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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... remembered as the first American......dicted. He fed the grotesque myth that the election was s...... bid to thwart the certification of Joe Biden's U.......vidly recounts the dramatic narrative of the January 6 losing U.S. democracy. For anyone se......lobal overview of democracy, an astute analysis of the forces that drive the dominance of the (neo)liberal paradigm of the last decades s......uld look no further than this volume. Yet the volume takes the issue further by vigorously documenting the decline of the U.S. treaty pr...... diplomacy and the doctrine of unpredictability). There is an urgent need for a mas...
- ContentsPart 1: Introduction - the American Democracy Chapter 1. Don...... Populism, and the Struggle to Save Democracy Chapter 2. Ame......t 2: Unmasking the Presidency Chapter 3. The Tenets of Trumpism and the Assault on Ame......can and Global Democracy Chapter 4. Trump, and Other Nationalist a......ery Chapter 5. The Agitator Supplies What the Base Demands: ......ump Chapter 6. The Post-election ......rt to Overturn the 2020 Election ......a Failed Coup: the Capitol Attack......p's Diplomatic Learning Curve and the American Evang......ental Maps and the Unraveling of the Liberal World ......r 9. Trump and the Performance of "the Other", a...
- Subject HeadingDemocracy--United States......--21st century Democracy Politics and government Unite...
National Diet Library
- ContentsA bias for practice : stories of improvisation ...... opportunities of street level d......ociation : a profile of Ellen Hiep Fro...... by step : a profile of Simen van der ......disaster : a profile of Joop Hofman The significance of building relat......ood work : a profile of Willem Giezema......ty building in the face of distrust : a profile of Tonie Boxman The evolution of the Amsterdam think tanks : a profile of Mercedes Zandw......elopment : a profile of Frans Geraedts......ial cohesion : the city of Amsterdam's responses to the murder of Theo van Gogh seen through the eyes of Marian Visser ......oek Challenges of immigration, radicalization, ...
- Subject HeadingMunicipal government--Netherlands--Amsterd......rganization--Netherlands--Amsterd......opolitan Area. Democracy--Netherlands--Amsterd......inistration--Netherlands--Amsterdam Metropolitan...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... a longer view of the continuing crisis of democratic capitalism as the American and back from the depths to which they had fallen in the autumn of 2008 and the winter of 2009.
- ContentsAn analytic narrative of the crisis. The calm before the storm : 2001-2006 ; To the abyss : Decemb......ptember 2008 ; The spectre of the Great Depressi......-Autumn 2009 ; The movement for f......e learned from the crisis? The fragility of finance ; Keynes redux ; The economics of uncertainty ; The crisis of macroeconomics The way forward. Reform you can b...
- Subject HeadingCapitalism. Democracy. Financial crises.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The American-led i......, forged after the end of the Second World W......end. This book of essays examines the character of the American order and considers the implications of what might emphasis on the prospects for liberalism, bro...
- ContentsKeynes and the elusive middle......athan Kirshner The end of social purpose......ransformations of American order / Mark Blyth The construction of compromise and the rise and fall of global orders ......ter Gourevitch The social democratic order and the rise and decay of democracy in Western Eur......rnia dreaming: the crisis and rebirth of American power in the 1970s and its ......ancis J. Gavin Of learning and forgetting...... populism, and the legitimacy crisis of globalization ......balization and the liberal order: disembedding a...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Local school boards in the United States ......t $600 billion of the public's money......mploy millions of Americans. They have a prime ......le, along with the home, in shaping the future for the country's young. Yet the more than 14,000 boards of education are ......eople have not the vaguest notion of how they operate and what impact they have. "School......, parents and other taxpayers, an......forever affect the ways in which they look at publi......chools and how they are governed.
- ContentsPreface A cradle of democracy The school board's......act on student learning Expenditures :......key employee : the superintendent Teachers : the heart of the enterprise The mirage of local control The special burden of special education The inner workings of school boards The good, the bad, and the ugly in the work of school boards ......esponsibility Other ways to govern schools Do school b...
- Author HeadingMaeroff, Gene I.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....fourth edition of 'The Sustainable Ur......ntroduction to the topic that is ......ate audiences. The 'Reader' begins by tracing the roots of the sustainable de......ent concept in the nineteenth and......c readings. It then explores dimensions of urban sustaina......nally, visions of sustainable from around the world. 'The Sustainable Ur...... a broad array of sustainable ci......cing it within the context of this evolving ......ative overview of the field using or......ental studies, the social sciences, and related ...
- ContentsList of Illustrations List of Tables and Box...... credits About the Editor Acknowl......ntroduction to the Fourth 1. Origins of the Sustainability......ion to Part 1 "The Three Magnets" and "The Town-Country M......'Garden Cities of To-morrow' (18......enezer Howard "The Land Ethic" fr......x Planning and The North End" from 'The Death and Life of Great American....../ Jane Jacobs "The Development of Underdevelopme...... Models" from 'The Limits to Grow....... Behrens III "The Steady-State E...... Nature" from 'The Granite Garden......d Development (The Brundtland Commission) "The End of Nature" from 'The End ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.From the Publisher: Sin......01, Muslims in the United States have become the subject of genuine curios......sment. Who are these Muslims? What is their history, and where do they come from? Do they share a common culture? Do they vary in their beliefs? Bringing together an unusually ......nal collection of essays and doc...... diverse group of Americans who call themselves Muslims......inds Islam" in the American exper......onial times to the present. Sampl......s, blogs, and other sources, narrative of Muslims from d......with a history of Muslims in the United States, featuring the voices of an enslaved African...
- Contents... Autobiography of Omar ibn 3: Islam in the Western Soudan......t Arabic order of the nobles of the mystic shrine ......true salvation of the 'American Negroes': the real solution of the Negro question...... 3: Holy Koran of the Moorish Scienc......i 4: Al-Islam: the religion of humanity (1950......rab Moslems in the United States ......dy?" from down these mean streets......Thomas 8: What the Muslims want" and "what the Muslims believ......rom message to the blackman in Am......d -- 3: Nation of Gods and earth......and "supreme mathematics" (1992) ......ual discourse: learning with an Islamic master (1993)...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet Library
- Contents...s. No Black in the Union Jack : the ambivalent patriotism of Black American......e Educators in the war on terrori...... "Children are the living message......Delaine Eastin The psychology of patriotism / M......patriotism and the Yankees: lesso......s W. Loewen Another way to teach .......C. : teaching the debate about p......ecruitment and the high school ba......Ayers. Weapons of fatal seductio...... : Latinos and the military / Héc...... A small space of sanity / Studs......otism good for democracy? / Joseph Kahn......l diversity in the classroom / Di......anzler. Toeing the line and the law : first amendment rights ...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
- Author HeadingWestheimer, Joel.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ext brings together pairs of specially relation to the nature, curren......ate and future of European integration. The contributors represent the whole spectrum of thinking about the EU and examine the most fundamental contemporary...
- Contents... Zimmermann 1. The European Union......John McCormick The end of the European dream...... Gillingham 2. The political efficiency of the EU. The EU as efficien...... Desmond Dinan The EU : quick to ...... / Derek Beach The new intergover...... democratic is the EU? The inevitability of a democratic d......much power for the judges? Understanding the European Court......Karen J. Alter The European Court of Justice : a st...... Rabkin 6. Can there be a common ......pean identity? The emergence of a European ide......athan White 7. The uncertain future of the euro. The euro has a fut......! / Amy Verdun The end of the euro mark I : a sc...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingEducation -- United States. Democracy.
National Diet Library
- Contents...t Chechnya: on the limits of the juridical model of human-rights a......ontinuities: profile of Memorial / Philippe Mangeot The trouble with e......handedness: on the politics of human rights a......h Gareth Evans Learning from dilemmas:...... Didier Fassin The sovereign, the humanitarian, and the terrorist / Ad......balization and the new solidarity......lder activism: the consumer dimension of stakeholder activism: the antisweatshop movement in the United States ......urie A new era of access to righ......d publicity: profile of the Council for Re...... / Yates McKee Ways Governance and...... / Meg McLagan The architecture of strategic com...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAn analysis of Christopher R.......talion 101 and the final solution......nd An analysis of John P. An analysis of Amartya Sen's An analysis of Susan Sontag's......hy An analysis of Max Weber's the Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism An analysis of Carlo Ginzburg's the Night battles ......arian cults in the 16th anf [i. An analysis of Geert Hofstede's culture......ns An analysis of Plato's the Republic An analysis of Virginia Woolf's a Room of one's own An analysis of Ferdinand de S......cs An analysis of Theodore Levitt's ......ia An analysis of David Riesman's the Lonely crowd : a study of the...
National Diet Library
- Contents...has happened : the course of events Changes...... and processes The ethnic mosaic ......hip, violence, democracy, and religion ......riodization 2. The colonial background Overview The colonizers' baggage What the Spanish built ......h America What the Spanish built ......ive changes in the 1700s The Portuguese-Bra...... variant Seeds of 3. A region of new nations fr......d preservation of monarchy Mexic...... rule to elite democracy Uruguay : inde......s delusions Northern and Western ...... and diversity The Caribbean : Ha......dependence and the Dominican Repu......ion and elite "democracy" Colombia : an elite "democra...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents http: //
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction / Craig Gibson The other Dewey : John Dewey's Democracy and education ...... : partners in learning that build bri......ated : service learning as mirror / Margit Watts Ways of thinking : doi...... Burke Hensley The winds of change : gener......ion Y, student learning, and assessmen...... education and their implications......ughan Engaging the future : meeting the needs of NetGen / Jo An...... S. Shapiro, Katherine McAdams Pe......rren Cambridge Learning, engagement, and technology J...
- Subject Heading...périeur) Bibliothèques et étudiants. Bibliothécaires scolaire......eignants-bibliothécaires.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingLearning the ways of democracy
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingLearning the ways of democracy
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingLearning the ways of democracy
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialOn the loadstone and ......s . Concerning the two new sciences . On the motion of the heart and bloo......n animals ; On the circulation of the blood ; On the generation of animals The school for wives ; The critique of the school for wiv......e ; Don Juan ; The miser ; The would-be gentleman ; The would-be inval......nice ; Phaedra The philosophy of right ; The philosophy of history . Fear...... good and evil The history of Herodotus . The history of the Peloponnesian War The origin of species by means of natural selection ; The descent of man and select......o sex Elements of chemistry . Ex......; Areopagitica The history of Don Quixote de la ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Organized into three parts, the ninth edition traces the impact that so...... or disrupters of American defense policy"--
- Contents...r Garcia ch. 1 Theories and Value...... Interest, and the Founding Principles of American Defen......Black Just War Theory: Revisionis......zar Systematic Theory and the Future of Great Power Wa......egic Solvency: the Crisis of American Milit......ry Primacy and the Search for Str....../ Eric Edelman The Next Liberal Order: the Age of Contagion Dema......y R. Nau ch. 3 The International ......llies 30 Years of World Politics......ey An Economic Theory of Alliances / Ri......ard Zeckhauser The Power of Libera l Inter......innemore ch. 4 The International ......nt Adversaries The Growing Challenge of Defining an "Enemy" / Michael...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingEducation -- United States Democracy
- Subject Heading (ID)Education -- United States Democracy