Search results 1,559
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Since the birth of Sovie......igure, revered and reviled for hi......fascinate as a man who made history, and created the first Communist state, a model that nearly half the countries in the world. Drawing......rch, including the diaries, memoirs, and personal lette...... of both Lenin and his friends, V......n's biography--the first in Engli......tion of one of the most figures of the twentieth cent......trait of Lenin the man. Lenin was som......nting, fishing and could identify......e closest ties and friendships were with women. The long-suppressed story of the complex love triangle Lenin h...
- Subject Heading...924--Political and social views. ......on--Biography. State-sponsored terr......ope / Russia & the Former Soviet ......nion--Politics and government--1917-1936.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....native peoples and colonists alik......s emergence in the late 1800s. Br...... Bunk examines the development and social impact of these sports through the rise of profes....... As he shows, the various games as athletes and encouraged men......r education expanded in the nineteenth cen......ay, along with the arrival of immigrants from the British Isles, helped spark the creation of or......ized soccer in the United States-and the beautiful game......Soccer refutes the notion of the U.S. as a land outside of football history"-...
- Contents... North America The schoolboys' game Manly games of celebration and escape Steel C......o Collen Bawns and Bonnie Lassies Women and soccer in the early twentiet...... to war Ethnic and industrial soccer
- Subject HeadingSoccer--United States--History--19t......Soccer--United States--History--20t......spects--United States SPORTS & RECR......spects. United States.
National Diet Library
- Contents...ista McQueeney and Alicia Girgent......rls aggression and violence. 1. Girls and violence: moral panics and the policing of gi......a Chesney-Lind and Lisa Pasko 2. Constructing the "bad girls" hy...... / Tia Stevens Andersen, Deena Isom Scott, and Kelsey Collins......ersectionality and the news framing o......ista McQueeney and Alicia Girgenti-Malone 4. The female world of love and ritual violence: the Slender Man case and popular news d......aren Hayden 5. The new famous: de....../ Tammy Rhodes and Andrea Hunt Part I......riminalization and resistance. 6. All the rage: contextu......ersectionality and violence in delinquent girls'...
- Subject Heading... girls--United States. Bullying--United States. Violence in ......scence--United States.
- Title HeadingRoutledge research in gender and society ; 66.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)原タイトル: Man,the State,and War
- Additional TitleMan,the State,and War
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....veting tour of the unimaginably lucrative and corrupt oil-and-gas industry. ......journey around the globe--from Ok......inea--exposing the greed and incompetence of Big Oil and Gas. She shows......its neighbors, the United States, and the West's most im....... Chevron, BP, and a host of other industry players get their star turn, but ExxonMobil and the deceptively we......erge as two of the past century's......rate villains. The oil-and-gas industry h......s in developed and developing cou...... fouled oceans and rivers, and propped up aut......tarian thieves and killers. But b......ion takes down and eats a gazelle. You can't rea...
- Contents... a surrealist landscape Splendor and fragrance The genie Stolen g......hrugged A risk management problem......Who does that? The other 1 percent Ult......gic step Trust The handsome hero This ......o disco Such a man is born once e......assal All hail the mercenaries Hi......merica Because they could "We gre......ties back "All they have is this" "Constituency ...
- Subject Heading...ORY / Russia & the Former Soviet ......) Russia. Russland USA
The contested state : transnational battles for control of the Philippines since 1898 Second edition
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....context, using the Philippines Tracing the battle for control of the Philippines back to the Spanish era, the book offers insights into the broader transnational issues ...
- ContentsThe Sword and the Cross : The Spanish Coloni......-1898 Conquest and Coercion : Ear...... Amid Crises : The Road to Indepe......acy, 1917-1946 The Transition to "One-Man Democracy," 19......g" Democracy : The Impact of Auth......eople Power" : The Transition fro......oritarianism : The Path to Duterte, 1986-2016
- Subject Heading...ines--Politics and government United States--Foreign rela......ations--United States
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Since the 2006 coup d'état, Thailand has been riven......dern democracy and the rule of law, and another which holds to the traditional co...... monarch. Thailand has one of the world's larges......vant Buddhists and one of its las...... book examines the Theravada Buddhist......ations of Thailand's longstanding institution....... Patrick Jory states that the storehouse of be found in the popular litera......genre known as the Jātakas, tales of the Buddha's past lives. The best-known of these, the Vessantara Jā......ential in Thailand today. Using primary and secondary sour......p, Jory traces the history of the Vessantara Jā...
- ContentsThe Vessantara Jat......formative text The Vessantara Jataka and early state formation A Theravada Buddhist theory of monarchy : the ruler as bodhisatta The colonial chall...... monarchy Thai and western Buddhi......scholarship in the era of imperia......s Conclusion : the modern Vessantara.
- Subject Heading...Monarchy--Thailand--History. Buddhism and state--Thailand--History. Thailand--Kings and rulers. Bouddh......t État--Thaïlande--Histoire. Buddhism and state. Kings and rulers. Monarchy. Thailand. Tipiṭaka Sut...... Leitbild Thailand
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The first wave of ......cratization in the United States - the removal of property and taxpaying qualifications for the right to vote ......accompanied by the disenfranchise......ican men, with the political acto...... supportive of the former also the most insistent upon the latter. The United States is not unique......this respect: other canonical cas......ous expansions and restrictions o......ase studies of the USA, the UK, and France, Disenf......mocracy offers the first cross-na......nal account of the relationship b......emocratization and disenfranchise......ive to explain their co-occurrence, focusing on the politics of coalition-buildin...
- Contents...tents note: 1. The puzzle of demo......ement; Part I. The United States: 2. Revolutio...... democracy; 3. The 'monstrous spe......n democracy; 4 The white man's republic; Part II. The United Kingdom and France: 5. The fall of the Protestant constitution; 6. The republic through the side door; Conclusion.
- Subject HeadingDemocratization--United States. Democratizat......ffrage--United States. Suffrage--Great Britain. Su...
National Diet Library
- Summary, origins to the onset of the surveillance state in the digital age. "......its origins in the ancient world to the onset of the surveillance state in the digital age--that lifts the veil of secrecy from this clandestine world. Dramatic and authoritative, The Secret State skillfully examines the potential pitfalls of the traditional in......ligence cycle; the dangerous unce......nties of spies and human intelligence; how the Cold War becam......elligence war; the technological ......hat began with the use of reconna......n World War I; the legacy of happened; and whether 9/11 could ha......had adapted to the new world of international te...
- ContentsPart one: Setting the scene. A littl......ligence works: the intelligence c......our: On HUMINT and spies. Money: the Walker family'......Where ideology and ego mix: Ana Montes ; The one who got aw......sall ; Clinton and Pollard ; Joe ......bert Hanssen ; The grievance: Pen...... in action: Werther and the Battle of Kurs......HUMINT changed the world Part Fiv......r. On SIGINT ; The triumph of SIG......nce in action: the Cuban missile ......ation: Vietnam and Tet offensive ......ppur ; Telling the user: Barbarossa and Stalin ; On di......lipped through the net: Aldrich Hazen Ames ; The Avner Smit case ; The inadequate: Bradley Manning ;...
- Subject Heading...itary / United States. POLITICAL SCIENCE / Intelli...
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction: the everyday polit......thnic politics and elite competition: the roots of elect....../ Hanne Fjelde and Kristine Höglund Wielding the stick again: the rise and fall and rise of state violence durin......elections in Uganda / Anders Sjörgren Land conflict and electoral viol...... analysis / Matthew I. Mitchell The geography of v......illy Dindorera and Jesper Bjarnse......n, uncertainty and violence in Si......brahim Bangura and Mimmi Söderbe......s Ex-militants and electoral viol......arclint Ebiede The winner takes i...... networks, Big Man politics, and the threat of violence in the 2011 Liberian elections / Mar...
- Subject Heading...ence. Politics and government. De...... Wahl Politics and Government. Af......aran--Politics and government--21st century. Sub...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."In remembering the 1978 Iranian Revolution, there is a scholar......lving that, at the cultural and intellectual levels, the Revolution rep......l war opposing the "modernist" Pahlavi State to a fiercely ......ught template, the Revolution is ......ween modernity and tradition. a different and more nuanced a......rn, spiritual, and nativist discourse in both the Pahlavi state and the Islamist revolutionary moveme...
- ContentsIntroduction : the quiet revolution The allure of the "anti-modern" ......toxification : the case of Bonyad......chronicle of a man for all season......n modernities" The Shah : a "modern mystic"? The imaginary inve......tion : Iran in the 1930s and 1970s An elective affinity : ...
- Subject Heading...century. Islam and politics--Iran......ization. Islam and politics. Social conditions. ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Gathering and analyzing of i......igence work in the United States and Europe, howeve...... that combines the police with a ......siders to make the practice of acquiring and assessing transformed the ways in which participants gather, analyze and use intelligen......etty nuisances and violent crimes......rganized crime and terrorism. The book's expert ...... have reshaped the way police define and prioritize pub......fety concerns. The book compares centralized and decentralized ......ce not only in the English-speaki......ntries like Germany and France, whose ......y debate about the effectiveness of intelligence...
- Contents1. Introduction. The collaborative ......ierry Delpeuch and Jacqueline E. ...... enforcement : the influence of l......ponsiveness to the community, and police effecti......y G. Skogan 3. The joint producti...... in local risk management / Thier......Renaud Epstein and Jacqueline E. ......reflections on the role and use of online crime maps in the United Kingdom......Anna Barker 5. The English and Welsh experime......through police and crime commissi......e-led policing and the disruption of ......otifs, methods and morals / Nick ......: case working and intelligence / Peter Manning Part III P......s, legitimacy, and intelligence. 8. Street stops...
- Note (General)...F. Lemieux, P. Manning, T.T. Meares, C. Mouhanna...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This book provides the first comprehe......ive account of the work of the United Nations......constituted by the United Nations...... 1947 to study the situation in Palestine at the end of the British Mandate and make recommend......-Dror explores the various aspect......vity to understand how they came to determine the fate of the country's inhabitants. The book analyses the methods and motivations of the various member......ntion given to the personal viewp......each member of the committee. Thr......ror shows that the partition, debate, and compromise tha......h dependent on the characters and circumstances ...
- Contents“Without Recommendations” : Handing the Palestine Question over to the United Nations...... : First Steps The Encounter with......Palestine With Their Own Eyes The Hearings in Palestine The Testimony of the Arab States The Inquiry in the DP Camps : Drafting the Report UNSCOP'......mittees of One Man Each” : The Personal Views......SCOP's Members The Great Powers and UNSCOP
- Alternative TitleUnited Nations Special Committee on Palestine and the Arab-Israeli conflict
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....dding light on the reasons why the death rates during the pandemic were so hi......did not follow the sanitary rules imposed by their respective government and on the role played by...... also examines the impact of Sino......n Central Asia and the future may pose on the authorities in the near future. L......nalysis of how the pandemic has contributed to show the inherent vulne...... of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan by focusing on their immediate and future politic......e Professor at the Department of ......itical Science and International ......e Professor at the Department of ......itical Science and International Relations, Naza...
- Contents1. Uyat or the Culture of Sha......stan 2. Understanding the impact of misi...... psychological state of Uzbekistani......itizens during the COVID-19 outbreak 3. The "Sick Man of Asia" Explo......ese Sentiment, the BRI, and COVID-19: Kaza......tier Market in the COVID-19 Era: ......rsification in the 2020s 6. Kyrgy......ID-19 unveiled the deep-rooted structural proble...
- Subject HeadingCOVID-19 Pandemic, 2020---As......tral COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020---Po......tral COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020---Ka......stan COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020---Ky......e--Kazakhstan Pandémie de COVID-......Asie centrale Pandémie de COVID-......Asie centrale Pandémie de COVID-19, 2020---Kaza...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.The definitive and newsworthy biography of Israel's founder and longest-serving prime ministe...
- ContentsThe road to power The vow Scroll of ......ld Authority Scandals Unification......ness Holocaust and scism The limits of powe......elis Anxieties The nasty business The second round Yes to the old man The lavon affair Twilight Another kind of Jew.
- Author HeadingSegev, Tom, 1945- Watzman, Haim.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsIntroduction Preface Studying the state / Walter / Joseph G. Manning Fertile crescent city-states / Steven Garf......ovic Anatolian states / Trevor Bryce Jewish states / Seth Greek city-states / Mogens H. H......eek multi-city states / Ian Morris The Greek koinon /......Walter Ameling The Roman Empire I: the republic / Henrik Mouritsen The Roman Empire ii: the monarchy / Peter F. Bang The Byzantine successor state / John Haldon The Germanic successor states / Ian Wood The first Islamic empire / Chase ...
- Subject HeadingState, The--History--To 1......East--Politics and government. Me......gion--Politics and government.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.In DDT and the American Centu......ela chronicles the use of DDT around the world from 1941 to the present with a......cular focus on the United States, which has encouraging the global use of the pesticide. The banning of DDT in the United States in 1972 is triumph for the American envir......foreign policy and its use in int......ems of disease and famine made it......l component of the so-called American Century.--...
- ContentsDDT and the American century An island in a sea of di...... Disease, DDT, and development : the American centu......aly Science in the service of agriculture : DDT and the beginning of the green revolution in Mexico The age of wreckers and exterminators ......eradication in the postwar world ...... spring, food, and science during the Cold War It's ......: debating DDT and development under the law One man's pesticide is another man's poison : the controversy continues Rethink...
- Title HeadingLuther H. Hodges, Jr. and Luther H. Hodges, Sr. series on business, society, & the state.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....account of how and why bin Laden' rising from the dead. When Osa.......S. Navy SEAL, many prophesied In reality the opposite has o...... Why? Watching the Arab Spring fr...... opportunity: "The next stage will be the return of the caliphate." In the six years sinc...... metastasized, and the Islamic State, its most brut......claimed itself the reborn calipha......s told through the stories of the flagbearers of......raqi bookworm, and one of bin Lad......ive, lays bare the psychology and inner workings of al-Qaeda, the Islamic State, and their spawn and shows how the propagation of terrorism can ...
- ContentsIntroduction : friends and enemies Prologue : the old man of the mountain The snake with bro......eth Allegience The disaster The emir of the strangers Doctor, wise man, teacher, traitor The Syrian wars Those who loose and bind Steadfast......sion : slaying the hydra.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This handbook analyses elections in the Middle East and North Africa and seeks to overc......umptions about the linkage between democracy and elections. using five thematic sections,...... detailing how their case studies speak to the broad theme, while also detailing how their studies illu......trate specific themes within disentangle the various aspect...... as process in the Middle East th......g into account the different contexts where the electoral contest occurs and placing these into a broad......ative context. The findings from this handbook connect wi......nstrating that there is very little that is 'exc...
- ContentsElections in the Middle East and North Africa /......esco Cavatorta and Valeria Resta The functions of a...... safety valves and clientelism / Matt Buehler and Calista Boyd Elections and the management of plur......n Mauritania : the role of the military / Raq......l Ojeda-Garcia and Samara Lopez-R......l Engineering, and State-Managed Elections ......ectoral System and Political Inst......n, Party Unity and the Prime Minister......thal When free and fair elections...... fragmentation and unaccountabili......ions in Iraq : the case of the Communist-Sadr......ione Elections and democratic to one-man one-vote? Demands for reformi...
- Subject Heading...rties Politics and government Mid......East--Politics and government--19......orth--Politics and government--21st century Moye...
National Diet Library
- Contents...f cell culture The discovery of bacteriophage and the d'Herelle controversy The beginnings of ......ecular biology The history of imm......rferons Cancer and viruses Smallp......nza Poliovirus and other picornaviruse......Herpesviru HIV and AIDS Phage therapy and the future Viral o......colysis or virotherapy Gene therapy and viral vectors ......erging viruses Manufacturing viru......Plagues Before the Germ Theory 1.3 Development of the Microscope and Germ Theory 1.4 Vaccination in the Time of Jenner...... Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch 1....... Viruses 1.8 Human and Animal Viruses 1.9 Viruses and Cancer 1.10 Bacteriophage 1.1...