Search results 3,625
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....field of civil jurisdiction and judgments.......h law on civil jurisdiction and the effect......e law of civil jurisdiction and judgments.......n law rules of jurisdiction, injunctions, ......ial law across jurisdictions as well as the judiciary"--
- Contents...rpretation The jurisdictional structure of......ano Convention Jurisdiction under another ......ment Exclusive jurisdiction, regardless of domicile Jurisdiction by Entering an Appearance Jurisdiction in Matters Rel......g to Insurance Jurisdiction in matters rel......umer contracts Jurisdiction in relation to...... of employment Jurisdiction Agreements for...... state General jurisdiction over defendant......ingdom Special jurisdiction over defendant......te (1) Special jurisdiction : over defenda......e (2) Residual jurisdiction over defendant......xamine its own jurisdiction Lis pendens in......a Lugano State Jurisdictional connection to a non-Lugano ...
- Subject HeadingConflict of laws--Jurisdiction--England Conflict of laws--Jurisdiction--Europe
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....lstering their jurisdictional immunity. The book develops...
- Contents...convention The jurisdictional immunity of international o...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...defining state jurisdiction and jurisdiction in internation......nings of state jurisdiction in internation......ncept of legal jurisdiction in the colonie......anuel Kant and jurisdiction in internation......gating diffuse jurisdictions : an intra-st...... / Helen Quane Jurisdictional pluralism / ......olarship about jurisdiction / Mariana Valv...... approaches to jurisdiction and internatio....... Cosmopolitan jurisdiction and the nation......edric Ryngaert Jurisdictional immunities o......d expansion of jurisdiction through treati......ernational law jurisdiction / Alex Mills Jurisdiction and state responsibility / Ki...
- Subject HeadingJurisdiction (International law)
- Note (Content)The Oxford Handbook of Jurisdiction in Internation......the concept of jurisdiction in international law. Jurisdiction plays a fundam......Discussions of jurisdiction in internation......assic heads of jurisdiction based on terri......erstandings of jurisdiction are facing new......d the need for jurisdiction to be applied ......erent forms of jurisdiction have become mo......the concept of jurisdiction in elements of jurisdiction by considering how the concep...
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet Library
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingCriminal jurisdiction--East Asia Ext......ality Criminal jurisdiction. Exterritoriality. East Asia.
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ination of the jurisdiction of the Interna......xercise of its jurisdiction (Article 12 Ro......CC's 'ultimate jurisdiction,' since it is the Court's jurisdiction (according to ......l and temporal jurisdictional criteria), b......or the Court's jurisdiction, i.e. immunities (Article 27 ...
- Contents...o exercise its jurisdiction The crime of g......iminal Court's jurisdiction Crimes against......nder the ICC's jurisdiction The ICC's jurisdiction over war crime...... and the ICC's jurisdiction The ICC's jurisdiction following a Security Council'...
- Subject Heading...ourt. Criminal jurisdiction. Jurisdiction (International law) Internati...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ip between the jurisdictional immunities o...... interrelated, jurisdictional immunities o...... immunity. The jurisdictional immunities o...... case that the jurisdictional immunities of States and in...
- Subject HeadingImmunities of foreign states. Jurisdiction (International law) Internati...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... approaches to jurisdiction The territoria......orial criminal jurisdiction A reasonable exercise of jurisdiction A new theory of jurisdiction in international law.
- Subject HeadingJurisdiction (International law)
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsIntroduction Jurisdiction framework Jurisdiction rules General ......rule Exclusive jurisdiction rule Conclusion.
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....of angles, the jurisdiction of law itself and limits of l...
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Alternative Title...s in treaties, jurisdiction and sovereign immunity
- Alternative Title...s in treaties, jurisdiction and sovereign immunity