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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....k presents the New Subsistence State as a conceptua......aracterised by subsistence economic and s......ypology of the New Subsistence State, taking into defines a New Subsistence State as an overwhelmingly subsistence economy corres......apacity of the new state to operate eff......ith the modern state model. The boo......inistration in New Subsistence State contexts. It goes on to exami...
- ContentsStates, weak states and new subsistence states State development in......nsequences for state development Th...... transition to statehood Governance in a new state Timorese syste......lution and the new subsistence state.
- Subject Heading...--Timor-Leste. Subsistence economy--Timor-Leste.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleJustice and governance in East Timor : indigenous approaches and the "new subsistence state"
- Alternative TitleJustice and governance in East Timor : indigenous approaches and the "new subsistence state"
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... policies make state and society Se...... : a two level state and regional a......n postcolonial state-building Livin......ndonesia : the state of capital Eth......ese border The state and religious ......tnam : between states and markets F......g piety Islam, state and society in......e Indians Fake news and elections......heatre and the state in Singapore :...... needs and the state Islam in moder......ics in Burma : states of conflict L...... a global city-state New media and the ......'s mud volcano Justice and governance in East Timor : indigenous approaches and the 'new subsistence state' Vietnam's development strate...