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National Diet Library
- Contents...lusion : state action and system-referen......trict scrutiny and functional rel......vance Religion and law : organizations and programs Privacy as structura...
- Subject Heading...ence. Religion and law. Race discrimination--Law and legislation. Social systems. System theory.
National Diet Library
- ContentsShocking the system : social movement press......t of political and legal change T......l responses to social movement pressure Why law fails : the ad......nistration of land law in the context......gressive state action Pushing and redefining leg......daries through social movement pressure.
- Subject HeadingLand reform--Law and legislation. Land reform--Social aspects. Land reform--Political aspects. Social movements.
National Diet Library
- malpractice and liability Key ......of malpractice and liability Proc......versus outcome and the standard of care Dam......onfidentiality and privileged com......g to subpoenas and court orders assessment and intervention N......oundary issues and dual relations......tal technology and social media Impaired social workers The na...... challenge for social work Supervision: clients and staff Client s......pervision case law Supervision of......eers Liability and social work education......documentation, and records Consultation in social work Referral in social work Social work documentation and records Evolution of social w...
- Subject HeadingSocial workers--Malpr......United States. Social workers--Legal status, laws, etc.--United States. Social workers--Legal status, laws, etc. Social workers--Malpractice. United ...
- Title HeadingSocial work malpractice and liability
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This essential Research Handbook provides a comprehensive and critical asses......ed to business and human rights f......shcolars offer and overview of literature and key trends and outlining an a...... The Research Handbook first both public and private initia......tate, regional and international ......lop, implement and enforce rules ...... construction, and finance - to a......mitigate risks and address busine......s. Scholars of law, regulatory go......, human rights and social sciences who a...... deeper understanding of the emerging business and human rights regime will find...
- ContentsIntroduction to the Research Handbook on Global ......ance, Business and Human Rights /......rt Van Calster and Jan Wouters Th......ty on Business and Human Rights: ......e, development and potential / Ra......Mares Business and human rights and regional on Business and Human Rights: ......e the National Action Plans making? ......o Transparency and human rights i......t legislative landscape / Robert Voluntary standards for business and human rights: reviewing and categorizing the field / Andreas Rasche The......of voluntary standards, sustainab......ertifications, and ethical labels......00 guidance on social responsibility / Stéphanie B...
- Subject HeadingHuman rights and globalization ......s enterprises--Law and legislation Social responsibility of business In...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... way that both social and both living and social creatures, a human action can never be u......ts of a person and the social scientific env......oting a deeper and more integrated understanding of human behavior and human health. what can, and could be, University, and the Research I......Economy, Trade and Industry. Cove......hy, geography, and policy, institutes, and many others, p...... the COVID-19 pandemic. Although ......avioral change and governmental p......gainst a huge pandemic. The book ......uilds to study social and life scientific aspects of hu...
- Contents... Past, present and future COVID-19 pandemic and behavioral of Florida and Ohio Integrating social sciences to mi......the infodemic: Social media and offline action in the COVID-19 pandemic Mapping CO......ID-19 in Japan and greater Tokyo ...... socio-spatial and political analysis of the epi...
- Related MaterialEconomics, law, and institutions in Asia Pacific
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... resurgence of social movements and confrontationa......avid Chiavacci and Julia Obinger ......erspectives on social movements and political acti......uneven path of social movements in J......teinhoff "Asia and the developmen......he periphery : social movements and global citizen......ghts' activism and xenophobic act......pper Fukushima and beyond : towar......itical culture and action repertoires? "Continuities and discontinuitie......ctivism before and after the Fuku......-nuke protests and their impact o......ctims' support law" / Ayaka Lösc......tions of youth social movements in J......, David Slater and Satsuki Uno Index.
- Subject HeadingSocial movements--Jap......participation. Social movements. Politische Beteili...
- Title HeadingMobilization series on social movements, protest, and culture.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- V. McIntosh and Laura J. Hatch......Supreme Court, social change, and the mobilizati......l mobilization and U.S. Supreme in property and civil rights c......e for justice, and the idea of ec......ittle property and a lot of home ......trum resources and implications f......human genetics and property right......enous people / Andrea Boggio Juri......ielle E. Clark and Christine B. H......ratic legality and adversarial conflict in land use regulation...... Susan Hunter, and Kevin M. Leyde......on From "wasteland" to "wetland" : Palazzolo, neoliberalism, and changing practices of coastal...
- Title HeadingLaw, property and society.
National Diet Library
- Contents... international Law / Giulio Barto......tect" doctrine and why it adds no......l humanitarian law / Sarah Williams and Gabrielle Simm......l human rights law / Marlies Hess...... International Law Commission in Limitation and derogation pro......l human rights law treaties and their use in d......ake preventive action and to reduce expo......e, operational and methodological......itarian actors and human rights i......mative role, standard setting and accountability...... international and EU law perspective / ......g the content (and contours) of information and freedom of exp......cardi Economic and social rights in times of dis...
- Subject HeadingInternational law and human rights H......istance--Moral and ethical aspects Disasters--Social aspects Disaster relief--Social aspects
- Alternative TitleHandbook of human rights and disasters
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The Research Handbook on Islamic Law and Society provid......ole of Islamic law as it applies in Muslim and non-Muslim soc......It illuminates and analyses the intersection of social, political, economic and cultural conte......ned to Islamic law for legal solu...... the Research Handbook assesses t......ion of Islamic law across six key areas: family law and courts; property and business; criminal law and justice; ethics, health and sciences; arts and education; and community and public spheres...... the Research Handbook serves to ......e that Islamic law is adaptable d......ifferent times and places. In addition, the Rese...
- Contents...ction: Islamic law in action / Nadirsyah Ho...... Part 1 Family law and courts 1. Colo......gacies: family laws in Singapore and Australia / An......Mesrati 4. ADR and Islamic law: the cases of the UK and Singapore 120 2 Property and business 5. Corporate social responsibility and workplace 7. Property law and trusts (WAQF) 3 Criminal law and justice 8. Cor......e 9. Blasphemy and apostasy laws in the in Islamic law: application i...... legal history and the criminal j......Nasimah Hussin and Majdah Zawawi ......Ethics, health and sciences 11. G......ic engineering and ethics in Muslim communities:...
- Subject HeadingIslamic law. Islamic law--Social aspects. 86.14 Islamic law.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."[This book] uses federal and state court de...... through civil lawsuits. Lastly, ......k of its kind, Law and the Holocaust ......1 photographs, and 3 maps." -- Publisher's websi...
- E. Genocide and U.S. law. Kiobel v. Roy......e IMT, Dachau, and NMT trials. Un......v. Immigration and Naturalization......e Victims B. Standing. Zivkovich ......nk; Schoeps v. Andrew Lloyd Webbe...... v. N.V. Nederlandsche-Amerikaans....... City of Portland; Weiss v. Amer......Application of Action and Protection v. National Socialist Party of Am...... Public Safety and Correctional S......ix 1 Nuremberg Laws (1933-35); Ap......ontrol Council Law No. 10 ( "Guidelines and Best Practices......Appendix 25 No Social Security for Nazis Act (Decem...
- Genre/Form TermsClaims. Casebooks (Law)
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction / Marise Cremona and Claire Kilpatr...... 1. Legal acts and the challenges......normal sources and institutional actions in the EU sov......sis management and the sovereign ......ark Dawson The social dialogue as a performance and future perspec......truments of EU law / Bruno De Witte and Thibault Marti......lli 7. EU acts and member state a......, colnclusion, and implementation of internation...
- Subject HeadingLaw--European Union countries.
- Note (Content) of European Law in Florence, the changing landscape of the EU......een legal acts and processes not create 'law' in the tradit......nalysed. This landscape is presen......ransformations and challenges to ...... of legal acts and the procedures......elf-regulation and collective soft law; and decision-makin......nal procedures and variations in ......tional balance and the roles of t......utional actors and challenges to the rule of law.--
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....y, victimhood, and memory. In 200......them of aiding and abetting the s....... courts, thousands of victims of......that the Truth and Reconciliation......ating in legal actions, but also by ......g new forms of sociality among themselves and in relation to......roup Khulumani and critical analy...... for the women and men living on ......y of Cape Town and in other parts......p by the state and broader societ...... for inclusive social change in a post-conflict set...
- Contents...epresentation, and class actions Embodied memory and the social The formation ......hic experience and anthropologica......f new forms of sociality.
- Subject Heading... Africa. Truth and Reconciliation......rica--Politics and government--19......ghts. Politics and government. Post-apartheid er...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."In recent years law and religion schol......urisdiction of law itself and limits of law – an important......ries of church and state, religion and law."--
- Contents...eral pluralism and the challenge ...... The challenge and promise of rel......on Heyking The social ontology of to autonomy and collisions wit......l human rights law analysis / Jer......rality : civic action and institutional ......ard Haigh When law, religion and family meet : ......ous neutrality and the liberal st......mpeting rights and spatial priori...... Esau Religion and the clash of r......rt V. Equality and religious free......effects claims and conflicts betw......e-France Major and Thomas Slade The Charter is n...
- Subject Heading...nada. Religion and law--Canada. Freed......gion. Religion and law. Canada.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc...., transparent, and answerable to ...... beneficiaries and other constituents. A process...
- Contents...n, efficiency, and the distributi......hakkar, Public and private ownership in Plato and Aristotle Malc......? Assaf Sharon and Shai Agmon, Justice and the market Ash...... public agency and action in migration Alexander Volokh, The ......w, Privatizing social service Jon D....... conservatism, and the fate of th...... Privatization and the intimate s......ns, corruption and privatization ......ion : promises and pitfalls Israe......f accounting standard-setting
- Subject HeadingPrivatization--Law and legislation Privatization--Law and legislation.
National Diet Library
- Contents...constitutional law? Alternative f......ak-form review and its implications Why and how to evaluat......urts The state action doctrine and social and economic right......zontal effect, and social welfare rights Enforcing social and economic rights.
- Subject HeadingJudicial review -- United States. Social rights -- United States. Judicial review. Social rights.
National Diet Library
- ContentsClearing and strengthening ......achary Elkins, and Tom Ginsburg Democratization and countermajorit......utions : power and constitutional......Chris Warshaw, and Barry R. Weing......mar Asadurian, and Anjali Thomas Bohlken Social foundations of......onstitution / Randall Peerenboom ......Rosalind Dixon and Richard Holden Collective-action federalism : a......bert D. Cooter and Neil Seigel Personal laws and equality : the...... John Ferejohn and Pasquale Pasqu......Eric A. Posner and Adrian Vermuel......achary Elkins, and James Melton.
- Subject HeadingConstitutional law.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc...., policymakers and researchers ha......putes through mandatory arbitration and a ban on class actions. Litigation in nuisance lawsuits and the increase i......e benefits of mandatory arbitrati......s, including Delaware corporate law.4 While resear......t benefits of mandatory intra-cor......s reduced cost and delays, relati...... the attitudes and interests of t......mpanies, small and medium-sized e......rprises, their law firms, and institutional ......rate conflicts and dispute resolution via mandatory arbitration"--
- ContentsThe U.S. class action from a : balancing social benefits and / Robert G. Bo......rsity of Texas Law Civil rights, to counsel, and injunctive class actions in the United......ty of Michigan Law School Class action nuisance suits......ffith, Fordham Law School The fut...... Lewis & Clark Law School Mandatory arbitrati......ia Gil Lemstra and Joseph A. McCa......urg University Law School Cold fa......ary challenges and class action reform / Jasmi......Montreal Class action in Brazil : ov......current trends and case studies /......igation / Neil Andrews, Universit......ambridge Class actions in Switzerland / Beat Bräen...
- Subject HeadingClass actions (Civil procedure)
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... women's legal and social equality, approaches, and grounding its ......logical theory and cultural philo......en, tax policy and the law"--Provided by publisher.
- Contents... Tax policy in action: gender budgeting Corporate social responsibility, and the possibilit...... families, tax law and the interaction of institution......ender, markets and tax policy Conclusion.
- Subject Heading...-- Taxation -- Law and legislation --......scal policy -- Social aspects.
National Diet Library
- ContentsConstitutional mandate of trade policy and trade protecti...... Primary trade laws in the past Trade law of the present......rade policy in action Trade disputes and settlements Ad......y institutions and effectiveness ...... trade policy, social cost, and trade policy reform.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... : composition and powers Scope o......he EU treaty : laws and lawmaking Principl......upremacy of EU law Principles of ...... applicability and direct effects...... principles of law Framework for Enforcement actions Direct action for annulment Action for failure to......lity in tort : action for damages In......nt of payments and capital Citize...... free movement and residence Econ...... establishment and services Free movement : social rights Right t......edom, security and justice : EU justice and home affairs law and policy Discrim......EU competition law.
- Subject HeadingLaw--European Union countries. Law. Europe--European Union count...
- Alternative TitleSteiner and Woods European Union law European Union law