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Recording Media映像資料
National Diet Library
- Authority(Genre/Form Terms/altLabel)アニメ アニメーション映画 テレビアニメ TVアニメーション Animation OVA Animated films Animated television programs
- Note (General)所要時間: 105分 原タイトル: 雄獅少年 英語タイトル: I am what I am
- Additional Title雄獅少年 I am what I am
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- Contents(1)I AM WHAT I AM(2)ラストリアクタンス(3)BLESS(4)I AM WHAT I AM(inst)(5)ラストリアクタンス(inst)(6)BLESS(inst)
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- Contents(1)I AM WHAT I AM(2)ラストリアクタンス(3)cosmetic surgery(4)I AM WHAT I AM(inst)(5)ラストリアクタンス(inst)(6)cosmetic surgery(inst)
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- Contents(1)I AM WHAT I AM(2)ラストリアクタンス
- Note (General)初回限定盤A type 付属資料: DVD 1枚 : 「I AM WHAT I AM」MV & Making
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- Contents(1)I AM WHAT I AM(2)ラストリアクタンス
- Note (General)...: 2019.9.28 豊洲PIT Royz 10th Anniversary ONEMAN LIVE「THE <XL Ⅶ> TH IGNITE」-TOUR FINAL-Multi angles LIVE DVD
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Author HeadingWalton, Chris
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Author HeadingMcKinney, Cait.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Authority(Subject Heading/altLabel)名言 金言 箴言 Maxims
- Alternative TitleI am what I am.Take it or leave me alone
- Alternative TitleI am what I am.Take it or leave me alone
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Authority(Genre/Form Terms/altLabel)児童書 子どもの本 ヤングアダルト図書 Children's book Young adult book
- Note (General)原タイトル: SEE WHAT I AM
- Additional TitleSEE WHAT I AM
Recording Media映像資料
National Diet Library
- ContentsDISC1〈"R"WORLD Special Live『I am…RAYCHELL』(2021......0@KT Zepp Yokohama)〉(1)Stay Hung......(2)FACE FREE(3)Into the love(4)......)EARTH BEAT(6)Mix Medley(feat.クレンチ&ブリスタ)(7)R・I・O・T(Acoustic cover)(8)Takin' my Heart(Acoustic cover)(9)チャンス......0)Don't be afraid!(cover)(feat....... you ready to FIGHT(feat.大塚紗英,夏...... you ready to FIGHT(WEN) DISC2〈Music Video〉(1)この愛であるように(2)Smiling!(3)Flower(4)......ngry(7)SHOW ME WHAT U GOT(8)Until the Justice(9)Krazy(10)R...... you ready to FIGHT(12)Into the love(13......(14)Never EVER(infinity scale ver.)
- Note (Date/Time and Place of an Event)収録: 2021年4月 KT Zepp Yokohama
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."What is feminism? Why does it still matter? What exactly does intersectionality mean? In order to answ......ny other) questions, I Am a Feminist first examines the history of feminism and then addresses the issues girls and women continue to face tod......ks at the ways in which people, especially young people, are working together to gender equality is a reality, not a dream. The author shares stories about the courageous individuals who have made a difference in the lives of women and girls worldwide. From suffragists to the #MeToo movement, I Am a Feminist encourages r......k out for equality and justice. -- "This nonfi...
- ContentsIntroduction: What is feminism, and why do ......need to read this book? Ride the wave: the history of feminism We're all in this together: girls around the world Mirror, mirror on the wal...... appearance Feminists in love: navigating the world of......x and romance Nine to five and then some: the fight for equality in the workplace Intersectionality: diverse and inclusive feminism Raising feminist boys: allies in the fight against sexism A final word from the author
- Genre/Form TermsYoung adult literature illustrated books. Informational works. Illustrated works. History. Juvenile works. Young adult non-fiction. Young adult nonfiction. Documents d'information. Ouvrages illustrés. 児童図書
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.When Chanelle Moriah was diagnosed with autism at 21, life finally began to Hungry for information, Chanelle looked for a simple resource that could explain what autism is and how it can impact the different areas of an autistic person's life, but found that there was little written from the perspective of someone who is autistic. So Chanelle decided to create that missing resource. Chanelle discovered just how difficult it can be for autistic adults - particularly females or those assigned female at birth - to be diagnosed or even......ssessed for autism. This is partly because there is very little understanding of...
- ContentsHow to use this book What is autism Autism traits summarised Stimming Eye contact Imagination Being literal Sarcasm Implying Non-verbal / non-speaking Echolalia Alexithymia "Zoning out" or dissociation Rigd thinking Making and maintaining relationships Social cues and expectations Being overly sensitive Toys Hiding, climbing, spinning or being upside down.My reflection Forgetting to eat Receiving gifts Expressing gifts Expressing emotion Indecisiveness Object p......bal memory Special interests Info dumping Travelling Fairness Inappropraite humour Need for rules Difficulties summarised Positives Meltdowns Shutdowns Masking and mimicking Unmasking You...
- Genre/Form TermsPopular works. Autobiographies. 児童図書
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsMADE OF STARS Precious Love 月に照らされ...... 言葉よりも深く想ってる Shine : 未来へかざす火のよう...... あいのうた You and I… Tweet your love Wedding Song Piece of Love I Dreamed a Dream それでもあなたを愛してた 翼 What I am : 未来の私へ (1)MAD......OF STARS(2)Precious Love(3)月に照ら......よりも深く想ってる-(4)Shine-未来へかざす火のように-......いのうた(6)You and I…(7)Tweet your love(8)Wedding Song(9)Piece of Love-映画「ウォーキングwithダイナソー」テーマソング(10)I Dreamed a Dream(11)それでもあなたを愛してた(12)翼-H.I.S.バリ島送客No.1 CMソング(13)What I am-未来の私へ-テレビ東京開局50周年特別企画新春ワイド時代劇...
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- Contents(1)Mic in my hand(2)Travellin man(3)Masterc......f(4)Why(5)4 Train(6)Tokyo Chaos(feat.Kan Takagi)(7)Smile(8)What(9)This is who I am(10)In my life
- Label (Audio)4 Train Records/ヴィレッジアゲインアソシエイション
National Diet Library
- Genre/Form TermsFiction Juvenile works
- DDC[Fic]
- Subject HeadingTeenagers--Juvenile fiction Spiders--Juvenile fiction Metamorphosis--Juvenile fiction Magic--Juvenile fiction Prisons--Juvenile fiction Magic Metamorphosis Prisons Spiders Teenagers
National Diet Library
- Genre/Form TermsFantasy fiction. Fiction. Light novels.
- DDC[Fic]
- Subject HeadingMagic--Fiction Spiders--Fiction Monsters--Fiction Prisons--Fiction Escapes--Fiction Escapes. Fantasy. Magic. Monsters. Prisons. Spiders.
National Diet Library
- Genre/Form TermsFantasy fiction. YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Light Novel (Ranobe) Fiction.
- Subject HeadingMagic--Fiction. Spiders--Fiction. Monsters--Fiction. Prisons--Fiction. Escapes--Fiction. Fantasy. FICTION / Fantasy / Humorous.
- Alternative TitleSo I am a spider, so what?
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.A girl wakes up to realize she has been turned into a spider and needs to escape a dung...
- DDC[Fic]
- Subject HeadingMagic--Fiction. Spiders--Fiction. Monsters--Fiction. Prisons--Fiction. Escapes--Fiction. Fantasy.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ドリーダーである、モデルのSHIHO。今年30歳になった彼女が、何に悩み、自分の道をどう切り...
- Author HeadingShiho, 1976-