy mental-c......l-contaminated soils / Neeru Narula......Kothe 10. Role of mycorrhiza in ......lzburg/Austra: geology, mining histor......avy metal rich soils / Viera Banás...... in serpentine soils / Alessio Meng......i 15. The role of organic matter......n the mobility of metals in cont......ostabilization of Zn-Pb tailings......Bioremediation of coper, chromiu......m contaminated soils / María foundations of integrated modeling in biogeo...
National Diet Library
- ContentsGeotechnical Aspects of Some Recent Di......thquake Design of Buildings and ......tohar Behavior of Slope Protecti......eep Settlement of Embankment on Soft Clay: Simulation of Soil Structure......ion Prediction of a Structure Placed on Soft Clay in Tokyo......ety Evaluation of Large Rockfill......upled Analysis of Reverse Concre......Discretization of a Water Head i...... Noncoaxiality of Toyoura Sand /......wano Threshold of Friction Stabi......or Unsaturated Soils with Subloadin...... Yield Surface of the Elasto-Pla......Quantification of Metastability ...... Ohta Analysis of Earth Pressure Problems by Up...
- Subject Heading...ial Geography. Geology. Hydraulic engineering. Earth...
National Diet Library
- Note (General)University of Helsinki.
National Diet Library
- Note (Original Version)... : Departments of the Army and the Air Force, [...
- Alternative TitleSoils and geology procedures for......ndation design of buildings and ......ndation design of buildings and other structure...
- Alternative TitleSoils and geology procedures for......ndation design of buildings and ......ndation design of buildings and other structure...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingApollo 17 flight Geology Neutron activation analysis P...
- Alternative TitleRecord in soils and small rock particles from...
- Alternative TitleRecord in soils and small rock particles from...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...Tillman County Soils -- Trace eleme......Tillman County Soils -- Organic compound content -...
- Note (Original Version)...O : U.S. Dept. of Interior, U.S.......urvey : Branch of Information Services [distrib...
- Author Heading...klahoma. Dept. of Wildlife Conservation Oklahom...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Note (General)... 1:Measurement of soil/soft rock properti...... 2: Artificial soils and waste prod......ts. Vol 3: Use of soil/soft rock properti......and monitoring of geohazards. Vo......pecial problem soils/soft rocks. Vol 8:...... ; engineering geology. BL shelfmark: 3579.396 [no] ...
- Alternative Title...1: Measurement of soil/soft rock properti...... 2: Artificial soils and waste prod......ts. Vol 3: Use of soil/soft rock properti......and monitoring of geohazards. Vo......pecial problem soils/soft rocks. Vol 8:...... ; engineering geology
- Alternative Title...1: Measurement of soil/soft rock properti...... 2: Artificial soils and waste prod......ts. Vol 3: Use of soil/soft rock properti......and monitoring of geohazards. Vo......pecial problem soils/soft rocks. Vol 8:...... ; engineering geology
National Diet Library
- Note (Original Version)...O : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, ......urvey : Branch of Information Services [distrib...
- Author Heading... Jersey. Dept. of Environmental Protection Geol...
National Diet Library
- Note (General)...braries in microfiche Shipping list no.: 98-020...
- Note (Original Version)...urvey : Branch of Information Services [distrib...
- Alternative TitleGround water conditions and quality in the western part of Kenai Peninsula, southcentral...