Malay States Information Agency[1926-<特25-046>
National Diet Library
published by authority and compiled by R. L. German, Malayan Civil ServiceWaterlow & Sons[1935]
Other Libraries in Japan
published by authority and compiled by R.L. German, Malayan Civil Serviceobtainable at The Malayan Information Agency, Malaya House1930
Other Libraries in Japan
R.L. German, Malayan Civil Serviceobtainable at The Malayan Information Agency, Malaya House[1926]
Other Libraries in Japan
R.L. ヂャーマン編 ; 南洋協會臺灣支部訳南洋協會臺灣支部1927.5
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[R.L. ヂャーマン著]臺灣總督官房調査課1927.4例言
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Other Libraries in Japan GreenmanR. L. Germann.d.
Other Libraries in Japan
compiled by R.L. German.Waterlow & Sons,[n.d.]
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