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- Subject HeadingExport controls. International economic relations.
- Related MaterialSpringer briefs in economics
- Periodical TitleSpringer briefs in economics
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- Summary, etc."The Routledge Handbook of Housing Economics brings together an international panel of contributors t......nsive overview of this important field within economics. Housing occup......important part of social policy, justice of housing interv......apters on microeconomics and housing. T......ctions on macroeconomics and finance. T......inal main part of the book is co......ns. While many of the chapters a...... in mainstream economics and finance ap......nd all draw in international literature to provide state of the art reviews of their topics. ......ers in housing economics, urban economics, urban planning, public econo...
- Contents... Alex Marsh, Geoffrey Meen, Rach......ssical housing economics and beyond / Geoffrey Meen Behavioural economics and housing / ...... institutional economics / Christian A.......equality, macroeconomics and policy ref...... changing role of housing / Rach......mity James The economics of homelessness /......nding the role of new housing su......ive in housing economics: productivity?......: Finance. The economics of mortgage marke...... The financing of residential de......en Hodgson The economics of land use plann......ichard Dunning Economics of housing subsid......ibb Regulation of the private rented sector: pr...
- Related MaterialRoutledge international handbooks
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- Title HeadingInternational library of critical writings in economics ; 308. Elgar research collect...
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- Summary, etc.In light of the growing number of African summit...... new awareness of international interdependenc......nsive analysis of the current state of Africas international relations (IR)...... world examine international cooperation wi...... in the system of international relations has ......rts, the first of which explores......on the summits of the major powers regarding co...
- Contents...Representation of "External Othe......rica 4 The End of (African) Hist......n Article 4(h) of the Constituti......ency: The Role of the AU in for Disease Control and Prevention......CDC): The Face of AU Health Emer...... Establishment of the African Me......ialized Agency of the AU 4 Agency and the Role of the AU Post-Pa......ies 2 The Role of TT in Modern W......haracteristics of TTs Formation ......ecommendations of SAIIA Cameroon...... Era: The Case of Chinese Langua......Transformation of Educational Co......e Introduction of Distance Learn......Transformation of Educational Co...... Effectiveness of Chinese Language Teaching and...
- Subject HeadingInternational relations--His......atic relations International relations Africa--Foreign rel...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading... Environmental economics. Global warmin......, Atmospheric. International economic relations.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....during the age of decolonization...... new community of elites stretch......e Organization of Petroleum Expo......74 declaration of a New International Economic Order......tural resource of the modern era.--
- Contents...: The Creation of Sovereign Righ......0 3. Histories of Petroleum Colo......d War, and Oil Control, 1967 1970 6. ...... Turning Point of Our History: T......1971 7. A Fact of Life: The Consolidation of Sovereign Rights, 1971 1973 8...
- Subject HeadingOrganization of Petroleum Expo....... Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries...
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ork and legacy of John Maynard K...... he influenced economics, economic poli......he development of the ideas whic......otiator within international organizations,......he development of the post-war U......s the work and international legacy of one of economics' defining It will be of interest to st......nd the history of economic thoug...... is Emeritus Professor at Sophia......ditor-in-chief of The Review of Keynesian Studies, published ...
- Contents...d Negotiator - International Clearing Union......tation Process of the Plan for Commodity Control Scheme 8. International Design and the......hed Book 16. Prof. Aoyama's Stud......s and Monetary Economics 18. Recent Japanese Studies i...
- Subject HeadingKeynes, John Maynard, 1883-1946 Economics--Philosophy Économie politiq...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, a country's international economic polic......g to the front of the stage. New forms of multilateral a......strations, key international organizations, international conferences, m......d a wide range of transnational ......d influence on international and domestic In honour of Professor Mitsuo Ma......s to the field of international economic law, ......and the future of international economic law. ......broad spectrum of themes in contemporary international economic regul......nificant areas of Professor Matsushit......uding the rise of the soft-law mechanism in international economic regulation, the role...
- Contents...ntributions to international economic law /......tlement system of the WTO : a br......mann The scope of regulatory autonomy of WTO members un...... Article III.4 of the GATT : a c......tical analysis of the jurisprudence of the WTO appell...... jurisprudence of Article XX(g) ......e conservation of natural resour......c implications of selected WTO a......Lee The limits of legalization i......s : the virtue of regulatory div......sues for state-controlled entities in......isse In search of coherence : na......n the universe of international law / Chien-hu...... and the rules of the multilater......nt application of WTO law within and outside th...
- Subject regulation. International law--Economic aspects. International economic relat......d legislation. International law.
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe scope of the problem : ...... for the money of for the honor?......economic model of maritime pirac......economic model of maritime enforcement of anti-piracy and use the International Criminal Court...... : the mystery of international law.
- Subject HeadingPiracy (International law) Piracy--Economic aspects...
National Diet Library
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
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- ContentsInternational investment and law The control system pertine...... Determination of foreign invest...... Determination of foreign a condition of jurisdiction T......lute standards of treatment The ......tive standards of treatment Expr...... for violation of obligations St......nd enforcement of obligations Conclusions and a...
- Subject Heading...nhandelsrecht. Internationale Handelsschiedsgerichtsbarkei...
- Title HeadingRoutledge research in international economic law.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsInternational monetary stabi......s and the role of international economic law T...... the provision of global public ...... : focusing on international monetary stabi......ns and capital controls under the IMF......ns and capital controls under the WTO......ns and capital controls in international investment law......anipulation in international economic law.
- Subject HeadingInternational finance--Law a....... Finanzkrise. Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht. Internationales Währungsrecht. Internationales Währungssystem.
- Note (Content)... on the reform of the international monetary and f......strategic role of international economic law (......L) in ensuring international monetary stability and global...
National Diet Library
- Contents...Incentives and control.
National Diet Library
- ContentsList of illustrations List of abbreviations new 'limits of control'? the increasing diversity of refugee and mi......ple mechanisms of europeanisatio......uropeanisation of refugee and mi......uropeanisation of refugee and mi......: the weakness of supranational : the power of policy ideas E......n : the legacy of historical ins......sing diversity of Europe's refug......ical sociology of European refug......icies Outcomes of europeanisatio......tors Direction of europeanisation Extent of europeanisation Mechanisms of europeanisatio......two dimensions of europeanisation Typology of mechanisms of europeanisation...
National Diet Library
- Contents... in the models of international organizations ......utionalization of international relations : the modelling of international organization a......Runavot About soft international organizations ......ngela Di Stasi International regional the history of the United Nations and of specialized ag......he maintenance of international peace in the r......mare Islam and international organizations ......e Organization of Islamic Cooper......z âAngeles The international financial cris...... the evolution of the Bretton Wo...... The evolution of the banking su......The protection of non-economic v...... the evolution of international economic organi...
- Subject HeadingUnited Nations. International organization. International agencies.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe economics of global environ...... W. Steininger International trade, environ......Cees van Beers International dimensions of land use chang...... Klaus Hubacek International perspectives of biodiversity c......cooperation in international pollution control / Michael Finus International environmental ......s and the case of global warming / Johan Eyckma...
- Subject Heading...ntal change -- International cooperation. Economic develop...
National Diet Library
- Contents...ohn Van Reenen International differences in......ion and impact of new informatio......The guy at the controls : labor quali......ies : analysis of a single multi......ferences in an international pharmaceutical......e productivity of software developme...... Alec Levenson International differences in lean productio...
- Subject HeadingIndustrial productivity. Industrial management. International business enterprises.
- Title HeadingNational Bureau of Economic Research conference ...
National Diet Library
- Contents...ip to existing international law. 1. Who ar......An examination of concepts conce...... 2. The making of the UNDRIP / S......s, and related international instruments / ......eractions with international investment law......-determination of Indigenous Peo......and the rights of Indigenous Peo......e Charters 15. Control over natural r......and protection of the environment of indigenous ter......hmann PART VI. International assistance, re......ementation and international cooperation and assistance : ...
- Subject Heading... on the Rights of Indigenous Peo......enous peoples (International law)
- Note (Content)"The rights of indigenous peoples under international law have seen, as various international bodies have at......s the question of how best to pr...... on the Rights of Indigenous Peo......hus far by the international community on t......lective rights of indigenous peo......strument under international law, it repres......he development of international legal norms de......antive content of the Declaratio......d the position of the Declaratio......ithin existing international law. It consid......nd to the text of every Article of the Declaratio......her principles of international law, and its l......tlook for each of the rights analysed. The book...