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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....sue of Studies in Law, Politics, and Society examines the relationship between law and disasters. The...... Disasters within the Law and Society Associ......ork was formed in 2012 at a conf......ce held by the International Institute for the Sociology of Law, titled 'Works......p on Disasters and Sociolegal Stu......orary disaster law and policy, such a...... of society's 'invincibility.' The papers examine specific case......ire management in Australia and wildfire prevention in the Mediterran...... well as providing broader analysis and comment on global disaster law and policy"--Back cover.
- ContentsMyths we live (and die) by / Lloyd Burton and Lisa Grow Sun "Cassandra zone" and law's moral purpos......ic, cognitive, and structural obs......les to formulating disaster policy / Justin Pidot Foreseea...... mismanagement in a changing climate / Lisa Grow Sun and Sabrina McCormick Dis......ter assistance and legal accountability : care and surveillance /......M. Sterett Cassandra, Prometheus, and hubris : the e......ayuki Murayama and Lloyd Burton Brushfires and Australian eme......ncy management law and policy : adapting to climate change and the new fire and emergency mana......vel prevention and control of catastrophic wildf...
- Subject HeadingDisasters--Law and legislation. Emergency management--Law and legislation.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This innovative and thought-provoking Research Handbook explores n......urrent debates in the area of ge......der, sexuality and the law but also points the way for research and scholarship. I......sents wide-ranging insights and debates from a......oss the globe, including Africa, Asia,......Eastern Europe and Australia, wit......tions from leading scholars and activists alongside exciting emergent voices."
- ContentsIntroduction to the Research Handbook on Gender, Sexuality and Law / Chris Ashford and Alexander Maine Part I. New boundaries and activism From ......spective : Wilkinson v Kitzinger and the pursuit of......riage equality in England and Wales / Sue Wilkinson and Celia Kitzinger Formal reco...... relationships and legal gender in a comparative ......conditionality and transnational ...... Lalor Legislating and litigating same sex marriage in China / Tingting Liu and Jingshu Zhu Striking women : the p......der, sexuality and the law in South Africa / Melanie Judge and Dee Smythe Part II. Identity and state Life at the corner of p...
- Subject HeadingSex and law. Sexual minorities--Legal status, laws, etc. Homosexuality--Law and legislation. G......nder identity--Law and legislation. S......-sex marriage--Law and legislation. Homophobia.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The Law and Economics approach to law dominates the intellectual disc......rly every doctrinal area of law in the US and its influence is growing steadily outs......ic Analysis of Law, the book that launched the Law and Economics move...... was published in 2011, this time competing against over twenty ......s, collections and casebooks on law and economics. Alt......nomenal growth in this area questions remain. Why has Law and Economics move......ative theories and how much influence do they......e considered mainstream today? W...... are the norms and values underlying this impressi......esearch? These issues, amongst others, are thorough...
- ContentsNorms and values in the economic approach to law / Richard A. Posner Flawed foundations ......Nussbaum Norms and values in the study of law / Lawrence M. Friedman The dominance of norms / Edward Rubin From dismal to dominance? : law and economics and the values of ......ema Beyond the law-and-economics appr...... Allan C. Hutchinson Functional law and economics : th......alue-neutral principles of lawmaking / Jonathan Klick and Francesco Parisi Law and economics : sy......managed drift, and the dilemma of rent-seeking in a representati......nomy, welfare, and the Pareto principle / Daniel ......rrit De Geest. Law and economics, the moral limi...
- Subject HeadingLaw and economics--Philosophy. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / General. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS......oeconomics. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Economics / ...
National Diet Library
- ContentsPt. 1. The nature of law : positivism, natural law, and Ronald Dworkin Classical natural law theory Early p......ird" theory of law : Dworkin's attack on po......porary natural law theories Dworkin's third theory Law, morality, and conventional c......ary positivism and Dworkin Inclusive and exclusive lega......tical guidance and the possibilit......dity Authority and the possibilit......tical guidance and the possibilit......neral problems in the conceptual theory of law : obligation, objectivity, and the methodology of conceptual...
- Subject HeadingJurisprudence. Law--Philosophy.
- Author HeadingHimma, Kenneth Einar.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The Festschrift New Trends in International Law is a collectiv......development of international law, and also deals with various issues of modern international law which have bee......s from the ICJ and ILOS whose judgments and advisory opinions constitute......rces of modern international law. New Trends in International Law also presents ......ial sources of international law New Trends in International Law is an invaluable resource for modern international law which provides...... its evolution and its key challe......nctionaries of international institutions, as ......ment officials in charge of foreign affairs"--
- ContentsConflict of values in international law : universality of international law in a globalizing world / Hisas......i Owada The making and the makers of the law of war / K.J. future : making international law work / Bharat ......fication of UN and non-UN sanctio......UN obligations and countermeasures against breaches of interdependent or......ada Artificial intelligence and international law : structural challenges and institutional pos......Chesterman The inner workings of the world......t developments in the jurisprudence of the International Cou...... / Rosalyn Higgins The role of the International Court of Justice i...
- Subject HeadingOwada, Hisashi International law
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Using real-world examples and vivid illustra......m other disciplines, An Introduction to M...... notions about morality and demonstrates w......ed philosopher and writer Jonatha......s a thoughtful and contemporary t...... gender, race, and non-Western mo......ilosophy, engaging narrative introductions to moral theories and the thinkers behind them"--
- ContentsCh. 1 Moral Philosophy and Moral Reasoning The Point of Moral Philosophy Developing a Moral Outlo......cs Moral Reasoning Formal Logic:...... Logical Traps Informal Logic: Analogy, Induction, Inference to the Experiments and Moral Intuitions Specia......guments Biases in Reasoning The Plan of Your Understanding Apply Your Learning Key Terms Key Thinkers Further Reading ch. 2 Relativism and Genital Cutting and Cultural 3 Nihilism and Subjectivism of Nihilism and Subjectivism M......urb the Strong Individual Subjec......, Metaphysics, and Epistemology The Argument fro...
National Diet Library
- Contents... 2. Radicalism and revival : the ......tion movement since the 1970s, companions and the law 4. Animal agri......edical science and consumer prote......mal protection and public policy ......mal liberation and direct action.
- Subject HeadingAnimal welfare. Animal welfare -- Moral and ethical aspects.
- Note (General)"Distributed exclusively in the USA by Pal......r biographical information http: //
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This book focuses on animal laws and animal welfare in major jurisdictions in the world, including the more deve......tralia, the EU and Israel, and the regulatory......s still developing in China, South Africa, and Brazil. It offers in-depth analyses and discussions of topical and important issues in animal laws and animal welfare, and provides a comprehensive and comparative sn......tant countries in the world in terms of animal population and worsening animal cruelty. Among the issues discussed are international law topics that re......te to animals, including the latest WTO ruling on seal products and the EU ban, the Blackfish sto...
- ContentsSecond Wave Animal Law and the Arrival of...... / Paul Waldau International Ani...... Perspectives, Including Whaling and Inhumane Seal Killing as a W.T.O. Public Morality Issue / Donald...... Animal Ethics and the Law / Joy M. Verrinder, Nicki McGrath and Clive J.C. Phillips An International Tre......mal Protection Law in Australia : Bo......n White Animal Interests and South African Law : The Elephant in the Room? / Da...... Under Israeli Law / Yossi Wolfso......nse of Animals in Brazil / Tagor......latory Capture and the Welfare of Farm Animals in Australia / Je......llow Blackfish and Public Outcry ......ique Political and Legal Opportunity for Fundame...
- Subject HeadingAnimals--Law and legislation. Animal welfare--Law and legislation. Animal rights.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Despite increasing worldwide harmonization of intellectual prop...... patent reform and various EU, the common law and civil law traditions sti......exert powerful and divergent influences on certain features of na......P systems. Drawing together the views and experiences of scholars and lawyers from the U......States, Europe and Asia, this book examines how differen......stics embedded in national IP differences in the fundamental legal principles of the two traditions.
- ContentsTowards a history of patent law / Brad Sherman Ordre public and morality issues in patent eligibi...... Strauss First-inventor-to-file the America Invents Act : a v...... first-to-file lawyer and a view of first-to-invent lawyer / Toshiko T......enaka with Martin J. Adelman The inventive step and cooperative ha......tion / Amy L. Landers Equitable doctrines in international patent laws / Jan Krauss Tradition and change : the past and future of's copyright law revisions, disruptive innovation and user-generated......hra The dragon and the white whal......ree steps test and fair use / Frédéric Pollaud-D...
- Subject HeadingIntellectual property.
National Diet Library
- ContentsReconsidering a dogma : con......ralistic turn, and legal philosophy / Kenneth Einar Himma Six pa......acroix Monism, interpretivism, and law's aim / George......ral evaluation and conceptual analysis in jurisprudentia...... John Oberdiek and Dennis Patterson Objectivity and value : legal arguments and the fallibilit......est Towards an inferential semantics in jurisprudence ......account of the internal point of view / Ant......avrou Antigone and the nature of law / Tanja Staehl...... : states make laws / Ross Harris......e clue to devizing a legal definition of terror......ert Morris Criminal responsibility and public reason / R.A. Duff and...
- Subject HeadingLaw -- Philosophy.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This collection of scholarly and critical essay......ited States against North Vietna...... crimes by bombing civilian targ......s like schools and hospitals and by using napalm, cluster bombs, and Agent Orange; crimes against humanity by moving large parts o......egic Hamlets"; and genocide. International Lawyer Richard Fal......erve these act in North Vietnam in 1968, uses International Law to show how th......d. This book brings together ess......he Vietnam War and its relationship to international law, American foreign policy, and the global wor......r adherence to International Law can save the w......ture tragedies and create a sustainable world or...
- Contents...mful legacy of lawlessness in Vietnam / Rich...... from Hanoi US in Vietnam : rationale and law International law and the United States role in the Viet Nam war International law and the United States role in Viet Nam : a r...... war Appropriating Tet Son My : war crimes and individual respon......dian operation and international law The Nuremberg defense in the Pentagon p......Telford Taylor and the legacy of Nuremberg Learning from Vietnam ......he Gulf of Tonkin to Iraq "The V......ons raise anew issues of morality and military power......ase for revisiting the international law debate.
- Subject HeadingVietnam War, 1961-1975--Law and legislation. War (International law) Legislation. ....... Vietnam War. International law. International criminal law.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsPart I. The Nature and origins of moral rights. Introduction Origins of the theory......ral rights The international dev......s Moral rights in international instruments Moral rights in the European U...... under United Kingdom law. Preliminary matters The......nity right The integrity right T......acy right relating to photographs and films Aspects ......f moral rights in other jurisdic......Czech Republic and Slovakia / Rudolf Leška and Kateřina Štechová Fran......etz Greece / Irini A. Stamatoudi......oni The Netherlands / F.W. Groshe......cia Akester Spain / Carmenchu Buganza Switzerland / Jacques de W......Federation / Irina Savelieva Australia / Elizab...
- Subject HeadingCopyright--Moral rights. Copyright--Moral rights--Great Britain.
- Note (General)First edition published in 2010.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsIntroduction: Here, There and Everywhere Introduction and Overview / Bar......uency Spectrum Issues and Future Develop......l, Geert Bondt and Bart Custers B...... data: Provacy and Ethical Impacts of the Intersection Between Big Data and Civil Drone De......ents / Rachel Finn and Anna Donovan Obstacles and Sociability / Sally A. Applin Policing from Above: D...... Bart Engherts and Edo Gillissen ......nitarian Drone and the Borders: Unveilling the Rationales Underlying the Deployment of Drones in Border Surveil......nce / Luisa Marin The Humanitari......nes as an Emerging Technology for Emerging Need...
- Subject HeadingDrone aircraft. Law of the Sea, Air and Outer Space International Humanitarian Law, Law of Armed Conflict.
- Title HeadingInformation technology & law series ; v. 27.
National Diet Library
- Contents...ies: A Stocktaking / Lucius Cafl......of Specialized International Tribunals and the Fears of F......agmentation of International Law / Hugo Caminos The "Right Mix" and "Ambiguities" in Particular Cus......e Navigational and Related Rights...... Said Mahmoudi Interpreting "Generic Term......e Parties' Original Intention and the Identification of the Ordinary Meaning / Paolo Palch......ent Procedures and Fresh Water: Multiplicity and Diversity at S......conservatoires indiquees par la ......nce Before the International Court of Justice: Issues of Fact and Questions of Law in the Determination of International Custom / Luigi Fum...
- Subject HeadingInternational law. International cou...... Tullio, 1942- Internationale Gerichtsbarkeit. ...
- Author HeadingTreves, Tullio. Boschiero, Nerina. Scovazzi, Tullio. Pitea, Ce...
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction Cyber and the changing face of war / Claire Finkelstein and Kevin Govern The nature of war and the idea of "c...... Is there anything morally speci...... Jens David Ohlin Cyberterrorism and enemy criminal law / Stuart Macdo......le of rhetoric in the application of law to activities in cyberspace / L......n-state actors in cyberwarfare /......Bussolati Re-thinking the boundaries of law in cyberspace : a......e or cyberwar? International law, domestic law, and self-protectiv...... Yoo Deception in the modern, Evidentiary issues in international dis......ns / Marco Roscini Low-intensity cyber operatio...
- Subject HeadingInformation warfare (International law) Self-defense (International law) Computer security--Law and legislation. Cyberterrorism--...
- Author HeadingOhlin, Jens David. Govern, Kevin. Finkelstein, Claire Oakes.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."In recent years law and religion scholarship in Canada has gro......urisdiction of law itself and limits of law – an important......aspect of settling the boundaries of church and state, religion and law."--
- ContentsPart I. Religion in liberal presumption in favour of dive......ty? Some preliminary reflections / Iain T. Benson Liberal pluralism and the challenge ......nstitutional principles as state...... The challenge and promise of rel....../ John von Heyking The social to autonomy and collisions rights : an international human rights law analysis / Jer......: civic action and institutional aut......quences Conceiving freedom of religion in terms of obedi......y for religion in some cases? / ......ard Haigh When law, religion and family meet : ......ous neutrality and the liberal state / Anat Scol...
- Subject Heading...nada. Religion and law--Canada. Freed......gion. Religion and law. Canada.
National Diet Library
- ContentsExtraordinary rendition in United States ......s government printing office Extraordinary rendition, ......rial detention and treatment of detainees : restoring our moral credibility and strengthening our diplomatic standing / United Stat......s government printing office Renditions : constraints imposed by laws on torture / ......s : background and legal issues / Jennifer K. Elsea and Julie Kim.
- Subject HeadingExtraordinary rendition--United States. ...
- Note (General)Contains edited, excerpted and augmented editions of CRS rep...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ion to society and negatively aff......t the physical and psychological well-being of its member......tant practical and theoretical each other in times of 'cris...... on the nature and significance o......ncies; ethical issues in emergency public policy and law; war, terrorism and supreme emergencies; and public health and humanitarian e......of emergencies and provide multi-disciplinary perspectives on the ethics...
- ContentsMachine generated con....... I THE NATURE AND SIGNIFICANCE O......MERGENCY 1.`Definition of Sovereignty', in Political Theo......arl Schmitt 2.`Morality and Emergency', Proceedings of the Arist......m Sorell 3.`Making Sense of " II ETHICAL ISSUES IN EMERGENCY 4.`Lifeboat Ethics and Disaster: Shou......the Fat Man?', in Ethics for, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, p......Ethical Theory and Moral 6.`Disappearing without a Mor...... Trace? Rights and Compensation during Times of Emergency', Law and Philosophy, 28......tents note continued: 7.`Deontol......ld', San Diego Law Review, 37, pp. 893-912 / Lar...
- Subject HeadingEmergencies--Philosophy. Emergency management--Moral and ethical aspects.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This Handbook examines the essentia...... nature of the law within an educational context and asks why there......cher's role. Principals and teachers now work in increasingly uncertain and challenging environments involving complex their roles and responsibiliti......onstantly changing to meet these demands: thus, it is ......ducators adapt and acquire new skills relating to child protection and criminal law. On a daily basis, teachers and practitioners are being challenged to......critically examine and evaluate the legal rights and obligations of...... stakeholders, including students, parents, edu...
- ContentsThe need for an understanding of education law principles by school principles / Mark Butlin and Karen Trimmer Education law, schools and school principals : what d......llison Trimble and Neil Cranston ...... / Mui Kim Teh and Charles J. Russo Risk and responsibility...... for educators and principals : a moral and legal obligation / India Bryce Education, ethics, and the law : examining the legal con......Patrick M. Jenlink and Karen Embry Jenlink Education administrators in wonderland : figuring out policy-making and regulatory com......liance when making decisions / Fernando F. Padró and Jonathan H. apparatus : informing and directing complian...
- Subject HeadingEducational law and legislation.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ndamental building block of artificial intelligence - and, increasingly, society - but our legal institutions have......The Cambridge Handbook of the Law of Algorithms,......s from US, EU, and Asian legal sc......o only current law, but also - as......self. The work includes wide coverage of the law as it relates ......chapters analyzing how human biases have crept into algorithmic decision-making about who receives housing or credit, th......ted of crimes, and many other dec...... groups. Other issues covered in the work include the impac......orithms on the law of free speech, intellectual property, and commercial and human rights l...
- ContentsAn introduction to law and algorithms / W......Barfield The opinion of machines / Curtis E. ......accountability in an age of artificial intelligence / So......Waldman Understanding transparency in algorithmic ac......ty / Margot Kaminsky Algorithms and contract law / Lauren Henry......s, agreements, and agency / Shawn......mic governance and administrative law coglianese / Steven M. Appel and Cary Discrimination in the age of algorithms / Robin Nunn Algorithm......ion, collusion and price discrimination / Salil K......ra The rule of law and algorithmic go......gorithms : rethinking public sector......tte H. Raymond and Ciabhan Collelly From rule of...
- Subject HeadingLaw--Automation Artificial intelligence--Law and legislation Co......uter networks--Law and legislation Technology and law Decision making--Mathematical models Decisio...