edited by Tokyo Metropolitan Park Association [Tokyo Metropolitan Park Association] 2024.12
National Diet Library
edited by Tokyo Metropolitan Park Association [Tokyo Metropolitan Park Association] 2024.3 <KA434-D20>
National Diet Library
edited by Park Management Section, Park Division, Bureau of Construction, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Park Management Section, Park Division, Bureau of Construction, Tokyo Metropolitan Government 2023.3 <KA434-D15>
National Diet Library
The Japanese Garden Society <Z76-A891>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
Volumes of this title edited by Park Management Section, Park Division, Bureau of Construction, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Park Management Section, Park Division, Bureau of Construction, Tokyo Metropolitan Government 2022.2 <KA434-D14>
National Diet Library
Shinobu Sawada and Tadafumi Aoza, translated and edited by Tadafumi Aoza and Louise Nordström ACC Art Books 2023 <KA431-D2>
National Diet Library
Rahel Hartmann Schweizer Birkhäuser [2024] <KA437-D5>
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Sadao Yasumoro & Joseph Cali Tuttle Publishing [2021] <KA444-D2>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
崔, 麗華 崔, 麗華 2023
National Diet Library
written and edited by Botond Bognár and Balázs Bognár, introduction by Kengo Kuma, designed by Takaaki Matsumoto. Rizzoli Electra 2019. <KA81-B183>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
Christian Tagsold. University of Pennsylvania Press [2017] <KA437-B21>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
Note (Content) ...est. The first Japanese gardens in the West ap... ...he fashion for Japanese gardens would decline in inverse rela... DAVID YOUNG, MICHIKO YOUNG [著] Tuttle Publishing c2019 <KA434-B93>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
STEPHEN MANSFIELD [著] Tuttle Publishing c2019 <KA434-B94>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
Wybe Kuitert. University of Pennsylvania Press [2016] <KA434-B82>
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Tuttle Publishing c2016 <KC482-B90>
National Diet Library
Sophie Walker. Phaidon Press 2017. <KA434-B92>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
Subject Heading ...s. GARDENING / Japanese Gardens . Gardens. Japan. MARC PETER KEANE [著], Haruzō Ōhashi [撮影] Tuttle Publishing [2017] <KA434-B81>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
KENJI KOBAYASHI [著], [Leeyong Soo] [訳] Tuttle Publishing c2018 <KD941-B29>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
Seiko Goto and Takahiro Naka. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 2016. <KA434-B79>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
Contents ...on Outstanding Japanese gardens , selected by the authors Word... Marc Peter Keane. Stone Bridge Press [2017] <KA434-B86>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
Summary, etc. ...us through 100 Japanese gardens , stopping along the way to no... Subject Heading Gardens, Japanese. GARDENING / Japanese Gardens . ARCHITECTURE / Landscape.