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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...ery and Forced Labour / Heli Askola ......ition of Child Labour and Protection......e Place of the Charter in the Europea......icle 47 of the Charter on National The Charter and Universal ...... Trust and the Charter : a Salutary I......ntation of the Charter of Fundamental......Toggenburg The Charter and the Genera......ation' and the Charter : an Impetus f...... Rights in the Charter : Are They Rights? Are They F...
- Subject HeadingCharter of Fundamental Rights of the ...
- Alternative TitleEuropean Union Charter of Fundamental Rights
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingCharter of Fundamental Rights of the ...
National Diet Library
- Contents...and Employment Charter: The US, the I...... International Labour Organization Standards / Clif...
- Subject HeadingInternational Labour Organization--...... International Labour Organization. International l...
- Title HeadingInternational Labour Organization century series.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe European Union Charter and the Europe......nalism and the charter / Gráinne de B......ggenburg ; The charter and United Nat......n Weatherill ; Labour law / Pascale ......medies and the Charter of I. The EU Charter of Fundamental......nces to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
- Subject HeadingCharter of Fundamental Rights of the ...
- Note (General)Spine title: The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. Text of the Charter: p. [371]-385.
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
- Contents... of collective labour relations. Law of April 3, 19...
National Diet Library
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingLabour Party
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....r's 'Citizen's Charter' and David Cameron's 'Big Soc...
- Contents...or's Citizen's Charter and the consum...... The Citizen's Charter What was the Charter about? The sta......ate around the Charter as a Thatcheri......itizen The New Labour Era and Conser......nstruction New Labour: From reinvention to power Co...
National Diet Library
- Contents...rd The fascist labour charter and its transnational spread ...
National Diet Library
- Contents...uman Rights UN charter-based bodies (...... International Labour Organization Conclusion : loo...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... owner and the charterer The powers, ......he environment Labour and the shipmaster Limitation...
National Diet Library
- Contents...uropean Social Charter as a basis for......Social rights, labour market policies and the freed...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleThe tenth anniversary of the Labour Charter
- Alternative TitleThe tenth anniversary of the Labour Charter
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ederalism, the Charter of Rights, and Private Law."-...
- Contents...f PART II: THE CHARTER OF RIGHTS. "A ......and collective labour relations regimes : 1875-2016...
- Subject HeadingCanada. Supreme Court. Canada. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Feder...