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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The political instability of the Severan Period......235) destroyed the High Imperial ......onsensus about the Roman past and......ent events and the larger shape of Greco-Roman hi...... book examines the narratives put out by the new dynasty, and how the literary elite......ergent visions of their own. It focu......ive texts from the period (by Cas......erodian), each of which construc......ts own version of the empire, each Innovative theories of narrative are ......e new readings of these works that b......rspectives together in a unified presentation of the Severan era as a distinctive ...
- Contents...n Cassius Dio: The Last Annalist Philo......ry" Appendix: The Date of Composition of Dio's History The Dates and Addressees of Philostratus' ......s and Sophists The Date, Scope and Author of Herodian's History
- Subject Heading... Philostratus, the Athenian, active 2nd century-3rd c...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."A History of the Roman People offers students a......ntroduction to the whole span of Roman history.......eaders through the mists of Roman prehisto......y and a survey of the peoples of pre-Roman Ital......ghtful account of the complexities of the Roman Republic......ition enhances the main narrative......h explorations of elements of daily life in the Roman world, including sacrif...
- Contents...s Phoenicians, Greeks, and Etruscans...... to 287 B.C.E. The Roman conquest of Italy and its ...... to 264 B.C.E. The first Punic War, northern Italy, and I......ith Hannibal : the second Punic W...... to 133 B.C.E. The transformation of Roman life, 26...... to 133 B.C.E. The great cultural synthesis, 264 to 133 B.C.E. The Gracchi and the struggle over ......s, Marius, and the Social War, ambitions : the failure of Sulla's optima......0 to 44 B.C.E. The last years of the republic, 44 t......ltural life in the late republic,...... ca. 30 B.C.E. The principate of the early Roman Em......under Augustus The impact of Augustus on Roman i...
National Diet Library
- ContentsSad stories of the death of kings : sovere......gnty : heaven, the monarch, the people, and the intellectuals ...... and praxis in the rise of the Manchus / Nicola Di Cosmo The living image of the people / Jason......Public health, the state, and rel......ts for fleeing the plague / Justin Stearns The dancing despot...... Hideyoshi and the performative symbolism of power / Stanca......utionalism and the sovereign pard......nadette Meyler The vanishing slaves of Paris : the lettre de cachet and the emergence of an imperial Re-touching the sovereign : biochemistry of perpetual Leni......Ben-Dor Benite The neurology of regicide : decap...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The articles compi......udies in Honor of Virginia H. Aksan, honor the prolific career of a foremost scholar of the Ottoman Empire...... in redefining the boundaries of Ottoman approaches, the volume covers topics from the sixteenth to t......ies related to the Ottoman milita......tions. Through these themes, this volum......ut and examine the institutional complexity of the Ottoman Empire and its people...
- ContentsCrime among the Janissaries in the Ottoman Golden......nda T. Darling The trouble with T......oman observers of Ottoman War in the 17th century / Mark Stein The Azadlu gunpowd......: catalyst for the military industry complexes of Istanbul / Kah......zing process : the genesis of the modern soldier in the Ottoman Empire......le families in the 18th century B...... : experiences of an Ottoman soldier in the First World Wa......1914-1918) and the Turkish War of Independence (......lly A cure for the plague, and other prescriptions...... phenomenology of empire : Ayn Ali on the Ottoman provin......l-Gouffier and the passage through Anatolia, 177...
National Diet Library
- Contents...incess Ida and the Amazons The powers of the primeval goddesses The heroic women of Greek epic Cho......ory" goddesses The last hours of the Parthenos Women in the panathenaic and other festivals Women without men ...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsBeginnings. The Early Nineteen...... New Histories of English Literature and the Rise of the Novel, 1835-18...... Criticism and the Early Publishing the Victorian Nove...... Sagner Buurma The Victorian Nove......ebra Gettelman The Victorian Novel and the Reviews / Solv......ig C. Robinson The Victorian Novel and the OED / Lynda Mugglestone The Novel and Cens......Barbara Leckie The Victorian Nove...... Julie Buckler The Victorian Nove......ravel, Visual. The Victorian Nove......e Technologies of Travel and the Victorian Nove......hotography and the Novel / Jennifer Green-Lewis The Middle. Novels of the 1860s /...
- Note (Content)Much has been written about the Victorian nove......r good reason. The cultural power......ond question. 'The Oxford Handbook of the Victorian Nove......larly field by offering new appr......miliar topics (the novel and science, the Victorian Bild......says on topics often overlooked (the novel and classics, the novel and the OED, the novel, and all......). Manifesting the increasing int......disciplinarity of Victorian stud......essays situate the novel within a......omplex network of relations (amo......reviewers, and the novelists themselves; or pressures - the religious, the commercial, the legal). The handbook's essays...
- Alternative TitleHandbook of the Victorian novel Victorian nov...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... great variety of genres. This v......s writings for the student magazi......n writings for the Daily Princetonian, the Princeton Tiger, and the Nassau Literary Magazine. Of special note i......his volume are the complete lyric......ies mounted by the Triangle Club ......Fi-Fi! (1914), The Evil Eye (1915......First! (1916). The volume include......tion, a record of variants and e......acsimiles and other illustrations......notes identify the literary works...... Fitzgerald in these early publisher. "The present volume of the Cambridge for print. The volume does by the Elizabethan Dramatic Club, a ...
- ContentsSt. Paul Academy, 1909-1911. The mystery of the Raymond mortga...... half ; A debt of honor ; athletics ; The room with the green blinds The Newman School,......aus ; Pain and the scientist ; The trail of the duke ; A schoo...... Fie! Fi-fi! ; The evil eye ; Safety first! ; "There was once-- "......y small talk ; The ordeal ; How they head the chapters ; A c......or Princeton ; The conquest of America ; To m......sue ; Jemina ; The vampiest of vampires ; The usual thing ; ......eck ; A litany of slang ; "Trian......ic impressions of the editorial boards ; "A glass of beer kills him...... Number 3333 ; The old frontiersman ; The debuta...
- Authority(Title Heading/broader/narrower)The last tycoon The Great Gatsby
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This Handbook discusses the new political ......y from a range of perspectives, ...... developments, the chapters, writ...... by experts in their fields, comb......d overview. In the last few years alon......rolonged state of emergency, the development of a presidential......ystem based on the supreme power of the head of state, a crack......organisations, the detention of journalists, mayors, members of parliament, establishment of political tutelage over the judiciary and ......ted talks with the Kurdistan areas in Northern Iraq to fight the organization, ......rin and strips of territory in Northern Syria, ...
- Contents... opposition in the late Ottoman a......olence against the Kurds in the Turkish Republ......Kezer Refugees of the 1923 Kyramargiou The Making of a National Cit...... / Nikos Christofis Constitution......n Turkey under the AKP Rule / Ber...... Esen Politics of Truth and Post......aroglu Tracing the Reverse History of Homosexuality ......mporary Cinema of Turkey : Being...... Diversity and the Struggle for I....../ Martin Greve The Political Economy of Turkey in the Last Two Centuries Question in the Era of Neoliberalism ......building in southeastern Turkey /......itical Economy of Environmental Conflicts in Tu...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.An analysis of the study of the past and its implications in the Western world,......cient times to the present day, looks at the work of individual his......orians and how they presented the past in terms of their perspectives, beliefs, and ...
- ContentsIntroduction: A history of histories? Pro......ce. Herodotus: the great invasion and the historian's task Thucydides: the Polis--the use and abuse of power The Greeks in Asia. Xenophon: The Persian expedition The Alexander hist......ic history and the rise of Rome Sallust: ......ale Livy: From the foundation of the city Civil War and the road to autocr......e: Josephus on the Jewish Revolt ......s Marcellinus: the last pagan historia......haracteristics of ancient histor....... Christendom. The Bible and history: the people of God Eusebius: the making of Orthodoxy and the Church triumphant Gregory of Tours: kings, bishops and oth...
National Diet Library
- ContentsRomans, Greeks, and others on the banqueting Drinking in the tomb Banquetin......late antiquity The last banqueters Conclusion Glossar...
- Has FormatTable of contents Sample text
- Author HeadingDunbabin, Katherine M. D.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingDemosthenes. Greece -- History -- To 1...
- Note (General)Reprint of the 1914 ed. published by Putnam, New York, in series: Heroes of the nations.
- Title HeadingHeroes of the nations.
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe Greek background Eusebius of Caesarea Marcellinus The new classical historians The new church his......ians Procopius of Caesarea' successors The last early Byzantine historians The historians as a group.
- Note (General)...ted URL: Table of contents http: //catdir.loc.g...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe silver chair and the silver screen W. Starr On the origins of evil / Lawrenc......iardina God in the details / Naomi Wood Coming of age in Narnia / Sam McBride The chronicles of Narnia : for a......a / James Como The "correct" order for reading The chronicles of Narnia? / Peter J. Schakel The chronicles of Narnia : where......ce Aslan is on the move / Russell W. Dalton The beginning of the real story / J......s V. Schall Heathen eye for the Christian guy Carey Would the modern-day C.S......ttel Daughters of Lilith / Cathy McSporran The last of the bibliophiles /......C.S. Lewis and the problem of religion in scienc...
- Subject Heading...63. Chronicles of Narnia. Children's stories, E...
National Diet Library
- Contents... Early history of the Middle East, 1. History of the Middle East and the Aegean Region 2. History of the Middle East and the Aegean region,....... v. 3, pt. 1. The prehistory of the Balkans; and the Middle East and the Aegean World, ....... v. 3, pt. 2. The Assyrian and B......n empires and other states of the Near East, from the eighth to the sixth centurie....... v. 3, pt. 3. The expansion of the Greek World, e......a, Greece, and the western Medite...... 2nd ed. v. 5. The fifth century ....... 2nd ed v. 6. The fourth century....... v. 7, pt. 1. The Hellenistic wo....... v. 7, pt. 2. The rise of Rome to 220 B.C., edi...
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingCarlisle, George William Frederick Howard, Earl of
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)原タイトル: Demosthenes,or the last days of Greek freedom
- Additional TitleDemosthenes,or the last days of Greek freedom
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingDemosthenes. Greece -- History.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingDemosthenes Greece -- History -- Maced...
- Subject Heading (ID)Demosthenes Greece -- History -- Maced...
- Note (General)Reprint of the 1914 ed. publi......series: Heroes of the nation Includes bibliographic...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingDemosthenes Greece -- History -- To 14...
- Subject Heading (ID)Demosthenes Greece -- History -- To 14...
- Note (General)Reprint of the 1914 ed. publi......series: Heroes of the nations Includes bibliographi...