Search results 28
National Diet Library
- Contentsv. 1. Descriptive geography of the world v. 2. Astronomical or mathematical geography.
- Subject HeadingGeography.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...820 The motion of fluids, natural and artificial : i......articular that of the air and water, ... : w......plain draughts of such experiments and machines, whic...... Newton's laws of motion The anatomy and philosophy of expression A t......he cultivation and manufacture of indigo. ... L' : the creed of the philosopher and the hope of the Christian ......he foot-prints of the creator : ......he asterolepis of stromness Essa...... : or, The art of distilling col......als, minerals, and metals. A thin......s, surprizing, and useful: relati......the production of colours, consistence, and heat, in divers bodies which ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...ured in London and published simu......nged its mind, and later by G.P. Putnam) Heinema...
- Related Material...lus, Tibullus, and Pervigilium Ve......s Anabasis Alexandri On the Latin......s Themistocles and Camillus ; Aristides and Cato Major ; Cimon and Lucullus Questions and answers on Exo......lust Fragments of the Histories ......inst Meidias ; Androtion ; Aristo......ires, Epistles and Ars poetica Th......isputations De officiis Isocrate......olumes Clement of Alexandria De Description of Greece Alcibiades and Coriolanus ; Lysander and Sulla From Tha......piodotus ; Onasander Suetonius : ......The stratagems and the aqueducts of Rome Eclogues the remains of all the Greek ......r Later Ionian and Athenian thinkers The speeche...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)English title: Handbook of Oriental studi......Title on cover and spine of 2nd impression......h corresctions of Section 1, v. 28, 2001: HdO I...
- Related Material...s The emperors of modern Japan The arts of Nepal Arabic oration : art and function The dictionary of the Qin, former Han and Xin periods populations and cultures of the Indian sub......s perspectives Handbook of Christianity i......l anthropology of the Middle Eas......y The economic and administrative history of early Indonesi......ecture : forms and typologies, sites and monuments 934-722 v. Chr Art and archaeology of Afghanistan : its fall and survival : a m......oach A grammar of the Bedouin dialects of central and southern Sinai...... Cyprus Theory of Israel the history of Tamil literature General maps...
- Alternative TitleHandbook of Oriental studies HdO Handbuch der Orientalistik = Handbook of Oriental studies : HdO
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...into the place of geometry in th......s Neurological and neurosurgical ......he foundations of genetics On ci......iety, schools, and progress in Au...... A modern view of the criminal l......ciety, schools and progress in development and Europe : report of a seminar of the Internatio......ciety, schools and progress in Ni......eory Marketing and the brand manager A modern view of the law relati......cs with understanding Vector anal......s, scientists, and engineers Russ......ce quiz Theory of beams : the application of the Laplace to business and professional corres......respondencia profesional y de negocios Russian ...
- Alternative TitleThe commonwealth and international library of science, techn......e commonwealth and international library of science, technology and engineering The commonwealth and international ......y Commonwealth and international ......y The American and international library of science, techn......y, engineering and liberal studies
- Alternative TitleThe commonwealth and international library of science, techn......e commonwealth and international library of science, technology and engineering The commonwealth and international ......y Commonwealth and international ......y The American and international library of science, techn......y, engineering and liberal studies
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAn introduction to turbulence and its measuremen......s : principles and procedures The chemistry of ruthenium, rho......smium, iridium and platinum Economics of public finance......nomic analysis of government expenditure and revenue in the......anning, policy and analysis Organ......etal compounds and related aspects of homogeneous ca......ental planning and management Fro......: the politics of transition Int......thermodynamics of spark and compression ig......, their design and development Th......itical economy of EEC relations ......can, Caribbean and Pacific states...... to the understanding of the Lomé convention on ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)General editors: W. Leinfellner and G. Eberlein Publisher varies:...
- Related Material...a Fundamentals of uncertainty ca......rence Morality and rational choic......tentional acts and institutional under risk and uncertainty fuzzy sets and possibility th......ry Macromodels of the national economy of the USSR : met......ence modelling and multicriteria ......he methodology of social science...... logic : state of the art The dynamics and evolution of social systems......ew foundations of a mathematical sociology Set ......nctions, games and capacities in ......ion spillovers and market evoluti...... Philosophy in geography Intelligent de......sion support : handbook of applications and advances ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialEvolution, racial and habitudinal Re......he performance of the screw prop......liminary study of the ruins of Cobá, Quintana......or the history of the United Sta......cipal archives of Mexico Anasazi......The physiology of the elephant D......try by the aid of the achromatic......he pleistocene of the western region of North America and its's catalogue of stars : revise......h a vocabulary of Persian and Arabic words Condensation of vapor as induced by nuclei and ions Systemati......s illustrative of the history of the slave trad......ual characters of some domestic ...... Anthropometry of adult Maya Indians : a study ...
- Alternative TitleCIW Carnegie Institution of Washington Carnegie Inst. of Wash. Pub
- Alternative TitleCIW Carnegie Institution of Washington Carnegie Inst. of Wash. Pub
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialTale type- and motif-indexes ......ous adventures of Major Gahagan ......on Archaeology of prehistoric na......: a collection of critical essay......aphy The lives of Jesus : a history and bibliography R......raphy Folklore and literature of the British photographs and slides of paintings in t...... research Snow of fire : The rainbow and Women in love ...... : a selective and critical bibli......A bibliography of the writings of Walter H. Pate......Yanagita Kunio and the folklore m......onal character and distinctivenes......itical history of Edgar Allan Po...... The narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym : "a dialog...
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library in the huma...
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library in the huma...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...logy : methods and applications Epidemiology and control of neural tube de......e in pregnancy and childbirth The causes of cancer : quant......tive estimates of avoidable risks of cancer in the ......s today Oxford handbook of sport and exercise medic......ical practice, and public health ......rol Principles of medicine in Af......ine Essentials of microbiology to choosing and using Fracture......tension Oxford handbook of clinical haematology Oxford handbook of expedition and wilderness med......xford textbook of psychiatry Bra......s tuberculosis of bone and joint to produce and interpret them Surveillance i...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...nt electricity and magnetism An outline of the principles of economics An outline of educational ps......utline history of the world sinc......y : an outline of the beginning ......e Constitution of the United States and the declaration of independence An outline of American gover......onomic history of the United Logarithmic and trigonometric ......uments History of economic thought : a book of readings Busin......ature (Gospels and Acts) An outline of the history of England New outline of the principles of economics An outline history of the Middle Age......ics An outline of the history of education An outline of busin...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialNarrative of travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in the......d, on physical geography, natural history, and ethic The history of Jamaica : or, General survey of the antient and modern state of that island: with reflecti......ommerce, laws, and government on the laws of man's nature and development A handbook of plant-form : for students of design, art The Odyssey of Homer The constitution of man : consider......The third part of King Henry VI ...... Brief notices of Hayti : with i......on, resources, and prospects Shak......ies : a series of essays Pamphle......very Narrative of the embassy of Ruy González d...
- Alternative TitleCambridge library collection : books of enduring scholarly value CLC
- Alternative TitleCambridge library collection : books of enduring scholarly value CLC
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related : a history of Rome from 133 ......o A.D. 68 Life and thought in the Greek and Roman world Th......nterpretations of Shakespeare's ...... in the nature and development of man's spiritua......tical theories of the : a survey of psychological ...... United States and Britain in the......entury Fantasy and mimesis : resp......ure The course of German history : a survey of the development of German history......ory The metres of English the sources of European econo......survey Leisure and class in Victorian England : rational recreation and the contest fo......ight Annalists and historians : Western historio...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...o. 1 Statement of responsibility...... States. Dept. of the Interior. Office of Education July...... United States Office of Education has been a part of the Federal Se...... United States Office of Education has been a part of the Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare
- Related MaterialEngineering and mechanic arts ......ry instruction of adults : report of National Illit......e Institutions of higher educati......ion in Switzerland, 1916-1918 Education of the immigrant : abstracts of papers read at......r the auspices of the New York-N......rsey committee of the North Amer......k City, May 16 and 17, 1913 Neede......gram The quest of youth : a page......gical stations of Europe A schoo......Reorganization of English in sec......Reorganization of Secondary Education of the National E......on Association and the National Council of Teachers of English Statistics of public high sc...... in France : a handbook of information concerning fie...
- Author HeadingUnited States. Bureau of Education United States. Office of Education
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe vision of William : conc...... short grammar and some sellectio...... The white doe of Rylstone : wit......g at the Feast of Brougham Castl...... etc. Elements of law : consider...... to principles of general J.H. van't Hoff's "Dix années......famous history of the life of King Henry the......ighth The tale of Gamelyn : from...... works : lives of Dryden and Pope, and Rasselas Homer......d The merchant of Venice The Institutes of Justinian Gene......s illustrative of modern history......he advancement of learning The orations of Demosthenes and Aeschines on t......rown A history of France Livy : books I-X The m...
- Alternative TitleClarendon Press series of school classics
- Alternative TitleClarendon Press series of school classics
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...s, a semiotics of systemic inter......: "Robin Hood" and the "king's law" Motif-index of the cuentos of Juan Timoneda ......parative study of Chlorococcum meneghini, and other spherica......oducing genera of the Chlorococcales Whitman and Rolleston : a ......o the behavior of the Queen's la......rammar, texts, and lexicon : base...... on the speech of Peter Onon Yur......athy A history of Finnish literature The dīvān of Gadāʾī Consonant quantity and phonological u......ywright, poet, and preacher Rush ......ral settlement geography Purism and language : a s......dern Ukrainian and Belorussian na......ndiana Aspects of Altaic civilization : proceed...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialRacial exclusionism and the city : the urban support of the National F......conomic policy of Frederick the ......rxist analyses and social anthrop...... The evolution of the nursery-in......ol : a history of infant and nursery educat......ple, resources and power Plato to......onomic history of Rome from the ......uage, schools, and classrooms Int......ional business handbook Social policy ......, collectivism and the origins of the welfare resources and disequilibrium...... contributions of John Maynard K......n trade theory and policy, 1909-1......The principles of economic plann......The philosophy of grammar Lexical representatio...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ola: a prophet of righteousness The homilies of the Anglo-Saxo......, or, Homilies of Ælfric : in th......n : the author of the third Gospel and the Acts of the the Apostl......, or relations of the world and the religions ......ed in all ages and places discoue......resent Defence of usury Experience and nature Is this......(1936) Diaries of Sir Moses and Lady their life and work as record...... consciousness and the psychology of food Tracings from the Acts of the Apostles or thirty years of christian work......1894) The Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles, and the Revelation of St. John the Divine ( 1912 ) ...
- Alternative Title...eprints : thousands of scarce and hard-to-find books Kessinger'...
- Alternative Title...eprints : thousands of scarce and hard-to-find books Kessinger'...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...s Applications of dynamics to physics and chemistry Lahu......rdus in search of his hearing : an exposure of aural quacks and a guide to gen......ine treatments and remedies elect......s, lip-reading and employments fo......, etc Elements of quaternions The mirrior of parliamnet The......dom : Synopsis of the species of the class mamm......tion by Cuvier and other naturali...... foreign trade of Japan : a study of the trade of Japan with spe......The philosophy of Spinoza : unfo......tent processes of his reasoning ...... Garden cities of tomorrow Chris......India, Ceylon, and Japan on the held forth, and preached, by the people, call...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related schools You and music Object-o......: a new theory of everything Anxiety and neurosis A history of the United States The growth of the United Sta......Britain Images of deviance In defence of politics England in the sevente......tury Apes, men and language A history of English archit......on The origins and growth of modern education Human geography : evolution or......entary history of the Middle Eas......c : an account of the mutinies at spithead and the nore in 17......e Soviet Union and the Middle Eas...... two centuries of the English no...... : men, women, and rape A social history of English law Roman literature ...