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- Summary, etc....of approaching the study of emoti......on 3 discusses the role of emotio......ion 4 explores the relationship b......uestions about the function of em......ions work, and their place in hum......lume documents the explosion of k......n science over the last few decades, outlines im...
- Contents... Basic emotion theory : a beginne......Daniel Cordaro The past explains the present : emot......daptations and the structure of a......environments / John Tooby ; Leda valuation : theoretical founda......ersonality and the criminal justi......aith Al-Shawaf The motivational a......cific emotions The recalibration theory / Aaron Sel......aith Al-Shawaf The neutralization theory of hatred /....... Cepon-Robins The evolved nature......tachments / Heather Habecker ; Ma...... Mons Bendixen The elements of gr......sen Caring and the evolution of g......Josh Snodgrass The origins of bor......te Kama muta : the cuteness emotion / Kamilla Kn...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, approach to theory, reviews, relevant to the basic concepts......n. In light of the broadening management, the expert contributors set the basis for a ho......e by examining the various techni......tion projects, they illustrate ho......ssues can stem the flow of from both a theoretical and pr...... by experts in the field. Uses cl......e summaries of the most relevant ......d knowledge on the subjects explored. Illustrate...
- Contents...n wet regions: The example of Ire......od security in the upper blue nil......ons for water: The crucial role o...... Edeltraud Guenther, Thomas Guenther, Samanthi protection: The example of the baltic sea / A......rning water in the cities of glob......gical hazards (The 4Ms: Modelling......dro-diplomacy: The case of south ......d risk / Peter John Robinson, W. J......ent: A systems theory approach / ......nvestments for the improvement of......ution control: The example of crises and the growing role o......approaches for the same case stud......bility through the lens of water productivity, r...
- Related MaterialElgar encyclopedias in the social sciences
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...esbyterians in the English Revolu......esbyterians in the Restoration / ......eparatists and Baptists / Michael A. ......tside England. The Dutch Republic......I. Dissent and the world. Dissent in the parishes / W. Dissent and the state: persecu......ent empowered: the Puritan revolu...... /Bernard Capp The print culture ......ns and living. The Bible and theology / John Coffey Worship...... experience in the gathered churches / Michael Davies,...
- Note (Content)The Oxford History......olume I traces the emergence of A......ant Dissent in the post-Reformation era between the Act of Uniformity (1559) and the Act of Tolerat...... It reassesses the relationship b...... contenders in the struggle for r......lizabeth I and the early Stuarts,......ntained within the Church of Engl......ught to reform the national Churc......within. During the English Revolu......zed control of the state but spli......rm. Only after the Restoration, following the ejection of clergy from the Church, did mo......issent was not the inevitable ter......uritanism, but the contingent and unintended con...
- Related MaterialThe Oxford history of Protestant ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.The Oxford Handboo......fty experts in their various fiel......onal scholars, the Handbook is a ......stians and for the unity of the Church. Its si...... respectively, the different phases of the history of the ecumenical movement from the mid-nineteenth century to the present; the ways in which ......t, Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed, Baptist, and Pentecost......contributed to the movement; the achievements o......d mission, and the issues that re......and dialogues, the World Council of Churches, the Pontifical Cou......tian Unity and the Global Christian Forum; the progress and d...... continents of the world, the UK and the USA, Af...
- Contents...Tjørhom Laying the Foundations : ......965-1990 / Günther Gassmann Cons......William Henn Lutheran / William G......sheph D. Small Baptist / Steven R. Ha......istian Unity / John A. Radano Bila......e, Taizé, and the Groupe des Dom......owmen Europe / Theodor Dieter Uni......ic Ecumenism / John A. Jillions
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... for patients, the most common pa......egan examining the relationship b......n individuals, their communities, and the surrounding so......nvironment. At the landmark Swamp......n 1965, and in the context of dei......ealth care and the civil rights m......ists discussed the concept of "co......sts proposed gathering and synthesizing data that looked at the cultural, economic, social, p...
- Contents...tion: Critical Themes and Areas o......munity / Donna Baptiste and Kesha Bur......ry Movement in the United Taking Back the Streets: Viole......Empowerment in the South Ward of ......opsychology in the Support of Pre......ha Hernández, John Bakaly, and Ro......kit to Develop the School-Family-......aham Rewriting the Community Psychology Narrativ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The Oxford Handboo......y resource for the study of the Christian Chur...... we find it in the Bible, in hist...... and today. As the scholarly stud...... we understand the Christian Chur......esiology is at the centre of today's theological resear......cclesiology is the theological driver of the ecumenical movement. The main focus of the intense ecumen......nd dialogue of the past and this is the area where the most intractab......y investigates the Church's manif......mber of areas: the origins, struc......and mission of the Church, includ......ts relation to the state and to s......y and culture. The sources of ecclesiological re...
- / Paul Avis The ecclesiology o......R.W.L. Moberly The church in the Synoptic Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles / Lov......C.A. Alexander The Johannine vision of the church / Andrew T. Lincoln The shape of the Pauline church....../ Edward Adams The church in the General Epistl......cclesiology in the West / Mark Edwards The Eastern Orthod......clesiology and the Conciliar Tanner, SJ The church in the Magisterial Reformers / Dorothea Wendebourg An......lesiology from the Council of Tre...... / Ormond Rush Baptist concepts of the church and their antecedents ...... Methodism and the church / David M. Chapman Pen...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ey analysis of the development of the Catholic Churc...... and considers the challenges it ......t examines how the 1949 revolutio......n and provided the Taiwan Catholi......uman asset for theological and li......ent aspects of the development of the Taiwan Catholic Church in the context of ind......d examines how the multi-faceted ......Catholicism in the Taiwan Catholic Church are re...
- ContentsIndigenization efforts of the Catholic churc......rcus J.J. Wang The internal development of the Taiwan Chang The Taiwan Catholic church and the K.F. Leung The inculturation ......arin Chinese / John Baptist Min-cheng Huan......Feng-chuan Liu The implementation......pirituality in the fiction of Cha......u-ya : through the lens of Vatican II / J. Ching...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... fascinated by the planet Mars. W...... life? What is the atmosphere lik...... to Mars since the Viking mission of the 1970s and early 1980s. These orbiters, la......ume brings together the many new ideas about the atmosphere and......ged, including the complex interplay of the volatile and dust cycles, the atmosphere-sur......s that connect them over time, and the diversity of the planet's environment and its ...
- Contents...Lemmon, Paul Withers Thermal structure ......en W. Bougher, Thérèse Encrenaz......Valverde, Jean-Baptiste Madeleine, R. John Wilson, Michae......gory T. Delory The Martian planet......hy I. Michaels The global circula......M. Haberle, R. John Wilson, Stephe...... Peter L. Read The Mars dust cycl...... E. Newman, R. John Wilson, Bruce ......chael J. Wolff The water cycle / ...... Anna Fedorova The CO₂ cycle / Ti......und, Paul G. Withers Solar wind i......t Schörghofer The early Mars climate system / R...
National Diet Library
- Contents...z faire. 1. Of the independency o......vid Hume 2. Of the origin of just......d property, of the rules, which d......roperty and of the transference o......vid Hume 3. Of the sources of the general or public revenue of the society / Adam Smith 4. The law / Frédér...... Bastiat 5. Of the effect of gove......duction / Jean-Baptiste Say 6. The let-alone prin......mon Newcomb 7. The proper sphere ......z faire. 8. Of the grounds and limits of the laisser-faire ......ce principle / John Stuart Mill 9. The end of laissez-faire / John Maynard Keynes 10. The principle of planning and the institution of......J.E. Meade 12. The pure theory of public expendi...
- Subject HeadingOrdnungstheorie. Wirtschaftsordnung. Econ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, approach to the issue of voter......aims to expand the field's Britain and the United States.......used, one from the top down with ......tical parties, the other from the bottom up analyze how these groups either (re-)connect ......upy and change the political landscape of the United States and Britain
- Contents...rity voters in the U.S. / Olivier......resentation by the elite few to the mobilisation of the masses / John A. Kirk Mobili......BME) voters in the United Kingdom / Sharon Baptiste Mobilising ag......n and women in the late nineteent......obilisation in the UK / Mobilising the right(-wing) voters / Marion ...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...aume. St. Jean Baptiste (Ship) Pacific Area -- Disco...
- Alternative TitleExpedition of the Saint Jean-Baptiste to the Pacific, 1769-1770.
- Alternative TitleExpedition of the Saint Jean-Baptiste to the Pacific, 1769-1770.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... Who should do the killing? Do we......digms to guide the use of force? ...... In many ways, these are timeless......questions. But they should be ask......rcumstances in the twenty-first century. The post-Cold War,......tested because the norm of territ......control all of their territory an......erating within their borders. Hum......cally killing. The international ......ically examine these frameworks to ask if they are flawed, and if so, how they can be improved. Finally, the volume contemplates what all the killing and dying is for if v...
- ContentsThe ethics of war ......learning from) the record of huma......ntervention in the post-cold war Recognition theory in humanita......lex Giacomelli The moral justific...... Biggar Making the world safe for......outh Korea and the US precedent /......mos France and the American drone......ritique / Jean-Baptiste Jeangene Vilm......t II. Who does the fighting? A ce......cent Holeindre The signs of the times :, timing and the struggle against Jihadists / John Kelsay Balanci...... sovereignty / John R. Emery Pragmatism, the just war tradi...... sovereignty : the impact of new ...... technology on the warrior's code / Shannon E. F...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...sestablishment The monk and the bard: Luther's protest to ......testant vision The philosopher and the enthusiast: John Locke and William Penn The Puritan lawyer and the Baptist preacher: Backus, and the rise of Americ......King's College Theologian and politician: John Witherspoon and Jame......logue: back to the future of church and state.
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingJensen, John Thayer, 1942-
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingJensen, John Thayer, 1942-
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Global warming is arguably the defining scien......preciated that the foundations of......uries ago with the postulation of......urier in 1827. The sensitivity of......ntury ago, and the rise in atmosp......a century ago. The fundamentals of the science underlying the forecast for h......ed long before the issue rose to ...... prominence in the last few decades.The Warming Papers...... compendium of the classic scient......hat constitute the foundation of the global warming forecast. The paper trail ra......d Arrhenius in the 19th Century t......y which places the papers in their context and ......lop and extend their understanding of the subjec...
- ContentsPart 1. Climate Physics The Greenhouse Effect On the Temperatures of the Terrestrial Sp......y Space / Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourie......(1824) Wagging the Dog On the Absorption and......apours, and on the Physical Conne......d Conduction / John Tyndall (1861) By the Light of the Silvery Moon On the Influence of C......rbonic Acid in the Air upon the Temperature on the Ground / Svant......ative Transfer The Influence of the 15[mu] Carbon-......ioxide Band on the Atmospheric In....... Plaas (1956) The Balance of Energy Thermal Equilibrium of the Atmosphere wit......d Richard T. Wetherald (1967) The Effect of Solar Radiation Var...
National Diet Library
- Contents...y and culture. The American Revol......der / Sarah E. Johnson Health / Ch......ular culture / John Schmalzbauer R......rm / Zoe Trodd Theology and Leavelle Anabaptists / David L. Weaver-Zercher Baptists / Paul Harvey The Black Church / Sylvester Johnson Buddhism / ......Yaakov Ariel Lutherans / Susan / Mark Hulsether Reformed tradition / D.G. Ha...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingJohn, the Baptist John, the Baptist, Saint Bible. John -- Criticism, ......ism (Christian theology) -- Histo......prétation, etc John, the Baptist, Saint. fast (......1808065 Bible. John. fast (OCoLC)fst01696638 Bibl...
- Subject Heading (ID)John, the Baptist John, the Baptist, Saint Bible. John -- Criticism, ......ism (Christian theology) -- Histo......prétation, etc John, the Baptist, Saint. fast (......1808065 Bible. John. fast (OCoLC)fst01696638 Bibl...
National Diet Library
- ContentsReligion and the presidency of ......n. Excerpts of the General Milita......f chaplains to the Continental Ar......779 Excerpt of the letter to the United Baptist Churches of Vi......789 Excerpt of the letter to the General Assemb......789 Excerpt of the letter to the Directors of the Society of the United Brethre......[Moravian] for the propagating of the gospel among the heathen, July 10, 178......789 Excerpt of the letter to the annual meeting......789 Excerpt of the letter to the Roman Catholic......790 Excerpt of the letter to the Hebrew congreg......797 Excerpt of the letter to the Protestant cle......7 Religion and the presidency of Thomas Jefferso...
Recording Media映像資料
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)In English; with Japanese subtitles Other title from label 日本語字幕版制作: グ...
- Related MaterialThe Jesus code
- Periodical TitleThe Jesus code