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National Diet Library
- Summary, an overview of the establishment and use of parish librari......and includes a thematic analysis of surviving marg....... This book is the first direct a......ailed analysis of parish librari......dy approach to the examination of foundation pra......accessibility, the nature of the collections, and the ways in which people used these libraries and read their books."
- Contents...ders and users of post-Reformati......rmation parish library books The spread of post-Reformati......rish libraries The parish libraries of Grantham, Ripo......Minster Parish library users and usab......ection Parsing the collections of early modern p......ti-Catholicism The importance of Scripture Sin,......pendix 1: List of books in the Gorton Chest parish library Appendix 2: List of books in the Turton and Wal......pendix 3: List of books in the Stone and Gill......inster chained library
- ISSN (series)1874-4834
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."In the seventeenth ce......that concerned the interests of members of functional eli......ifferent forms of participation ......iness was part of the elites' constituted the fabric of all public ins......stions notions of a print-based ......on newspapers, the court culture,......pondences and other archive archives in the Baltic Sea Region and beyond"...
- ContentsChapter 1. News in the era of the printing press......ure Chapter 3. The newspaper in s......ters Epilogue: The Baroque and the contemporary news market
- ISSN (series)1874-4834
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Of the leading print ......Wittenberg was the only one that ......a major centre of trade, politic......graph examines the rise of the Wittenberg pri......ow it overtook the Empire's leadi......t investigates the workshops of the four leading p......nberg during Luther's lifetime: N......eorg Rhau. Together, these printers conquered the German print world"--
- ContentsThe Beginnings of the Reformation Print Industry The Title Page Borders of Lucas Cranach Fraud in the Reformation Book Trade The Second Generation of Reformation Pr......1: A Catalogue of Wittenberg Counterfeits Appen...
- ISSN (series)1874-4834
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This edited collection offers in seventeen chapters the latest scholar......butors discuss the role that these catalogues p...... as in guiding the tastes of book collector......inspiring some of the greatest libraries of the era. Catalogues in the Low Countries,......ny, France and the Baltic region ......rtant products of the early modern b......tive tools for the history of the book. These catalogues offer a goldmine of information on the business of books, and they allow scholar......e questions on the distribution and ownership of books that would otherwise be extremely difficult t...
- Contents... Booklists and the Republic of Letters: The Case of Peiresc / Shanti Graheli The Auction Catalogue of Charles III of Croÿ's Library (Brussels, 161......rinted Private Library Sales Catalogu......ndert Jagersma The Art of the Steal: The Economics of Auctioning Boo......essons from Mattheus van Nispen's......Sale Catalogue of 1681 / Marieke......ies Building a Library in the Dutch Golden A......kland Networks of Devotion: Auct......Catalogues and the Catholic Book ......les Catalogues of Jewish-Owned P......e Libraries in the Dutch Republic during the Long Eighteent......ion and Change The Decline of the Frankfurt Book Fair after...
- ISSN (series)1874-4834
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."News in Times of Conflict traces the development and spread of the newspaper and the development of the printing indus...... in Germany in the first half of the seventeenth ce...... an inspection of all printed newspapers of this period, the book offers an overview over the regional and thematic reporting and the development of journalistic s......and ethics. It offers an examination of the coverage of two major events: the death of the Swedish king G...... Adolphus, and the execution of King Charles I of England. These case studies provide the opportunity fo......omparison with the newspaper mark......e, England and the Low Countries, and with the p...
- ISSN (series)1874-4834
- Subject HeadingGustav II Adolf, King of Sweden, 1594-1......harles I, King of England, 1600-......harles I, King of England, 1600-......II Adolf, King of Sweden, 1594-1632. German new...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Printers in the early modern L......n 152 editions of Ovid's Metamor......estigates what these editions can tell us about the early modern application of the popular ancien......text. Analysis of paratexts show......e to criticism of reading the Metamorphoses. The book combines two often separated fields of research: case study of how investigation into the material contexts of ancient texts ......ern receptions of antiquity"--
- Contents... Metamorphoses The Title Page: Credibility The Front Matter: ......s to Criticism of Ovid The Commentary: Ne......Dangerous Side The Index: A Filte......: Bibliography of Editions of Ovid's Printed in the Low Countries ......pendix 2: List of Library Abbreviations
- ISSN (series)1874-4834