Search results 7
National Diet Library
- Note (General)Parallel Latin and English texts. Includes index...
- Alternative TitleAmores.
- Alternative TitleAmores.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, as a scholar-printer-publisher. Aldu......ical languages and literature was......siderable one, and was recognized......istic authors, and others."--
- Contents...(October 1502) Ovid, Metamorphoses......(October 1502) Ovid, Heroides, Amores, Ars amandi, Remedia amor......December 1502) Ovid, Fasti, Tristi......tticus, Brutus and his brother Qu......ammar (February--June 1501) Gian......nteriano, The land and customs of the......rides etc. (May--August 1505) Ad......ber 1508) Tito and Ercole Strozzi...... (Spring 1497) / Lorenzo Maioli......March 1, 1499) / Girolamo Avanz......mber 20, 1501) / Sigismund Thur......arch 16, 1503) / Aldus Manutius......i (April 1513) / Giovanni Gioco......(May 15, 1514) / Giovanni Gioco......s (April 1515) / Giambattista E......mber 19, 1491) / Raffaele Regio The authorship...
- Subject HeadingManuzio, Aldo, 1449 or 1450-1515. Manuzio, ......o, 1449 or 1450-1515 Latin literature--History and criticism--Early works to ...... Prefaces. Rome--Civilization. L......érature latine--Histoire et critique--Ouvrages avant 1800. Humanisme...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingOvid, 43 B.C.-17 or 18 A.D. -- Translations i...... poetry, Latin -- Translations i...... poetry, Latin -- Translations i......thology, Greek -- Poetry Love-letters -- Poetry Love po......y, Latin Women -- Poetry
- Subject Heading (ID)Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 or 18 A.D. -- Translations i...... poetry, Latin -- Translations i...... poetry, Latin -- Translations i......thology, Greek -- Poetry Love-letters -- Poetry Love po......y, Latin Women -- Poetry
- Note (General)Latin text and parallel Engli......ightly varies: Heroides ; Amores Includes indexes
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...社の変遷(推定): 1912?-1915?=Macmillan ; 1916?-1934?=Putnam ; 1935?-現在=Harvard U.P.......16年に出版された例がある。 -- 推定の典拠: The Nat...... Catalogue, pre-1956. Books in series, 1876-1949. The Loeb libraryの出版目録-from Harvard/Heinemann 1988 ......ured in London and published simu......nged its mind, and later by G.P., G.P. Goold"--LCL 41 (2nd ed.......H. Warmington""--LCL 41 (2nd ed., 1977)
- Related Material...lus, Tibullus, and Pervigilium Ve......s Anabasis Alexandri On the Latin......s Themistocles and Camillus ; Aristides and Cato Major ; Cimon and Lucullus Questions and answers on Exo......inst Meidias ; Androtion ; Aristo......ires, Epistles and Ars poetica Th......orations, XXVII-XL ; In Neaeram......Clement of Alexandria De inventio......ece Alcibiades and Coriolanus ; Lysander and Sulla From Tha......piodotus ; Onasander Suetonius : ......The stratagems and the aqueducts ......gics ; Aeneid I-VI The letters ......e orations, XLI-XLIX Apology ; ......r Later Ionian and Athenian think......ugusti Theseus and Romulus ; Lycurgus and Numa ;...
- Author Heading (ID)DA04126066
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... 1983 The fifth-century chronic......per, Hydatius, and the Gallic Chr......legie libro II Ovid, Amores : text, prolegomena, and commentary Sex......e studies Form and universal in A......, introduction and commentary Roman poetry and drama ; Greek ...... 1979 : Vergil and Roman elegy, m......l Latin poetry and prose, Greek lyric and drama Statius and the Silvae : poets, patrons and epideixis in the Graeco-Roman world Hellenistic Greek and Augustan latin......oetry, Flavian and post-Flavian latin poetry, Greek and Roman prose Augustus and the Elizabethan and Jacobean England : the Latin writings of the a...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...f Aufzügen Verwandlungen The school for scandal = Die Lä Fragen angewandter Philosophie......z : roman Verstand schafft Leiden......piegel : Vollstandige Textausgabe......oße Schmährede and der Stadtmauer......r : Roman Musik-Erzählungen Abd......alère Kleines Handbuch de Maße, Z......jungen Deutschland bis zum Natura......ista Wolf, Kassandra Im Labyrinth......uswahl Der verwandelte Komödiant ......ungskunst Die Wand ; Porträt eine......Capriccios 1976-1994 Vagabunden......chte Annalen. I-VI Krambambuli und andere Erzählungen......ttelhochdeutsch/Neuhochdeutsch ...... der eisernen Hand : ein Schauspiel Aufzeichnung...
- Alternative TitleReclams Universal-Bibliothek Recl......lam's Universal-Bibliothek UB U.B. Reclam-Bibliothek Reclam Bibliothek L...
- Alternative TitleReclams Universal-Bibliothek Recl......lam's Universal-Bibliothek UB U.B. Reclam-Bibliothek Reclam Bibliothek L...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialVoice and voices in anti......y Introduction and from the origi......iam" Wort und Wandlung : Senecas ......unst Lucretius and the diatribe a...... natura III 830-1094 Ein neuer ......ical Greece Nicander of Colophon'......tary Diplomats and diplomacy in t......ugustum Gender and communication ......: between song and silence Petron......e, perception, and text in the principles and historical enq......Hesiod : Works and days, vv. 1-382 Tragic props and cognitive func......Elder : themes and contexts Proce......of integration and identity forma......utarch's Greek and Roman lives An......nt Greeks West and East Wisdom in loose form : t...
- Alternative Title...raphs on Greek and Roman language and literature Mne......raphs on Greek and Latin language and literature Mne......ents : history and archaeology of......raphs on Greek and Latin language and literature
- Alternative Title...raphs on Greek and Roman language and literature Mne......raphs on Greek and Latin language and literature Mne......ents : history and archaeology of......raphs on Greek and Latin language and literature