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- Summary, etc.The Bloomsbury handbook of literary and cultural theory is the most co......f the state of theory in the 21st ce......sychoanalytic, and postcolonial criticism and new areas of r......, materialism, and many other fie......m of key words and important thin......n contemporary theory, making this a......or scholars of literary and cultural theory at all levels. -- Back cover.
- ContentsPart one. Essays 1. Early Theory / Paul Allen M...... Structuralism and Semiotics / He......t 3. Narrative and Narratology / ......Psychoanalytic Theory / Jean-Michel Goodman 11. Cultural Studies / John......ealon 13. Race and Postcolonial S......k 15. Biopower and Biopolitics / ......ativisms / Alexander Beecroft 18.......rattan 27. Antitheory / Vincent two. Terms and Figures.
- Title HeadingBloomsbury handbooks in literary studies.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The Glossary of Literary and Cultural Theory provides researchers and students with the vibrant and changing debates in literary and cultural studies. In a ......uently complex and ambiguous, thi......or its clarity and usefulness. Th...... includes more literary studies in the mix and has 25 brand new entries, a......animal studies and thing theory, 21st Century and future developments in theory - including te......tal humanities and 'post-theory' and new theorists,......uch as Agamben and Badiou"--
- Title HeadingCultural theory
National Diet Library
- Contentsv. 1. Literary theory from 1900 to 1......y Castle v. 2. Literary theory from 1966 to t......glestone v. 3. Cultural theory / edited by M. Keith Booker.
- Subject HeadingCriticism--Encyclopedias. Literature--History and criticism--Theory, etc.--Encyclopedias.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.(In)digestion in Literature and Film: A Transcultural Approach is a ......e, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan,...... Korea, Taiwan and the United Sta......represented in literary and filmic works. ...... the pathology and stigma assigne......ion, rejection and avoidance as e...... of resistance and defiance in th......strictive sociocultural, political, and economic normativities. As a ...
- Contents...e: Theoretical and Formal Contour......Class Politics and Food Symbolism......a, Gastronomy, and Strategic Exot......rink Man Woman and Tortilla SoupA......GarcíaPro-Ana and Mia Blogs and Care of the Se......WestWhite Pigs and Black Pigs, Wild Boar and Monkey Meat: Cannibalism and War Victimhood......termelon!" Fat and Thin in Macabe...... of Identities and Meanings Behin......The Vegetarian and the Anti-Femin......ry Perversions and Subversion of ......essive Hungers and the Grotesque ......digesting Food and Identity in Ig......'s Fecopoetics and Gendered American Pop Culture...
- Related MaterialLiterary criticism and cultural theory
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingMulticulturalism in literature.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... their fields, and designed to in......deas about the literary and cultural theory of the last half century, foc...
- Contents...ntroduction I. Literary Form: Narrative and Poetry 1. British and American New C...... Structuralism and Semiotics (Mar......rary Narrative Theory (James Phelan)......eader-Response Theory (David S. Mial...... (Matthew Gold and Rachel Sagner Buurma) III. Literary Locations and Cultural Studies 12. Th......13. The Verbal and the Visual (Ja......) 14. Foucault and Poststructural....... Schrift) 15. Cultural Studies (Paul ......ankfurt School and Its Successors......ew Historicism and Cultural Materialism (N......i) 20. Levinas and Agamben (Thoma....... Postcolonial Theory (Siraj Ahmed) ......ace/Literature/Theory (James Braxton Peterson) 24. ...
- Subject HeadingLiterature, Modern--History and criticism--Theory, etc Literatur......ophy Criticism LITERARY CRITICISM / General.
National Diet Library
- ContentsFood and labour / Tadeu......chwał Of foods and books / Lilian...... Drong Spirits and the discourse Wyk The pub and the Irish nati......s, chain saws, and the meataphysi......a papaya verte and Romesh Gunesek...... Vegetarianism and citizenship / ......n curry / Aleksandra Podgorńiak T......dla Sex, food, and magic / Rafel Borysławski Tas...
- Title HeadingLiterary and cultural theory ; v. 19.
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...ern -- History and criticism. Criticism -- Histo...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....y in narrative theory and has sparked a ...... unreliability and examines the r......f-deception. Standing on the bord......ween classical and postclassical ......higuro{u2019}s and Max Frisch{u20......on their œuvre and on unreliable ......thods Ishiguro and Frisch employ to explore the ...
- Contents...possible-world theory and world-construc......ychoanalytical and psychological theories and concepts Part ......wo: The retold and relived identi......ue: unreliable and unnatural narration in When W...
- Related MaterialThe Alumni and Friends Memorial Book Fund Ho...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, Melville, Grandma Moses, Thomas Hart Benton, and Andy Warhol, for e......hetic judgment and practice. This......can tradition, and a collection o......end pragmatist and process insigh......has in molding and assessing expe......rature, music, and film. Three es......l, historical, and cultural backgrounds. C......e, proportion, and the like, political, and social factors......New Criticism, and postmodern approaches to aest...
- Contents...dson 3. Peirce and Edwards on the......Between Nature and Art: Some Anal....... Axiological Landscape Theory: Uniting Aesthetics, Ethics, and Inquiry / Wesl...... 8. Experience and Signs: Toward a Pragmatist Literary Criticism / Ni....... Music, Time, and the Egress of Possibility / Randall E. Auxier 1......ny, Existence, and the Aesthetic ......ican Aesthetic Theory to Practice 12......s Light Spaces and Whitehead's Ae......iazin, Sartre, and Neville Walk i......ics of Serving and the Aesthetics of Ecstatic Na...
- Title HeadingSUNY series in American philosophy and cultural thought
National Diet Library
- ContentsMitchum Huehls and Rachel Greenwa...... neoliberalism and literature: an...... Neoliberalism and literary theory. Walter Benn M......ew materialism and neoliberalism ...... Neoliberalism and literary form. Matthias......porary realism and the temporalit...... neoliberalism and revolutionary ...... Neoliberalism and literary representation......ophone fiction Andrew Hoberek: Po...... Neoliberalism and literary institutions. ...... Neoliberalism and the demise of the literary Leigh Claire La Berge: The hu...
- Subject HeadingPolitics and literature--Un......ry. Literature and society--United States--Histo...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Hemingway burst on the literary scene in the 1...... short stories and brilliant held as a standard for modern ......ring the 1930s and 1940s, he The Old Man and the Sea in 195......pularity waxed and waned during h...... with his work and making him a f......ill sell well, and several are st......on high-school and college syllab......ent attention, and there is a res......y attention to-and approbation fo...... in literature and why reputations rise and fall as schola......ays to examine and interpret creative work. -- A...
- Subject Heading...961--Criticism and interpretation......961--Criticism and interpretation......on. Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.) Rezeption In...
- Title HeadingLiterary criticism in perspective
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... survey of the literary magazine from ......ization of the literary magazine in th...... of approaches and concerns. With...... chronological and geographical s...... possibilities and difficulties o......concept of the literary magazine, bala...... of key themes and examples with ......s book offers: Theory - it definitions and limits of what a literary magazine is and what it does History and Regionalism - ......oad historical and geographic swe......ew connections and offers expanded definitions ......ttle magazines and the popular mi......ction, comics, and digital ventur......e ambit of the literary magazine The Routledge Compan...
- Contents...he magazine in theory / Patrick Collier The literary in theory / Travis Kurow......ansnationalism and the literary magazine / Gra...... Serialization and the narrative scales of the literary magazine / Mat......s Visuality in literary magazines / Materiality and the American literary magazine in th......iality in 20th and 21st century literary magazines / Ol......ies I : comics and/as literary magazines : "o......opular fiction and literary magazines / Da......he business of literary magazines in n......eather Haveman Literary magazines and the challenge ......entury British literary magazines / Jacob Sider Jost ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The Oxford Handbook of Victorian Literary Culture is a m......igion, gender) and gives space to newer and emerging topic......eing: Identity and Ideology’, ‘Ways of Understanding: Knowledge and Belief’, and ‘Ways of Commu......icating: Print and Other Cultures......litics, gender and sexuality, place and race, religion......ence, material and mass culture, aesthetics and visual culture, and theatrical cul......erdisciplinary and yet its substa......oth implicitly and explicitly in, the nature and status of ‘literary’ culture and the literary from the Victo......t. The diverse and wide-ranging e......duate students and established scholars. is a ma...
- Contents.... Life writing and the Victorians......on 3. Politics and the literary / Josephine M....... 5. Liberalism and literature / L...... Globalization and economics / Ay......ictorians, sex and gender / Ann Heilmann and Mark Llewellyn...... The new woman and her ageing oth......y, militarism, and manly sensibil...... Empire, place and the Victorians......y, or, warfare and gamesmanship i......gender, genre, and South African ......ion, The Bible and literature in ......n 18. Religion and sexuality / Ja......s 19. Religion and the canon / Ma......y 20. Religion and education / Ma......ce, literature and disciplinary boundaries / Ali...
- Subject Heading...ntury--History and criticism. Popular culture and literature--Gr......ry. Literature and Literature and society. Popular culture and literature. Great Britain. Ku...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Focusing on significant and cutting-edge p......n's Literature and Culture presen......rint, digital, and electronic tex......arize students and beginning scho......h key concepts and main methodolo...... media formats and genres for tex...... distribution, and valuing of chi...... of historical and contemporary p......cally presumed and prescribed cer......sumed 'other,' and in recent visibility and voice; evolutions and trans-regional contacts and (inter)connect......ionalism, transculturality, and new digital fo......or considering cultural crossings and presented and contextualized, this volume i...
- ContentsPart I. Concepts and tools Theory / Karín Lesni......rstein Poetics and Pedagogy / Kar......n Coats Ethics and Historical Perspectives / Amanda K. Allen Children's Literary Geography / Björn Sundmark and Chrysogonus Si......: Posthumanism and New Materialis......tal Humanities and Children's Lit......Part II. Media and genres Picture......tte Wannamaker and Jennifer Miske......ies of Reality and Imagination / ......Joseph Theatre and Drama: Global ......rt Fairy Tales and Circulation A Study in Poland / Weronika Kos......n's Literature and Transnationali......istine Moruzi, and Michelle J. Smith Transcultural Comparison as Method: Korean ...
- Genre/Form TermsLiterary criticism.
National Diet Library
- man Ulysses and Manhattan tran...... transatlantic literary modernism.
- Subject Heading... Views on city and town life. Joy......-- Dublin (Ireland) Dos Passos, J......0 -- Criticism and interpretation......ative -- Irish and American. -- American and Irish. Moderni......rature) -- Ireland. City and town life in l......rature. Cities and towns in liter......e. Dublin (Ireland) -- In literature.
National Diet Library
- Contents...ics : theories and methods.
- Subject HeadingFolklore -- Study and teaching. Folk......ure -- History and criticism. Folklore -- Classi...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...ury -- History and criticism. Eng......ury -- History and criticism. Tra......key -- History and criticism. Travelers -- Turke...
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction, The blood and bones of moder...... between prose and poetry" : the ......So interesting and modern-- her gesticulating hands show her origin".
- Subject Heading...century. Press and politics -- New York (State) ...